
How can I invoke this onkeydown event with a WebBrowserControl in C#?

<input onkeydown="if(isNumber(event)) { this.value = isNumber(event); ajax_submit(this.form); bump_recruiter(); el('altsubmit').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); return false; }" class="captcha" type="text" id="number" name="number" value=""> That is the html. I tried this within the webBrowser.Navigate method: javascript: ajax_su...

Using HTMLDocument to manipulate HTML and show it in WebBrowser-control

Hi, I am trying to manipulate a requested document in the WPF WebBrowser-control. I already managed it to invoke JavaScript on loaded document, but I am not able to change the shown HTML-code in the control itself. My (very simplified) code in the OnNavigating-Handler looks like this: mshtml.HTMLDocument doc = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)...

How to intercept each request of WebBrowser and forward to a webproxy ?

I'm working on a WinForm WebBrowser and I want to forward each request to my web proxy and receive the response from the web proxy, the web proxy will forward the response directly to user, include headers and content. I need change the URL and postdata for each request. About the page navigate, I have implement the method in AxWebBro...

browser features database

I'm looking for some comprehensive list of web browser compatibility with various versions of standards like javascript, CSS, DOM, HTML.. I know about quirksmode.org, but I'm hoping there are other good resources as well. ...

WebBrowser Issue with Late Bind object/property names

There are issue with using WebBrowser late bind calls related to object/property names generation. For example: WebBrowser1.Document.DomDocument.Forms.Myform.mycontrol.Value = "test" will fail with more than one instance of the WebBrowser control what actually happen is that mycontrol object become Mycontrol and compiled vb.net appl...

Long delay [~1s] between browser attempting to connect and Socket.Accept()

Overview of the problem: I've been playing with writing custom http server apps for a while now. I found out that when any web browser connected to my server app, there would be a 0.5-1 second "latency" (according to Google Chrome), before the request was handled [which would take milliseconds] I eventually tried to make a dummy progra...

Click an HTML link inside a WebBrowser Control

C# Visual Studio 2010 I am loading a complex html page into a webbrowser control. But, I don't have the ability to modify the webpage. I want to click a link on the page automatically from the windows form. But, the ID appears to be randomly generated each time the page is loaded (so I believe referencing the ID will not work). Thi...

Javascript support in C++ WebBrowser Control? - Same Domain Bypass?

I can't seem to get all Javascript functionality to work on the WebBrowser Control (linked below) This could possibly be due to the same-domain issue - local html files have some ajax that calls address on external server. Is there a way to modify the control to omit the same domain? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa752040(V...

Quick Way to Convert Existing CSS Layout to IE4 Friendly?

The built-in WebBrowser Control in Visual Studio apparently only supports up to IE4. When wrapping your typical jQuery/jQuery-UI, some layout errors abound. Is there an easy way to convert the webpage's layout to IE4 friendly (I'd imagine, table-structure rather than div-based etc)? ...

Embeddable Cross-Platform Web Browser?

I'm wondering if there is a Web Browser that I can embed in my Applications and that is cross-Platform (Windows, OS X, Linux)? I'm undecided about the programming language, but I guess I'll have to go the C++ route (in which case I'd likely choose Qt as a GUI Framework) unless something for .net/mono or Java exists? Doesn't need to be ...

C# Webbrowser Control: Navigating to a List to URLs

Hi all I am working on a web crawler. I am using the Webbrowser control for this purpose. I have got the list of urls stored in database and I want to traverse all those URLs one by one and parse the HTML. I used the following logic foreach (string href in hrefs) { webBrowser1.Url = new Uri(hre...

Web browser to WPF image drag and drop

Hi, I have a window set to allow drop and my Drop Event Handler is working fine for images dragged in from Windows Explorer. But dragging in pictures from a web browser has some quirks. In Firefox, I am only getting .bmp files with random names. Images from IE 8 (haven't tested others) only show a Not Allowed mouse cursor. I guess t...

Disable scripts in WebBrowser Control

I have a HTML page that I want to display in a WebBrowser control, I only want to preserve its layout. It can be any page downloaded, I want it to be static (non-interactive), meaning no javascript or Flash, but the user can still use scrollbars to move around the page. I am thinking of stripping out all tags except for basic tags (img...

Disabled form fields style in Windows 7

Hi, I just recently upgraded to Windows 7 and I have noticed that styling for text form fields across all browsers is non-existent. With Windows XP it was very obvious which form fields were disabled, but now I can't tell. Are there any style settings I could use to fix this? Thanks! ...

How to change filename prompt text browser Save As dialog?

Hello, In my web page (rendered by Rails), I'd like to let the user right-click on a photo to bring up the browser's Save As dialog, to let the user save the photo to their hard drive. However, the photos on my server have unusual filenames (long hex names) with no file extension. The filename prompt in the Save As dialog has this ugly...

Suppressing the Save/Open Dialog box in a WebBrowser control

Hi all, I have a WebBrowser control that is automatically logging me into a website and attempting to download CSV data automatically. Everything is working fine, except, when it tries to download the CSV data, it is popping up a dialog box, asking if I want to save the file or open it (just like in IE). What I am trying to do is automa...

c++ native WebBrowser timeout catching

I can't google for C++ for some reason, like it ignores ++ completely and returns me stuff on C#. That aside, I have never used Visual C++ before (Windows Forms app) and I can't figure out how to catch any errors in the WebBrowser. I'd like to pop up a message saying that the server is offline and exit the application if navigation c...

In C#.net how to handle browser objects innerHTML like xml to use DOM or etc.?

Hello, I have a webbrowser control. I navigate it to some address. When it loaded i want to pick only urls from inside this codes. Is it possible to handle the html like xml? If it is possible i can use othe DOM properties too. Any xml like ingredient container object to pass the html into it? Thank you. ...

How to make RSS feed as auto discoverable in asp.Net

In my asp.net 3.5 C# application I had RSS feed in some of my web pages.I am using SyndicationItem object to prepare RSS feed and using using System.ServiceModel.Syndication dll to prepare RSS page. I want them to be auto discoverable i.e The RSS feed button in IE at the browser level should get highlighted when we go to the page with R...

Hide/Unhide Div JavaScript functions not working in IE, Safari, and Chrome

I am trying to cause a div (which contains a table) to hide based on a users selection from a dropdown. It works fine in FireFox and Opera, but IE, Safari, and Chrome do not work. Any suggestions? <style> .hidden { display: none; } .unhidden { display: block; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function hideDiv(divID)...