
Problems using webbrowser control with ie7 and anchors

I'm seeing some very strange behavior when using a c# webbrowser control and a link with anchors in it. Oh and this behavior only seems to occur in ie7 in ie8 it's fine! I've created a simple form with a webbrowser control. I've added a new WebBrowserNavigatedEventHandler to load in some html after the browser has loaded the first pag...

Two-Way Communication Between HTML in .Net WebBrowser and WinForms application

When using WebBrowser control I would like to pass an object from javascript code to C#. Solution is known - using ObjectForScripting property of WebBrowser and invoking methods from javascript code using window.external. I know how to do that, but I would like to create object with given type in javascript and pass it to C# without u...

Attach Watin to WebBrowser (WPF)

I've scoured the internet (including answers from this site) but nothing appears to work for me. Does anyone know the correct approach to attach WatiN to a WebBrowser instance (Windows Presentation Forms version)? Most of the answers I've read tell me about 'ActiveXInstance', which is not visible in the WPF version of WebBrowser. I've ...

Within the webbrowser , is it possible to make a <DIV> element focus?

I am using a WebBrowser object to render text which is presented in a table format. This WebBrowser is embedded within an Eclipse plugin project. In order to comply the accessibility requirement, I need to make each entry in the WebBrower to have focus when using the up / down arrow keys to navigate through the entries so the screen rea...

C#: How do I get the document title from a WebBrowser element?

I'm having issues trying to get the document title from a WebBrowser in C#. It works fine in VB.NET, but it won't give me any properties in C#. When I type in MyBrowser.Document., the only options I get are 4 methods: Equals, GetHashCode, GetType, and ToString - no properties. I think it's because I have to assign the document to a new...

How to pause execution yet keep webbrowser control loading in C#.

I'm trying to make a web browser that tells me when a specific video is done. I already know how to get the time in seconds of how long it takes. I just need to know how to wait to execute the next step without stopping the webbrowser control (which needs to play the flash video). Any ideas? I've been looking into the Timer class, but c...

c# WebBrowser Flash fullscreen - ESC won't exit fullscreen

Hi! I have a big problem! I have a swf inside a html page. If I open it with IE or FF and put it into full screen I can exit full screen with the ESC button. Now if i try this with my WinForms app and WebBrowser (or ShockWave Flash Object) it's not working?? Any ideas? Thanks! ...

handling the Web Browser back button

People, I have a web application and im having a few issues with validation when the user clicks the back button. It shows all the validators as failing when the user clicks back Can i disable the back button or is there another solution Thanks Sp ...

getting HTML source or rich text from the X clipboard

How can rich text or HTML source code be obtained from the X clipboard? For example, if you copy some text from a web browser and paste it into kompozer, it pastes as HTML, with links etc. preserved. However, xclip -o for the same selection just outputs plain text, reformatted in a way similar to that of elinks -dump. I'd like to pull ...

WPF WebBrowser NavigateToStream & images

Hello, I'm planning to use thw WebBrowser component to display html that is created on the fly. The perfect choice for this is NavigateToString or NavigateToStream methods. There's only one single problem - I need to load images / css styles / js files too. How do I accomplish this while using string/stream? As an option I'm also consid...

What does it mean when a CSS rule is grayed out in Chrome's element inspector?

I'm inspecting an h2 element on a web page using Google Chrome's element inspector and some of the CSS rules--which appear to be applied--are grayed out. It seems that a strike-through indicates that a rule was overridden, but what does it mean when a style is grayed out? ...

How to disable drop on wpf webbrowser control

How can I disable dropping of files on a System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser? From the documentation it would seem that this behaviour should be disabled by default as it is inherited from the UIElement.AllowDrop Property. However dy default I can drag and drop files on to a WebBrowser control. Further to this it seems I can't disable th...

WebBrowser Control from MFC — How to Inject Javascript?

This is like the question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/153748/webbrowser-control-from-net-how-to-inject-javascript But i don't know how to transform this code into good old MFC C++ code. For example what is the InvokeScript method, i can't find it anywhere. Isn't .NET webbrowser the same as IWebBrowser2 ? ...

Clicking on an MSDN URL in MS Word document opens it in IE only

Now that heading doesn't look like it is a problem. Here's the full scoop. Paste this link into an MS Word document. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd264736.aspx Click (or Ctrl + Click, whatever your settings are) on the link. For me, it always opens up in IE, whatever my default browser happens to be. Now, copy this link in...

What is the means of terms "Normal Flow" and "Out of Flow", in terms of HTML, CSS and Browser?

What is the means of terms "Normal Flow" and "Out of Flow", in terms of HTML, CSS and Browser? ...

C#: How can I send a PHP session variable to a WebBrowser control?

Okay, I am using the following code to navigate to a page in my WebBrowser control based on information entered in a login form: private string currentUser = usernameTextbox.Text; private string currentPasswd = passwordTextbox.Password; public static byte[] StrToByteArray(string str) { System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new Syste...

Google Maps inside Delphi 2009 Application

Hi, In this project my aim is to create a software via GoogleMaps in Delphi 2009, it will be like this one but in different way. In this project the user can add a point on the map and in every point beside the icon I will add some information and these information should be relate with the icon, so if the user want to click on one of t...

Whats the mechanism of data caching in web?

I used to think that cache is browser driven and browser dont request the same file again if they think data is being repeated but reading some text on web, I realize that it is website that tell browser for which files should be not requested twice. Can anyone clarify me on this? ...

Inject JavaScript with jQuery at runtime into WebBrowser

I have desktop application with WebBrowser control and try to inject JavaScript into loaded page. For this I added two script elements: private static void AddJQueryElement(HtmlElement head) { HtmlElement scriptEl = head.Document.CreateElement("script"); IHTMLScriptElement jQueryElement = (IHTMLSc...

Ajax PHP MYSQL on enter

I am using the below code to search a mysql database but cannot get the form to submit when the return key is pressed. Does anybody have any ideas? function ajaxFunction(){ var ajaxRequest; { // Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safari ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e){ // Internet Explorer Browsers try{ ajaxRequest = new...