
how to insert the correct activex object in a MFC dialog

More exactly, the web browser control. In a WM6 dialog based MFC project. This is driving me nuts. Mr Google does not know a thing on this matter. I have tried embedding the "Microsoft Webbrowser Control" in my dialog box but at runtime I get some class not register error. I have heard that this happens because "Microsoft Webbrowser Cont...

How to get response headers from WebBrowser control in .NET ?

After WebBrowser.Navigate() how to retreive response headers returned by server ? ...

How to start up your .NET program from web browser?

Could you provide example of JavaScript function for starting up application installed on your computer from a web browser (eg google chrome 4). It particular if .Net APPs have any special simplifying this process apis of out there are some libs for such staff, please share link with us. so how to create and store in run on start up p...

What HTTP headers are required to refresh a page on back button.

I'm trying to get a page to refresh when navigated to from the back button. From what I understand after reading around a bit I should just need to mark the page as uncacheable but I can't get any browsers to refresh the page. These are the headers I've currently got: Cache-Control:no-cache Connection:keep-alive Content-Encoding:gzip ...

How WebBrowser control detects AJAX call fires up

Either managed (WPF/Winform) WebBrowser control or unmanaged COM, how does (ax)WebBrowser detect when an AJAX call fires up? and when callback is returned? ...

cross browser compatibility

HI All, I m a web designer and working in html and css so i m using linux machine as our company provide us, The problem is that when i am going for compatibility with windows it gets very problematic to me so plz tell me is there any site where i can check my web site in all browser of windows and mac where i get a good result as expec...

How to save a complete webpage using the built-in webbrowser in c#

Overall I am trying to write out a webpage to PDF. There is a web service that I can use to convert a file to pdf. So what I am trying to do is save out a webpage from the WebBrowser winforms control. I have already tried writing it out the document stream but that just gives me the html of the page and not the images that are used w...

Browser image rendering performance

I'm investigating the image rendering performance of different browsers but I'm not getting very far. I've found out that Firefox and Chrome both use libpr0n, but I can't find any benchmarks/performance info about it - how do I get started? ...

How can I embed images within my application and use them in HTML control?

Is there any way I can embed the images within my exe (as resource?) and use it in generated HTML ? Here are the requirements: A. I want to show dynamic HTML content (e.g. using webBrowser control, VS 2008, VB .Net, winForm desktop application) B. I want to generate the HTML on-the-fly using XML and XSL (file1.xml or file2.xml transfo...

Can a browser maintain multiple sessions with one server?

Is there a way to maintain multiple sessions with one server within the browser? Here is what I am trying to accomplish: User1 has exclusive access to ContentA and User2 has exclusive access to ContentB. I want to be able to allow User3 to login multiple times, to allow access to ContentA and ContentB. I admit that this scenario seems ...

How can I create a WebBrowser control (ActiveX / IWebBrowser2) without a UI?

I cannot figure out how to use the WebBrowser control without having it create a window in the taskbar. I am using the IWebBrowser2 ActiveX control directly because I need to use some of the advanced features like blocking downloading JAVA/ActiveX/images etc. That apparently is not available in the WPF or winforms WebBrowser wrappers (b...

How to get or make a WPF WebBrowser with a visual.

Having problems related to WPF WebBrowser not having a visual. Reason being, that it actually a wrapper around the winforms browser. Anyways, I searched the web for any solution to this problem, and got hold of the following suggestions: http://chriscavanagh.wordpress.com/2009/08/25/a-real-wpf-webbrowser/ http://rob.runtothehills.org/...

Script Errors in Silverlight WebBrowser Control

Hi, I am showing a HTML page with a Flash video player on it in a Silverlight app using the WebBrowser control. The site itself is displayed perfectly and everything works just fine. But when I want to close the player component, I somehow need to completely dispose the current HTML page with the flash player. I tried navigating to a...

TCP Server to push data to a Web Browser

Hi, I have a TCP server, which is connected to a web page via a Web browser. It is easy to send a request to the TCP server by the web page via the Web Browser, but is there a way that TCP server can push data to the web browser, without waiting for a request from browser side?? My initial idea was that this is impossible, since a brows...

load page with inactive scrollbar

I have a page that scrolls through images, some taller than the others. When a tall image loads it auto-creates a scrollbar in the browser window, causing a width jerk. Is there a way to load a scroll bar regardless of if it is needed, and when a tall image apears it activates itself accordingly, then deactivates its self accordingly whe...

How to change the HTML text to Right-to-Left order when rendering the text within a WebBrowser.

hi, I am using a WebBrowser to render some HTML text. The WebBrowser is located within a rich client. I can detect the window's orientation when the rich client is launched. How do I make the text rendered within the WebBrowser to be dispayed in RTL order. I have tried body.setDir("rtl"), but it only aligned all the text in the Web...

How can I call a method on a custom object created in JavaScript using C#?

I have a WebBrowser control. I have added some JavaScript into the head tag and I can see it is working as expected by adding an alert. Inside of this js I am creating a function and adding some members to it's prototype like so: function test() { } test.prototype.run = function() { alert('success!') } function createTest() { ...

Can I set values to inputs inside of my WebBrowser control?

I have a web page loaded into a WebBrowser object. What I want to do is access the elements on that page to input data. For example, enter username and password and submit the form. How is this possible? Any ideas? Could I use HTMLAgilityPack to access the elements and set their values? ...

WPF web browser navigating is getting called twice & hence seeing navcancl.htm page

Hi, we are implementing a WPF webbrowser in our desktop application in c#. The browser is given the uri and its purpose is to display the same. It works fine but sometimes it displays the navcancl.htm page. Upon debugging we found that in this case our URI is getting changed by appending res://C:\WINDOWS\system32\shdoclc.dll/navcancl.h...

Need Help Evaluating Javascript From HTML Without WebBrowser

Hello I need help !!! I am trying to evaluate javascript from html page based on HTML (I mean some of the variables in javascript function are using html tag id ) I need to use it multiple threads (Not UI) so this means that i can not use WebBroser. I can not use Eval.JScriptEvaluate because the javascript depends on the html Is t...