
Problem using Winforms WebBrowser control as editor

I am currently working on a project where I am using a WebBrowser control as an editor. I have design mode turned on and it seems to be working. The issue im having is when I try to save the Document and load another it pops up the "This document has been modified." message. What I am trying to do is as simple as this if (frontPage) { ...

How do you get the File:// protocol to work in IE8?

I am running a website on my local machine ("http://localhost/asdf") and trying to get some file:// protocol links to work. In reality I'm trying to open a folder, not a specific file, but I can't get either to work. I've put localhost in my "trusted zone", I've tried every combo of "file" ,":", some number of "/" and then a whole bunc...

HTTP PUT a file

Does anyone have code of a simple web browser file/script (HTML/javascript/whatever) that can upload a user selected file to a server using HTTP PUT? Everything I keep reading says that browsers do support HTTP put, but just not through any scripting?! What is the most common way to upload a file then? Using post?? ...

Detect WebBrowser complete page loading

How can i detected WebBrowser control complete loading? i tried to use Navigate and DocumentCompleted events but both of them raised a few times during document loading! ...

web browser for Windows CE 5.0 - problem with installation

I've got a windows CE device without Internet Explorer installed. I need a browser to test WiFi connection but I cannot find anything. I cannot build the system, I have to use the current one. I've tried to run Opera, Skyfire and some other less known browsers but none of them works on my device. Opera doesn't support Windows CE (cab fi...

How to make WebBrowser control with transparent background?

Hi all. I try to make my WebBrowser control transparent, so if the HTML loaded into it has no background, the underlying window should be visible. I`ve broke my head trying different ways. There is a transparent background in Microsoft Sidebar application. In gadget`s HTML <g:background> tag can be used, but this tag is not available i...

Is there any issues with always self closing empty tags in html?

Are there any browser issues with always collapsing empty tags in html. So for example and empty head can be written like this <head></head> but is can also be written like this <head/> Will the second case cause issues in any scenerio? Thanks ...

Compare browser versions via javascript

How to compare browser versions via javascript? For example if script wants to know if user is using Firefox 3.5+ Is there any way? ...

WPF WebBrowser NavigateToString vs NavigateToStream (hebrew/non-utf8 encodings)

When I use WPF WebBrowser's NavigateToString method to display UTF8 html (with hebrew text in it) it's displayed perfectly. However, when I try to use the NavigateToString to display html with hebrew text in it in a non-utf8 encoding (CodePage 1255 to be exact) the hebrew is messed up. I checked the cp1255 string in Visual Studio's deb...

Fixing Chrome resizing behaviour

<div style="background-color:red;width: 300px;"> <div style="float:left;border:1px solid yellow;">AAA AAA AAA</div> <div style="float:left;border:1px solid green;">BBB BBB BBB</div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> Pasting the above HTML here: http://htmledit.squarefree.com/ And then zoom out in Chrome, you will see tha...

How to log into a website using webbrowser control and username & password stored in variables.

Hi I want to be able to log into a website via C# webbrowser without any user input. I want to get the username and password from local variables. I hope someone can help me. Please give clear C# code examples. ...

Is it possible to play audio with ipod webpages?

I would like to have a page and either use m4a or ogg (other formats are ok but these are my preference) on my webpage. Does the ipod touch or iphone support webpages with audio? If so, is it HTML5 and what audio formats? (if html5 i'll assume i can use the audio object in javascript and not be forced to use the audio tag). ...

How to detect double click on WebBrower control?

In a WinForms application I need to detect when the contents of a System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser is double clicked which in turn opens custom winform dialog box. I note that WebBrowserBase disables the Control.DoubleClick event but I've not worked out how to override this behaviour. ...

get VerticalBar from com.ibm.rcp.browser.service.WebBrowser

Hello, I am using com.ibm.rcp.browser.service.WebBrowser to render some HTML text. I also need to accomplish this UI requirement when there is a hyperlink clicked at the bottom of the page: "Allow more entries to be displayed in the view: When the user clicks more, additional entries should be displayed in addition to the ones which are...

.NET Setting a cookie in a WebBrowser control

I am loading a website using a WebBrowser's Navigate function, and I want the browser to load the page with a cookie I've given it. The following code doesn't work: wb.Navigate(url, null, null, "Cookie: " + cookie + "\n"); What am I doing wrong? Will I have to use InternetSetCookie? This doesn't seem like the best solution....

How to open webpage in HIDDEN default browser? DELPHI

I have been trying to open a hidden default browser from delphi but coulnd't. I tried ShellExecute(self.WindowHandle,'open','www.google.com',nil,nil, SW_HIDE); and I get my chrome browser open but not hidden, and it opens a tab not a new window, also tried with TStartupInfo with the same results. Is there another way to achieve this?...

How to handle HTML rendering in WebBrowser control?

Is any way to handle a WebBrowser control event when HTML page is started to render? Edit. For example, in asp.net we have OnRender, OnPreRender, OnLoad, OnPreLoad events of web-page life-cycle. OnLoad in asp.net is something like Navigated for WebBrowser, the idea is to handle event similar to OnPreRender. ...

Browsing activities outside the visited website

Is there a way a Web site can learn something about your browsing activities outside of this Web site from an HTTP request sent to the Web site by your browser? ...

Web browser.navigate("www.somesite.com") Load page in window but Webbrowser.Document returns Null

Hi.. I am using Web browser control in a window form. Here i am navigating to some site with 1 parameter. It is loading the page into web browser but when i am looking for webbrowser.document to find some html tags so it is showing NULL for it. I want to find out All Anchor tags in webbrowse Loaded page. Following is my code. webChatP...

,NET webbrowser navigating to special folders

I have c# application that includes webbrowser control. Recently I could not navigate it to My Computer and My NetworkPlaces. Can someone help? ...