
Creating a web chat facility in visual studio 2008 using Visual Basic

I am creating a web chat facility in visual studio 2008 using Visual Basic,I want to be able to highlight certain keywords that are sent and received to each user, can someone please tell me how I can do this? Thanks in advance ...

What objects/events are exposed by the GeckoWebBrowser DOM that can be used within a C# form?

What objects/events are exposed by the GeckoWebBrowser DOM that can be used within a C# form? ...

How to make TWebBrowser ignore accelerator chars of others controls?

I have a TWebBrowser placed on a form with the designMode enabled. Bellow the browser I have a close button with the Caption set to 'Clos&e'. When I am editing the contents of a document inside the WebBrowser and I press the key E the button close is called. It appears that it is treating TWebBrowser like other controls that don't handle...

AutoClick button in webBrowser?

What i'm trying to do is automate the clicking of a button if a condition is met but there are other buttons that are on the page that have the same name, but do different things. Example: Accept Button-->Some random Text1-->more random Text1 : "onclick=randomwebpage.com/12345.php" Accept button-->some random Text2-->more random Text2 :...

tbody tag element and DOM

Hi i want to use HtmlAgilityPack with WebBrowser control, but i have a problem. DOM is different because IE adds tbody tag element after table. Why? How i can disable it? ...

Is it possible to enable or disable xmlHTTP object from Browser?

In Mac OS, Fire fox Version 3.6.3 is blocking XMLHttp Object in one machine but it didn't block in same set of OS and browser versions in other machine. Is there any way to enable or disable xmlhttp from browser? ...

Webrowser which emulates the iPhone browser

On the Mac I got the iPhone Simulator but under Windows and Linux enviroments I need a webbrowser which emulates the behaviour and size of the iPhone browser. I'm not looking for a website with a frame with the iPhone screen size but an actual application. Prefably webkit based so it will behave as much like the iPhone as possible. It sh...

Mono Winforms Mac OS X Replacement for WebBrowser

I'm one step away from having my Windows .Net application working on Mac OS X, and the last thing I need to figure out is the WebBrowser control. I need to display a webpage and not much more with winforms but haven't been able to find any examples or information on how I can replace the WebBrowser control on Mac OS X Has anyone alrea...

IHTMLTxtRange.execCommand("Copy",false,null) fails due to IE settings

We have a .Net application that is used for editing/rendering customized HTML documents. It is hosted in IE using the AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser controls. We proceed with navigating to "about:blank" page initially then we change the Document by writing our custom values into it. The problem we are facing is the call to IHTMLTxtRange.execCom...

How to run two WebBrowser instances on the same PC with different users

I am using WebBrowser Control in the WinForms application (C#). I want to write program which can put Login and Password for some user and test some functionality. It's working fine when I am running one Application instance, but I have problem when I am trying to run two app copies with different users - both instances are working with ...

Set JavaScript events in WebBrowser control

Hi I have a WebBrowser control and try to set onclick and href attributes on all links. foreach (HtmlElement link in webBrowser1.Document.Links) { link.SetAttribute("href", "http://www.google.com"); link.SetAttribute("onclick", "return false;"); } It works well. When i out source code of outer html i see that attributes w...

BeforeNavigate2 does not return URL parameters

I have a C++ program that display a browser using the Microsoft WebBrowser control. I pass hints in the URL parameters to the code so that alternative actions can be taken rather then simply allowing the browser to navigate to the new page. For example, I might pass the URL "WRITE.EXE?RUN" to indicate that I want to run the executable i...

WebBrowser Control in ATL window. How to free up memory on window unload? I'm stuck.

Hello there. I have a Win32 C++ Application. There is the _tWinMain(...) Method with GetMessage(...) in a while loop at the end. Before GetMessage(...) I create the main window with HWND m_MainHwnd = CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW | WS_EX_LAYERED, CAxWindow::GetWndClassName(), _TEXT("http://www.-website-.com"), WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 1024, ...

C# Webbrowser control - Defining document loaded

Hi DocumentCompleted will work after all dom elements loaded (images, flash and etc.). And I am waiting when all dom elements are downloaded to work this document. How can I define when documnet (page) loaded (when client see the page)? Is there any event to define when document LOADED to client? ...

InvokeMember("click") webBrowser help

I am trying to automate a web page via the weBrowser and the button that i'm trying to click has no ID only a value. here's the html code for it: <td width='10%' align='center'><button class="buttonf" onclick="window.location='staticpage.php?accept=123456' ">Accept</button></td> I can't useGetElementById as the button has no ID. If I ...

WebBrowser control not navigating to links to "file://" protocol URIs

I am setting the DocumentText property to an HTML string that contains links like: <a href="file:///D:/dir/file.html">NewPage</a> The links are shown properly in the WebBrowser, but nothing happens when I click them. The Navigating, Navigated and DocumentComplete events do not fire - nothing seems to happen at all. AllowNavigation is ...

Persistent connections with pipelining

Hi: I have a question about the behavior of a browser( especially Firefox ) tackling with persistent connections: Must all the requests sent in one pipelined persistent connection direct to the same server? What about a request specified by user from address bar -- may it reuse an already established persistent connection to send its ...

Is it possible to sendkeys / Post Message directly to a HtmlElement rather than to a webbrowser control?

I would like to send keys to a c# web browser control element directly, not just the window with the correct focus. Right now I am able to send a key using PostMessage and documentHandle and focus like this i.e. Pseudo Code HtmlElement el = getelement(); el.Focus(); IntPtr docptr = browser.Handle; PostMessage(docptr,WM_KEYDOWN,1,0);...

Ms Access. How to resize a web browser in Access Form?

Hi, I have a web browser in my access form. I am embedding a gif file on it. but how ever i re size it there is a white border coming in the top and left side. The adjustments take place only at the bottom and right side. So when i embed a gif file with black background i end up getting a white background on the top and left sides, how d...

Special case when calling InvokeScript with the winforms WebBrowser control does not work

I am trying to use InvokeScript method on the WebBrowser control to execute a script on the web page that has been loaded into my WebBrowser control. If I am calling just a simple javascript function, this works properly. However, the javascript function that I am trying to call is nested within a variable like this: var holder = { ...