
How to insert an HTML table into a WebBrowser control C#

Hi There I am using the .NET WebBrowser control to as a WYSIWYG html editor. I've been using the ExecCommand to do the formatting function fine so far, however I now want to add a table inserter. The problem is I can only seem to Append the table to the document, not insert it half way through. Below is some basic test code, if anyo...

Open Certificate Information from Web Browser Control

Does anyone know how to open up the "Certificate Information" screen based on the SSL from the WebBrowser control? ...

WPF WebBrowser, unable to run Javascript and applet in Popups windows

Hello All, I have a desktop application that has a control with a WebBrowser control inside. Everything works fine except with Siebel CMR popups. When it opens a new popup , Siebel tries to load an applet in the popup window but it doesn't work , it works fine in the main browser. This works perfectly with IE also. It seems to be relate...

How can I give values to webBrowser control text boxes ?

Please go to this website : http://www.dofellow.com/ and see the software video. This guy is giving values to webBrowser control text boxes from database / datagrid / textbox etc. Can anyone tell me how is he doing that ? I think every website have different ids for text boxes then how he is giving values to those fields ? Also, how i...

Disable javascript in .net webbrowser control or set timeout when calling it

Hi, im using http://smallsharptools.com/Downloads/SmallSharpTools.WebPreview/ in a web application where WebPreview creates thumbnails of given URL. It works fine as long as there is no javascript prompt on the page. If there is it never finishes loading and timeouts. I assume Webbrowser object it creates waits for user input. I know ...

Printing pdf without opening

Hello there, I want to open a PDF-print dialog (not regular browser dialog) without visually opening the document so that I can print a pdf without having the header and footer information from a regular webpage print. I know this is possible, because I have seen it in the past on a postal service website for printing postage labels, b...

Cookies not sent in WebBrowser? (C#, VS2008)

Hi, I'm trying to add cookies to a webbrowser from a cookiecollection. I add them as they should be added but then they are not sent when the request is done. Here is the code I have done hitherto: public void myNav(string url, CookieCollection cc) { foreach (Cookie cook in cc) { ...

JavaScript code that can enable the text on the webbrowser to blink once.

I have window application and on that there is one webbrowser control and I want to display the text on the webbrowser blinking one time and then it should not blinked more, is it possible ? I have done with one javascript but it blinks the text frequently but I want text blinking only single time or maximum two time.The java script is...

Which Javascript version(s) does IE8 supports?

According to Wikipedia, IE8 only supports Javascript 1.5. So they are saying IE8 completely ignores Javascript versions 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9. Should i trust? Is it true? thanks m. ...

VB.NET WebBrowser control not navigating to a local document

I have this code set up to navigate to a certain .html document depending on what's selected from a ListBox: Private Sub FileList_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FileList.SelectedIndexChanged HelpWindow.Navigate(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory & "help\" & fileArra...

Two Questions about the WebBrowser Control

How can I get an HtmlElement if the source code doesn't have the "id=''", but only has the "name=''". Document.GetElementById() doesn't work, and Document.All[""] doesn't work (obviously, because there is no ID. How can I simulate a form post? Question 1 is more important because I found it harder to search. Question 2 I think i can g...

How to embed a web browser control in a cross-platform application?

hi, I need to write quickly this application: a simple window that wraps a web browser control, that runs html pages. The Browser UI (e.g. Navigation buttons) should be suppressed. As a .net developer, I would embed the WebBrowser OCX in a Windows Form. But this has to run on Mac as well!! I found the following cross-platform candidat...

Locking down RAD Studio internal browser security.

I use Firefox as my web browser, mostly for access to add-ins such as Flashblock and No-script. I noticed yesterday that the RAD Studio internal browser used for the Welcome Page etc has scripting and Active X etc enabled. Is there a way to disable scripting, or better still, block all access to non-local sources in the built-in browser?...

Javascript resizing with window.open and WebBrowser control

I'm using WPF WebBrowser control and handling NewWindow3 events using following code: IServiceProvider serviceProvider = (IServiceProvider)webBrowser.Document; Guid serviceGuid = SID_SWebBrowserApp; Guid iid = typeof(SHDocVw.WebBrowser).GUID; SHDocVw.WebBrowser wb = (SHDocVw.WebBrowser)serviceProvider.QueryService(ref serviceGuid, ref i...

.NET C#: WebBrowser control Navigate() does not load targeted URL

Hey guys, I'm trying to programmatically load a web page via the WebBrowser control with the intent of testing the page & it's JavaScript functions. Basically, I want to compare the HTML & JavaScript run through this control against a known output to ascertain whether there is a problem. However, I'm having trouble simply creating and ...

flash player embedded in asp page which is opened in webbrowser control in .NET access through windows application in C#.NET

I am develoing a windows application in C#.NET. In one of my winform I have added a WebBrowser control. In this webbrowser control I have opened an asp page from my local website. Now in this webpage there is one flash object which is used to play swf files. Now my question is can I access this control from my winform? If so then how? ca...

Customizing the WebBrowser control in Windows forms

I'm trying to customize the behavior of the WebBrowser control in a Windows forms application. The follwing code works, but as soon as I call SetOptions I get a huge memory leak every time I navigate in the web browser. If I don't call SetOptions I get no memory leak. Has anyone tried this before? [ComVisible(true)] public class Custom...

How to download media content on demand and reuse from browser cache in silverlight

Hi. I have a problem with simple silverlight app, this app has a couple of buttons, each button sets mediaelement source to a short mp3 file and plays it, my problem is that when i press the same button second time it re-downloads mp3 file again but i think it shouldn't, instead it should use a copy of browser cached mp3 file that was do...

How to use watin with WinForms web browser control ?

Is there any way which would allow me to use watin's functionalities from my web browser control? simply i want to use watin with my web browser control i don't want my application to open a new window ,i need it in my web browser control. ...

Threading multiple WebBrowser in VB .net

I'm building a multiple webbrowser inside tabs( 1 predefine webbrowser control per tab) and I want them all to load at the same time or other words must run in thread. Unfortunately I feel a valid fact came from the error message that this is something not possible. Pls help me to check my simple program code below and its error in case ...