
Change default browser in Visual Studio 2010 RC

In Visual Studio 2010 (RC) there is no longer a "browse with" context menu when right clicking .aspx pages. How can you change the default browser now? By default it seems to use the operating system default browser, but I would prefer to use IE when debugging ASP.net apps. (I am testing this with ASP.net MVC 2) ...

Server-side web browser for PHP?

If you wanted to re-create the DOM server-side and manipulate it in PHP, how would you choose to go about it? I'm looking for a fast, multi-user complete server-side web browser that can interface with PHP and run complete Javascript. Like Jaxer but something I can use with PHP... an extension would be fine, or even an Apache mod. Ide...

Automate Form login in website using Webbrowser control

I'm automating form login in a certain site using the WebBrowser control. Having the client id of the textbox, password and button login, I'm able to do it. The question is, can I still do it without identifying the id of the button and simulate a click? ...

How to find from GUI whether Client Side scripting or server side scripting is running

We have a GUI which runs on ASP.NET 2.0 framework (Client-Server model). From the support perspective how can one find whether the pages which are opening on GUI at any point of time is a server side scripting or Client side scripting. The reason why I ask this is because I understand that some of the codes are executed by the browser s...

Find element feature

Hi, I want to write ie based web developer tool with find element feature. i am using c# and wpf and my application should looks like ie developer tool: or firebug: Any suggestion? ...

C# webBrowser control cannot find htmlElement after Ajax webpage update or in frame

Using webBrowser control in a winForm. but when the webpage is updated by Ajax or in a frame, I cannot use webBrowser1.document.getElementById et. to find that htmlElement. the element also won't show in the View->Source code in IE. any one can help? the untimate purpose is to find that htmlElement and simulate a click or other function...

WebBrowser.Print() wait until complete. .NET

I am using a WebBrowser control in VB.NET and calling the Print() method. I am printing out using a PDF printer and when Print() is called it is not immediately kicked off (it waits until it has completed running code for the entire Sub or block. I need to make sure the file I am printing too is complete and continue process with this ...

Disable JavaScript error in webbrowser control

Hi, I am developing a windows application with a webbrowser control that navigates to a sharepoint site. My problem is that i am getting JavaScript error. How can i disable the JavaScript error? I don't want them to pop up. ...

How to make a web browser with tabbed browsing with vb 2008?

I've tried multiple times to create a web browser with tabbed browsing. I know that I have to use "tab control". I have succeeded in creating a semi-tabbed browsing. People are able to add new tabs, but the webbrowser component only appears in one tab page. Coding: Form1_Load: Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, B...

Create controls from code - VB.NET

Hello everyone, I want to know if I can create a WebBrowser through code in Vb.NET, instead of dragging a webbrowser into the form. Simple enough to say, I would greatly appreciate your help. ...

Acrobat Reader ActiveX in WebBrowser stealing focus [C#]

I'm using webBrowser.Navigate(url) control to display page. I noticed this action steals focus from current control (grid) and than I have problem to focus grid back (tired myGrid.Focus, .Select etc...) This is really annoying behaviour of browser... Does anyone knows how to prevent focus stealing by Browser or (if not) hot to force to ...

What happens to my web application if JavaScript is disabled?

Hello, I'm learning jQuery and am about to write some pages using intensively that library. I just learned that some user disable JavaScript on their browser (I didn't even know that was possible and/or necessary). Now, here's my question: What happens to my web application if a user disable JavaScript? For instance, I'd like to displ...

How to hide HtmlElement in webbrowser control

Hi, I have a webbbrowser control that navigates to a page that contains an image, and i want to hide or delete this image from my webbrowser. I've tried to set on DocumentCompleted event the method below with no luck: webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("imgToHide").Style = "display:none"; How to hide an htmlelement from a webbrowser...

how to open a page in another browser instance by clicking on a link

i have a link <a id="DownloadLink" href='controller/action' target="_blank">Download File</a> that has to open a image in another tab or page. but it offers me to download the file. my action looks like this public FileContentResult GetSurveyFile(int Id) { if (Id == 0) return null; Su...

openning files in another browser page/tab

i have an action that return a file content. i added: Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attactment; filename:\"" + survey.File + "\""); so that the image would be opened in another tab/page, gets opened in the current tab/page. whats wrong with the header? ...

How to set a proxy for Webbrowser Control without effecting the SYSTEM/IE proxy

How can I set a proxy for a Webbrowser Control without setting a proxy for IE? Basically I want my application to use a certain proxy however obviously I don't want to change user's IE proxy settings. ...

Restricting browser from showing file open dialog box in .net compact framework

I have developed a web browser in .Net Compact Framework and i need to restrict the users from downloading files which in turn will show the file open dialog box and expose the internal files from the device. I need to restrict the browser from showing file open dialog box. ...

Windows Service WebBrowser DocumentCompleted Bug

I've been building a Windows Service to create a WebBrowser object to navigate, login, and download a site's HTML. However, I recently discovered this bug which prevents the DocumentCompleted event from firing if the WebBrowser is not visible: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/259935 I've got to assume this is because the Windows Service...

Web Servers and REST Methods

Most web browsers support only HTTP methods like GET and POST and do not support PUT and DELETE. If so, does web servers like IIS and Apache support it? Why should them support if the web browsers don't supports them? Those methods can be used for something else? ...

IN Asp.net, fixed the sized of browser

Actually when i run the project browser size appear little smaller which breaks the UI, is there any option to make it fixed sized ...