
Prevent FileDown in WinForms webbrowser control

i need to block file download in webbrowser control in C#.net.. how can i do it? ...

How to fill WebBrowser TextBox's?

I want to log on to this site with my company's user and password from a winforms application, I am displaying the page on a webBrowser control, any Ideas? ...

Client Browser detection in Vaadin

I want to set different themes to my Vaadin application, depending on the user agent. In particular I want to distinguish at least between mobile devices (iPhone, Android,...) and desktop web browser. Vaadin's API reveals two interesting classes: BrowserInfo WebBrowser BrowserInfo seems to do the job perfectly for my needs, but fail...

HTML Control in Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional

I have an application which hosts the WebBrowser control; it runs fine on WM5 and WM6. On my WM6.1 Professional device, I seem to not be able to control HTML elements with CSS. A page rendered in IEMobile does not behave the same in the control on the 6.1Pro device. On WM6 and 5, things are fine. Any suggestions? ...

HTML Headers for blocking file download prompt in webbrowser control in C#.net

is adding header in webbrowser.navigate ok to block file download prompt in webbrowser control in C#.net? ...

no default browser set

I have to replicate an issue and for this I need no browser set as the default browser even if its installed. Is it possible to have no browser set as default browser? If so, how should I do it? Anotehr question, if I have a couple of browsers installed, say IE and firefox and I set firefox as the default browser. Then, if I uninstall ...

VC++ WebBrowser Control .Net Dependancies

Does webbrowser control depend on the .NET Framework when used in VC++? ...

Open a web browser in C# XNA?

Under certain conditions, I would like to open a web browser of some sort directly from a C# XNA game. The browser would be pointing to a site I would specify. Is this possible? ...

android open url from code

How to open an URL from code in the built-in web browser rather than within my application ? I tried this : Intent myIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(strURL)); startActivity(myIntent); but I got an Exception : "No activity found to handle Intent{action=android.intent.action.VIEW data =www....

Why GlassPane doesn't work with JDIC's WebBrowser ?

I have the following program to test GlassPane, but it doesn't work with JDIC's WebBrowser, does anyone know what I did wrong and how to make it work ? import org.jdesktop.jdic.browser.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.net.*; public class Test_Panel extends JPanel { static WebBrowser web...

Loading images from various sources in QTWebKit

Hi I am trying to create a "smart" web browser to load local images. Basically it works as a GUI for an application. I am using QTWebKit to power the browser, the problem is that the images of a given page can be found in different places, some are local files, others are in different resource files. For example: an HTML node to load i...

IE7 default form method is "GET". How can I tell if it's user-entered or default?

If a user creates a form without a method attribute, it seems like most browsers will handle this at the time of form submission. So upon inspection of the form element after the DOM is ready, you can see that there is no "method" attr of the form element object. IE7, however, apparently sets a default method value of "GET" on all forms...

WebBrowser.Navigate(...) throws COMException

Hi! Developing an Internet Explorer command button, that will open a specific web page once clicked. A snippet of code (IEApp is a reference to an instance of IE.WebBrowser.): IEApp.Navigate(sURL, ref one, ref two, ref three, ref four); The above line throws the following COMException: Exception Source: Interop.SHDocVw Exception...

Error Message When Web Browser Don't Have Support Of Scripting

I'm developing a site that I know because of the site theme that it will be accessed on mobile devices and Internet Explorer For Windows CE 1, 1,1 and 2 don't have support for the <script> tag(as you can see on this table). Then I want to build a way that when the user have a browser that don't have a browser with scripting support it wi...

Http Digest Authentication, Handle different browser char-sets...

Hi all, I tried to use the Http Authentication Digest Scheme with my php (apache module) based website. In general it works fine, but when it comes to verification of the username / hash against my user database i run into a problem. Of course i do not want to store the user´s password in my database, so i tend to store the A1 hashvalue ...

question about System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser

I use a System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser control in my application: private System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser objBrowser; Anywhere my objBrowser navigated, I want it to have this javascript function: function alert(message) { window.external.handleMessage(message); } that overrides alert function. When i use this: private void obj...

Java Applet In Web Page Does Not Respect Set Look And Feel

I am trying to set the look and feel (LAF) of a Java applet that is used via a web browser. I wish to set the system default LAF, but when loaded in a browser, the applet returns to the Metal LAF. When I run it as a stand-alone applet, the LAF is applied correctly. The only item I am showing the user is a JFileChooser. I have tried a...

How does JavaScript `Date` object determine the locale of the users browser?

I am trying to understand how the JavaScript running in the various browsers determines the locale that will be used by the JavaScript Date object when using the method toLocaleString. I have changed the language and locale settings of my system through windows control panel and I have also changed every browsers language settings to t...

.NET Compact Framework - Displaying Silverlight Websites

Hello, I'm building a Windows Mobile application, based on WM 6.5 Professional SDK. I need to display a website created with Silverlight, but standard WebBrowser Control doesn't seem to support Silverlight. Is there any other way, to display Silverlight websites? Any other controls? Thanks in advance for any help, MattheW ...

WinForms Web Browser control forcing refocus?

I'm trying to automate a web process where I need to click a button repeatedly. When my code "clicks" that button (an HtmlElement obtained from the WebBrowser control I have on my form) then it brings focus back to my application, more specifically the WebBrowser control. I wish to better automate this process so that the user can do oth...