
WPF WebBrowser control: mouse wheel scrolling and Document.execCommand stops to work properly after I added event handlers

I have a WPF WebBrowser control. After I added several events handlers in this way: m_eventHelper = (HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event)Document; m_eventHelper.onclick += new HTMLDocumentEvents2_onclickEventHandler(OnMouseClick); m_eventHelper.onmousedown += new HTMLDocumentEvents2_onmousedownEventHandler(OnMouseLButtonDown); mouse wheel scro...

access the IInternetHostSecurityManager::GetSecurityId Method to work around a cross domain iframe issue

After much research it appears to create and use our own security manager in the web browser control in IE we need to override the GetSecurityId method for both IInternetHostSecurityManager and IInternetSecurityManager as at some point they are compared and if found to return a different result they throw a UnauthorizedAccess exception. ...

Web Sockets questions

Hi, I have a couple of questions concerning Web Sockets. The latest Firefox 4.0 nightlies support Web Sockets. So does Webkit (Chrome 4 + Safari 4/5). Internet Explorer 9 is supposed to feature Web Sockets at some point according to Microsoft (before the stable release). Anyway, my questions are: I am building a JavaScript admin int...

Webbrowser doesn't show scrollbars and can I add touch?

In WM6.5 a have a simple form with a webbrowser control. I open a local file and fill this page data to the document.text 1. On some phones you see the page but no scrollbar? 2. On my phone and in the simulators I have a scrollbar. If you put your finger on the screen and move vertically you only highlight the text. What I would like i...

How can I get all the visual attributes of a text in a HtmlElement inside a WebBrowser?

I just need exactly those visual attributes (font, size, color, etc.) that the WebBrowser itself use to render the text. They have to be somewhere otherwise the WebBrowser wouldn't know how to show the text. ...

What is happening when you enter

First URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It will be very difficult to remember an IP address. Instead of remembering the IP addresses URL came like www.intrepidkarthi.com. Url normally contains three parts. For example http://intrepidkarthi.com/index.php. Here "http" refers to the protocol it uses. Then the server name and then the...

Do web browsers store information in forms while processing is happening?

Hi, Im creating an application and i want to know whether or not the browser will store the information in the fields if an error occurs so i can just send the browser back or should i store everything in a session and then place things back as they were with the session? I am developing my application in JSP and Servlets. Thanks in Ad...

How to get the current cursor from a WinForm WebBrowser control?

I'm having problems with getting the current cursor from the WinForm WebBrowser control. It's always returning the Default cursor. Mouse cursor changes depeding on what element it currently is on. If it's over a link then the Cursor changes to "Hand"; if on a TextBox then it becaomes an "IBeam". So, I want to somehow get that informatio...

which browser to start with? IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari?

We all know the difference rendering on different browsers and various support for styles and other things on different browsers. While start developing a site, which browser would be optimal to start and then to proceed with convincing other browsers by various methods. For e.g. Is it ok to start with IE and then do the necessary chan...

c# webbrowser control, navigates on dynamic menu hover?

I have a form in my winforms app that acts as a built-in browser. It uses the .net webbrowser control. Pretty simple. I have a textbox as an address bar, and buttons for control. When I navigate to my website, my website uses a .net menu control to present a hover menu. When I hover over the menu (using my browser form), the address bar ...

Webkit Flaws? Why shouldn't Webkit be used as a baseline for HTML/CSS development?

I have started using Safari as a baseline for all of my web development projects, then using workarounds where appropriate for issues with other (mostly older) browsers. As far as I understand, Webkit is the most standards compliant layout engine available right now (am I wrong?), and it appears to be "leading the pack," so to speak, wit...

Python Webbrowser question

I'm opening a webpage in the default webbrowser on the system using python's webbrowser module. I want to check if the site is already open in the browser and only open a new tab/window if it is not. Otherwise reload the already opened page. Is there a way to do this with webbrowser module? If not, is there any other module i can use t...

Set focus on Flash object hosted in a WebBrowser control

Hi, I've searched here and with Google but I can't find an answer to this. Our app uses the WebBrowser control to display SWF flash objects to users. This works fine with the mouse but some deployments only have a remote control with arrow keys. The problem is that when the Flash object loads WebBrowser.Navigate("c:\mypath\myflashfile....

python - refresh with webbrowser module

Hi I need a code portion to refresh the current page. I get the controller object from webbrowser module and start my webpage. And at a certain point I want to refresh my page inside the python code. According to the documentation at http://docs.python.org/library/webbrowser.html, when I call the open() function of the controller objec...

Android - Need help opening a url in the phone's default browser

I'm trying to make test-program that opens a website by pushing a button. I have made a listener and everything, my problem is just that, the url-opening-script makes an error and tells me "Uri cannot be resolved". Here's the script I use to open up an webpage: Intent browserIntent = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW",Uri.parse("ht...

Any apps (such as IE) that goes through Wininet has the 2k length limit on URL -- what about other browsers?

Any apps (such as IE) that goes through Wininet has the 2k length limit on URL -- what about other browsers -- none of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera go through Wininet? ...

Python, Webbrowser and Gmail

Hey friends. I want to open Gmail but with a particular account. My python script has a list of gmail accounts and i want the one to open in gmail which has been clicked/selected. I tried using the credentials in the URL but am not happy with that as I don't want to put the users password in the URL + it doesn't work :). I'm using webbr...

Using google toolbar from webbrowser control?

I have a C# winform with a webbrowser control on it. I'd like to know if it is possible to add the Google Toolbar to this winform and have it interact with the webbrowser control, specifically for the "Translate" functionality. Is this possible? ...

C# - How to surpress file download dialogs in the webbrowser control?

Possible Duplicate: How to block downloads in .NET WebBrowser control? Not much more to add, how do I go about this? Thansk for your help! ...

Detecting IE browser version using PHP

I'm using $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] to detect user's browser. When I run the var_dump on my localhost on IE8 it returns: ...compatible; MSIE 8.0; ... But when I upload it to my host (godaddy), I get: ...compatible; MSIE 7.0; ... What's the problem? ...