
selenium.wait_for_condition equivalent in Python bindings for WebDriver

I'm moving some tests from Selenium to the WebDriver. My problem is that I can't find an equivalent for selenium.wait_for_condition. Do the Python bindings have this at the moment, or is it still planned? ...

Installing Watir-Web Driver on Fedora Linux

Hi there, I'm trying to install watir-webdriver by using "gem install watir-webdriver" on Linux. I have installed ruby 1.8.6, activesupport 2.3.8 as well as firewatir. However, when I try to install watir-webdriver, I get the following error: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing watir-webdr...

Selenium 2.0 IE Xpath Performance

I'm attempting to use selenium-dotnet-2.0a5 to iterate through many tables, and have to use xpath. e.g; var tableRows = _table.FindElements(By.TagName("tr")); foreach (var row in tableRows) { row.FindElements(By.XPath("td|th")); //iterate through tablecells and get text of each } Average times to iterate through about 50 ro...

Using htmlagility xpath's to find webdriver elements

I'm using htmlagility pack to locate elements in large loops through tables because its much faster than using the native methods provided through webdriver. After locating a specific element through the looping I'm getting its xpath, then feeding that to webdriver to return an element. However I'm getting an exception; OpenQA.Sel...

Migrating to Selenium 2

Selenium 2/Webdriver has all sorts of great benefits but there is one big drawback: it doesn't support running on a grid out of the box. Has anybody switched from using a SE1 grid to using SE2 serially and been satisfied with the results? I'm wondering if the benefits of SE2 make up for the expected loss of speed due to running serially...

Webdriver: Click "Share Location" button in Firefox

I am trying to use Webdriver to test a location aware website and would like to programatically (using WebDriver API call) click on the "Share Location" button that pops up when I click on a link to the location aware part of the web application. It is a browser prompt and does not seem to be a DOM element or javascript popup element. ...

Selenium 2 window switching: Java

Hi basically I am trying to switch to a popup window then press a button on that popup window but from somereaon I am getting erros. Here is an example of the webpage http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e326/limpep/example.png and here is my code for (String handle : driver.getWindowHandles()) { driver...

WebDriver Selenium API: FirefoxDriver on linux ??

has anyone been successful in running tests using FirefoxDriver on a linux distro ? If so, which distro are you using ? Are you using xvfb ? right now, I am thinking of simply using windows 2003 server, but it's a bit more expensive and I am more familiar with linux environment. ...

Selenium 2/Webdriver - how to double click a table row (which opens a new window)

Hi, I'm using C# with Selenium 2.0 / Webdriver and I'm trying to simulate a double click on a table row that opens a new browser window. I have two problems: After locating the table row which has a unique classname (i.e. using findelement(By.classname("..."))) applying the click method (or select/submit) does not perform any action ...

Implementing Java generic interface in Clojure

I'm trying to get the hang of clojure in a selenium2/webdriver project using the webdriver-clj wrapper for webdriver. However, since the webinterface is heavily scripted, I need to have an option to wait until certain elements are created by the script, instead of on page load. So I was trying to create a wait-for function in clojure, ...