
Webdriver with Python

I had written a scipt in Java with Webdriver and it worked fine and below is the code for the sample import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverBackedSelenium; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.Fire...

How to setup Selenium WebDriver working with selenium-webdriver gem

Surprisingly, I couldn't find a first step guide on how to setup Selenium WebDriver working with selenium-webdriver gem through google university. I suppose the gem needs to know where I store all those jar files to get started. How can I configure this? ...

How to handle authentication with the Firefoxdriver using webdriver

Hi, i am facing problems in automating the application using Firefoxdriver. In my application i have some links...after clicking on any of the link..another page will open..my problem is after clicking on the link on the first page and before coming the second page firefox is showing an authentication window...how to handle this window...

WebDriver with firefox-x11 on Mac

I am trying to run a headless test for a web application using WebDriver on Mac OS X 10.6.3. My plan is to run firefox-x11 with Xvfb, but WebDriver is unable to launch firefox-x11. My code is: System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.bin", "/opt/local/bin/firefox-x11-devel-standalone"); WebDriver browser = new FirefoxD...

How do you connect remotely using Python + Webdriver

Hello, I am trying to figure out how to connect to my remote webdriver instance. This is the code I am currently using: from selenium.remote.webdriver import WebDriver driver = WebDriver("", "firefox", "ANY") driver.get('http://google.com') driver.quit() I find that I can't connect and will get a connectio...

Webdriver and proxy server for firefox

Hi, are there any ways to set firefox's proxy settings? I found here information about FoxyProxy but when Selenium works, plugins are unactivated in window. ...

Webdriver python bindings

Hello, I can't make python bindings for webdriver workable. Here is tutorial for installing. easy_install webdriver Won't find webdriver package so I have to install it manually from sources. I've downloaded source from trunk, set WEBDRIVER and PYTHONPATH variables and installed webdriver: ~$ cd ~ ~$ svn checkout http://selen...

TestNG - Factories and Dataproviders

Background Story I'm working at a software firm developing a test automation framework to replace our old spaghetti tangled system. Since our system requires a login for almost everything we do, I decided it would be best to use @BeforeMethod, @DataProvider, and @Factory to setup my tests. However, I've run into some issues. Sample Te...

Use external datasource with NUnit's TestCaseAttribute

Is it possible to get the values for a TestCaseAttribute from an external data source such as an Excel Spreadsheet, CSV file or Database? i.e. Have a .csv file with 1 row of data per test case and pass that data to NUnit one at a time. Here's the specific situation that I'd like to use this for. I'm currently merging some features from ...

Having problems with webdriver & frames

Hi guys, I'm trying to migrate from watin to selenium 2 However, upon loading a significant ammount of pages, it is selecting the 1st frame in a frameset by default. (which is a header frame) I can't seem to select any other frame on the page, or navigate to the parent html (containing the frameset) heres some stuff I've tried; Bro...

How do I maximize the browser window using WebDriver (Selenium 2)?

Is there a way to maximize the browser window using WebDriver (Selenium 2)? ...

In Web Driver, I want to write over value in field instead of appending to it with .sendKeys

In WebDriver, if I use .sendKeys it will append my string to the value that already exists in the field. I can't clear it by using .clear() because the second I do that, the webpage will throw an error saying that it has to be between 10 and 100. So I can't clear it or an error will be thrown before I can put in the new value using sen...

Does event delegation work with webdriver in firefox?

I'm using webdriver to test a site. Event delegation is being used across a number of links to load data via ajax: jQuery("body").delegate("a", "click", function adjustHref(event) { // callback }); In the test I...

How to organise Webdriver tests

I want to create some Webdriver tests to test my Java web application but I'm not sure whether they should live inside another project or if they should live inside my web application project. I also want to run these Webdriver tests from my Hudson CI server upon every commit to my SVN repository - would this be a standard practice? I ...

How to use selenium 2 PageFactory init Elements with Wait.until()?

The code snippet below works fine, but having a little trouble with the wait.until() line. wait.until(new ElementPresent(By.xpath("//a[@title='Go to Google Home']"))); It works but I want to send my PageFactory WebElement homePageLink instead. How do I change my ElementPresent class to except both: wait.until(new ElementPresent(By.xp...

Assert that a WebElement is not present

In tests that I write, if I want to assert a WebElement is present on the page, I can do a simple: driver.findElement(By.linkText("Test Search")); This will pass if it exists and it will bomb out if it does not exist. But now I want to assert that a link does not exist. I am unclear how to do this since the code above does not return...

How can I test context menu functionality in a web app?

I'm playing with a grails app that has a contextmenu (on right-click). The context menu is built using Chris Domigan's jquery contextmenu plugin. While the contextmenus do actually work, I want to have automated tests, and I can't work out how to do it. I've tried Selenium 2.05a (ie. Webdriver), but there's no rightClick method. I not...

If I start anew, should I start with Watir-WebDriver?

My team has an automation solution that uses watir. In fact, we have 2 versions of it, one for one release of our software and another for another release. I find that changing versions of watir used it not easy, so I want to select the right version for my new project (building an exploratory framework like Jim Knowlton talks about on W...

Webdriver: File Upload

Is there a way to interact with a File Upload box in webdriver? The form field where the path gets put in is read only so I can't write to that. ...

Webdriver: Interact with grid

In order to edit the content of a cell you need to double click on it. However with webdriver they don't have a doubleclick function in the api. How else can I change the content of the cell? ...