
Weblogic is slow to start (11mins) under VM (VirtualBox and VMware)

(SOLVED! BY FAKING SYSTEM RANDOM GENERATOR, SEE BELOW) I'm setting up a VM image for my dev/build team. Inside that VM a Weblogic domain should be running. I use Ububtu server distro, WLS 9.2MP3 + ALSB. Everything works OK, quite fast, but at the start time the WLS stops twice for a measurable amounts of time. Two stops in total amoun...

Apache HTTP and WEblogic Plug-in Location Directive question

We are using Weblogic Portal and Apache 2.x http server with the weblogic plug-in for apache for load-balancing. We have an application that right now can only be accessed from one of our managed servers. What I would like to do is use the Location directive to direct all requests for that page to the one managed server and I can't get...

JAAS and WebLogic 10.3: Granting specific codebase permissions to a JAR bundled within an EAR

Here's my scenario: I have a JAR within the APP-INF/lib of my EAR, to be deployed within WebLogic 10g Release 3 against which I wish to grant specific permissions. e.g., grant codebase "file:/c:/somedir/my.jar" { permission java.net.SocketPermission "*:-","accept,connect,listen, resolve"; permission java.net.SocketPermission "loca...

Adding custom SOAP headers to client generated by weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.ClientGenTask?

I generated a client using the weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.ClientGenTask from weblogic. Now I want to insert custom soap headers before sending out the request. How do I go about doing that? All of the examples on the web for inserting headers are specific to the library used in the generation (Axis, etc). Thanks! ...

Java - Weblogic - JMX : request available free memory on all servers

Once I get a JMX connection to my master weblogic server, how can I retrieve the current available free memory for each of my registered servers ? I have requested the DomainRuntimeServiceMBean and listed all its attributes and operations, but I can not found anything related to memory. (I'm using weblogic 9.x) ...

NullPointerException when calling webservice in Weblogic 9.2

I am trying to call a webservice. The client was generated with weblogic's ant task clientgen. But when I use the client, following exception happens: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at com.bea.xbean.xb.xsdschema.SchemaDocument$Factory.parse(SchemaDocument.java:799) at weblogic.wsee.wsdl.WsdlSchema.parse(WsdlSchema.java:104)...

Difference between weblogic and websphere?

I am not able to find actual difference between these two J2EE server. From my past experience, I found out following: WL is evolving more faster than WAS. WL is more user friendly than WAS. To simply deploy a application in WAS, we need to go in deep and its difficult to find if u are new to it. I found out that WAS is slower in som...

Error deploying web application on Weblogic 10.3 using maven 2: "Can't find wsdl /wsdls/wsat.wsdl"

Hi, I'm using maven for deploying a web application in my Weblogic 10.3 server remotely. I created my pom file based on the indication on this previous question: Using maven as build tool for Weblogic 10.3 My pom.xml file is: <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi...

How to create web service client in a .jsp page?

I have created a WSDL for my web service. I would like to know how to call it from a jsp page from my another web application. I would like to call the web service from the jsp.. for example considering i have very simple web service which would display back the text entered in my index.jsp page after clicking submit, how would I use th...

Redirecting http request to two different weblogic servers using the Weblogic proxy and Apache2

Hello All, I've read previous posts like "Redirecting https requests to two different weblogic servers using the Weblogic proxy and Apache2". But I have a different situation and I don't think I'm understanding this to well. I have an Apache 2 server (server1) that will receive http request for my application. Then I have two more serve...

class weblogic.management.WeblogicMBean not found

Hi all I meet this problem when I try to run Junit test case in fork mode (starting each test in a separate JVM) using Build ant file. [junit] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: weblogic/management/WebLogicMBean [junit] at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) [junit] at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineC...

Help needed implementing a web based file management system with a file hierarchy system, help needed with logic on storing of fileLocation and folders

Hello i am trying to create a web application that will allow users to upload files online, i am using gwt while using hibernate for database communication, i am able to upload file to a server , and store them on the server. but what i want is to associate the files with a user. i want the user to be able to create folders and store ...

Performance Impact of Application Packaging in WebLogic 8.1 SP6- EAR vs WAR

We have run into a strange situation. We recently moved all components of an EAR into a WAR - without changing underlying Weblogic version (8.1 SP6). Immediately after the repackaging, we observed significantly higher CPU utilization on the servers. We have run several tests and based on results so far, our current theory is that differ...

NameNotFoundException when calling a EJB in Weblogic 10.3

First of all, I'd like to underline that I've already read other posts in StackOverflow (example) with similar questions, but unfortunately I didn't manage to solve this problem with the answers I saw on those posts. I have no intention to repost a question that has already been answered, so if that's the case, I apologize and I'd be tha...

Class not found exception (org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PersistenceCapable) thrown in a client of WLS 10

I am developing an aplication using WLS 10 When i try to conect (lookup) to an EJB from a specific jar of my ear aplication, an exception of type "ClassNotFoundException" of the class "org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PersistenceCapable" is thrown in the client has anybody found a reason for this workaround? Thanks in advance ...

Weblogic / EjbGen: worker manager configuration.

I want to declare a worker manager to perform some work in managed thread. Weblogic documentation tells that we can - declare a global worker manager using the admin console - declare a local it in an ejb-jar.xml config file. I want to use the second option. But my ejb-jar.xml is generated by the ejbgen tool. There is no tag in ejbgen...

Weblogic JDBC datasource,java.sql.SQLException: Cannot obtain XAConnection weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceLimitException: No resources currently available in pool

I am using weblogic JDBC datasource and my DB is oracle 10g,below is the configuration. It used to work fine but suddenly it started giving problem,please see below exception. Weblogic JDBC datasource,java.sql.SQLException: Cannot obtain XAConnection weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceLimitException: No resources currently...

Specifiy classpath for maven

Quite new to maven here so let me explain first what I am trying to do: We have certain JAR files which will not be added to the repo. This is because they are specific to Oracle ADF and are already placed on our application server. There is only 1 version to be used for all apps at anyone time. In order to compile though, we need to ha...

How create a DRY workflow for associating phone numbers with users.

Hi there, So basically what I'm working with is a database full of phone numbers. if I get one of those users from that phone database and they sign up to my website I want to automatically associate the number from the database that is already present, how would I go about linking those 2 tables together once a user signs up? -Aaron ...

html includes in a JSP using IIS/WebLogic

I have my IIS 6 server setup to process server side includes, we're also using the WebLogic ISAPI plugin for IIS. I have a simple html file that I'm trying to include in the JSP using the following include: <!-- #include file="/pleaseWait/pleaseWait.html" --> When I use the above line in a JSP I get an error message saying: "pleaseWa...