
Why System.Net.HttpListener creates a new process?

Why the HttpListener class creates a new web server process, instead of use the normal Socket and a HTTP implementation? ...

What web servers use `COOKIE` instead of `HTTP_COOKIE`?

In the source code of the Perl module CGI.pm, in the submodule CGI::Cookies.pm, there is the following line: $raw_cookie = $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} || $ENV{COOKIE}; I'm interested in $ENV{COOKIE} here. Are there any web servers (obsolete or otherwise) which transmit cookie information using the COOKIE environment variable instead of the HTTP...

Accessing webserver running within Eclipse from outside the workstation

Hi, my question is the following. I run a web project targeted to be deployed on the Google Appengine locally from within Eclipse. So the server starts up and it can be accessed normally by typing localhost:8080 into some browser. Everything fine so far. But what I need is to access it from outside, say from a friend's machine (which ob...

Run Apache / PHP / MySQL (CakePHP) application on a USB stick?

Hi, I have an existing CakePHP that runs on a LAMP environment and need to install it on a USB drive for mass public distribution. There are a few requirements: Protect the source code No installation required Windows support essential MAC & Linux would be a bonus Must run offline, without Internet connection Ability to sync with ser...

Proxy to re-route web requests

When running an ASP.NET web application on a local development machine, e.g. http://devmachine:1234, I would like to connect to that machine from a virtual pc that uses different browsers. As far as I know the development webserver only serves traffic for the local machine. Is there a program / proxy that I can run on my local developme...

Best location for html files to be served up by custom web server

I have written a mini web-server which needs to serve up a few static html files in addition to performing its own custom processing. Could you suggest a reasonable location on the file system where I should store these files, for both Linux and Mac OSX (they need a dedicated directory that I can chroot to). ...

what is the difference between web servers and application servers?

what is the difference between web servers and application servers? I have googled but couldnt get clear... ...

Serving Silverlight apps from the webserver.

I am building my own web server and want to serve from it a Silverlight application. Is there anything else I have to do besides setting the mime type and pushing the application through the wire? It probably makes no difference, but the web-server is in C# (the micro-edition). ...

fork/chroot equivalent for Windows server application

I have written a small custom web server application in C running on Linux. When the application receives a request it calls fork() and handles the request in a separate process, which is chrooted into a specific directory containing the files I want to make available. I want to port the application to Windows, but neither fork() nor ch...

Java, HttpUrlConnection. Problem with getResponseCode()

I try to create the simplest Simplest WebServer and Client using HTTP. (Please, don't tell me to using Apache HTTPClient). Client: try to PUT some file to Server. // **PUT** if(REQUEST.toUpperCase().equals("PUT")) { File sourceFile = new File(fileName); if(!sourceFile.canRead()) { System.out.println("Have not access to this...

How is file upload handled in HTTP?

I am curious to know how webservers handle file uploads. Is the entire file sent as a single chunk? Or is it streamed into the webserver - which puts it together and saves it in a temp folder for PHP etc. to use? ...

Which web server should I use in win2003 as production environment?

It should at least support asp/asp.net,best support PHP too. ...

Synchronising scripts / db / files from dev system to web server

I work as a freelance web dev, and up until now have been ftping my scripts / databases / static files to my web server manually, but I'm finding that is too error prone. So I'm looking for an app to automate uploading new and updated scripts / files / databases / etc. I know a lot of independent devs use WinSCP or Unison, but I don't th...

Performance testing application for bottle necks using production data

I have been tasked with looking for a performance testing solution for one of our Java applications running on a Weblogic server. The requirement is to record production requests (both GET and POST including POST data) and then run these requests in a performance test environment with a copy of the production database. The reasons for u...

Recommendations (and Differences) between different Ruby on Rails Production Web Servers

Very soon I plan on deploying my first Ruby on Rails application to a production environment and I've even picked a webhost with all the managed server and Capistrano goodness you'd expect from a RoR provider. The provider allows for Mongrel, Thin, Passenger & FastCGI web servers, which seems very flexible, but I honestly don't know the...

What does it mean "to write a web service"?

Hello everybody, I just asked a question about whether it was possible to write a web-page-checking code and run it from free web server, and one supporter answered and said that it was possible only if I run "a web service" as simple script won't do that. He also suggested that I used Google App Engine service. I wonder what does it me...

Is it possible to have a free web-service that would check a page and email its HTML code to me?

Hello everybody, I just asked a question about whether it was possible to write a web-page-checking code and run it from free web server, and one supporter answered and said that it was possible and suggested that I used Google App Engine service. But he also said that there are no files there, so I would have to work with their data...

On mac OS, I've enabled PHP but seem to have permission problems. How do I enable subdirectories?

Whenever I install a library that requires using subdirectories, it seems like I have to go to chmod hell. How can I make it where all subdirectories are accessible by PHP? C:\Library\Webserver\Documents is the current root of my webserver. ...

Website hacking - Why it is always possible to do?

Dear web developers, we know that each executable file can be reverse engineered (disassembled, decompiled). No mater how strong security you will implement, anyway if crackers want to, they do crack!!! Just that is a question of time. What about websites? May we say that website can be completely safe from attacks of hackers (we assum...

Webserver failover

I will be running a dynamic web site and if the server ever is to stop responding, I'd like to failover to a static website that displays a "We are down for maintenance" page. I have been reading and I found that switching the DNS dynamically may be an option, but how quick will that change take place? And will everyone see the change i...