
How can I set up SSH tunneling to access a webserver behind a firewall?

How would I access a webserver behind a firewall? I'm developing an application for this webserver which is not yet open to the public. Someone walked me through this before, so I know it can be done. However, it has been about four months and I haven't been able to do it again. I'm using Putty to connect to the remote machine. From ...

Can't get anonymous access to website

Hi, I have already asked this question on ServerFault however I got very minimal replies....one to be exact. I need this issue resolved ASAP hence why I am asking on here aswell. I have a server running Windows Server 2003 IIS6.0. I am developing a website to which I want to grant anonymous access to. I have created a new Website in th...

Server Error in '/domain/website' Application.

I am getting following error while i deployed the website.. Server Error in '/domain/website' Application. Runtime Error Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It cou...

Is there anyway to make cherokee server portable?

I develop on different machines. I use MAMP, I have it installed on my dropbox folder and created symbolic links to the applications folder. That way if I work one day on my desktop and make changes to lets say a database schema and next day I work from my laptop I won't have to do any db migration stuff the same applies for all the apac...

Recreate DefaultWebsite on IIS7 / Windows Web Server 2008

Dear All, I have accidently deleted the default-website on an "experimental" machine. It is a standard-installation of "Windows Web Server 2008" with II7 running. I have already tried to create a custom website on my own, but this always fails when I try to access the website in the browser (remote and locally). There is an endless num...

You are not authorized to view this page

I am getting the following error while browsing my asp.net page deployed in IIS You are not authorized to view this page You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please try the following: Contact ...

Do different web servers suffer from the same types of attacks?

I'm creating a web applications with Yaws. In the past I've worked with tomcat and IIS. Do web servers typically suffer from the same types of vulnerabilities? Do good web security practices generally apply across the board or are most vulnerabilities inherent to the web application themselves? ...

Recently my site has been slow and Ive been getting timeout messages in browser - whats wrong?

How can I diagnose timeout problems and slow page loading with my site, I have ySlow plugin in firefox and it shows that grade A/B for most pages so i would expect pages to load quickly. Should I contact my hosting company? The company I bought my domain name from? There is not much load on the server at present and I am using a v. fast ...

PHP: mail() vs SendMail

a simple question: which one has good performance for sending mails in bulk? mail() function or sendmail which one is used by popular PHP list manager packages? ...

webdev.webserver.exe has encountered a problem

Hi friends.. i am facing an error "webdev.webserver.exe has encountered a problem" in only one project all other projects are executing/debugging properly.after showing this alert window i do not able to debug my application. after closing and reopening the project is debugged properly. ...

Tomcat--Web Server or Web Container?

Hi, I've a small doubt in my mind; could anyone please clarify me is the Tomcat web server or Web container? ...

Advice on using a web server as a cache

I'd like advice on the following design. Is it reasonable? Is it stupid/insane? Requirements: We have some distributed calculations that work on chunks of data that are sometimes up to 50Mb in size. Because the calculations take a long time, we like to parallelize the calculations on a small grid (around 20 nodes) We "produce" around ...

Htaccess rule to redirect domain to index.html

How do I write a rewrite-rule that redirects visitors to the domain www.mydomain.com/ to www.mydomain.com/index.html? ...

Web server socket

When a client sends a request to web server. Does the web server open a new socket ?. Or is an existing open socket used for the new request ?. If it does open a socket for each new request, how is this managed since Http is a stateless protocol. Also is this same for all web servers or do different web servers handle this differently ?....

what is blocking and non-blocking web server, what difference between both?

i have seen many web framework provide non-blocking web server, i just want to know what it mean. ...

How to create a Web Server for asynchronous request from a Flex/Air client?

I have created a client with Flex Builder which works in a browser but also in an Air windowed application. I must connect it to a server and it has to do asynchronous request related to changing data of the server. Because of the too much expensive cost of LiveCycleDS license, I was looking for other ways, maybe open source and i found ...

how do one determine the number of concurrent users that a web application can handle?

As far as what I know , I think apache web server handles multiple requests through a combination of multi-processing and multi-threading. Want to know for a php application running a webserver is it just the apache which decides the concurrent users it can handle or it also depends on the php application. If yes, then to what extent? ...

How to create a local-server that the web-browser control can use

For my newest windows-application I want to create an interface that is web-based using the web-browser control, and I want to make Ajax work on it. Since all the content will be loaded by the web-browser control itself I want to create a web-server that would work on a localhost port and serve my content to the web-browser when it acces...

Some fundamental but important questions about web development?

Hi All: I've developed some web-based applications till now using PHP, Python and Java. But some fundamental but very important questions are still beyond my knowledge, so I made this post to get help and clarification from you guys. Say I use some programming language as my backend language(PHP/Python/.Net/Java, etc), and I deploy my...

Adding subdomain support into lighttpd

I have a lighttpd server with website placed in /home/httpd/example.com/httpdocs and there I have a file called file.php. When I type http://en.example.com/file.php I would like to display file.php that is in default website directory (mentioned above). So I used document-root described here: http://redmine.lighttpd.net/wiki/1/Server.d...