
haskell fastCGI on lighttpd, need help with configuration

I'm trying to setup a lighttpd server that will run fastCGI programs written in haskell. So far i got this haskell program: import Network.CGI import Text.XHtml page :: Html page = body << h1 << "Hello World!" cgiMain :: CGI CGIResult cgiMain = output $ renderHtml page main :: IO () main = runCGI $ handleErrors cgiMain and this li...

Multi-process webserver vs multi threaded web server?

I would like to know why we prefer to make web servers multi-threaded instead of make it multi-process web servers .... Is it because of legacy issues..... I would like to hear practical reasons as well as theoretical reasons ...

How would you compare IIS & Cassini as production servers?

I have an ASP.NET website which is running currently on IIS. Now I want to move that site to run on Cassini. What are the advantages of Cassini over IIS? What are its disadvantages? What are your experiences using Cassini as a production web-server? ...

Difficulties with .htaccess and Blocking Specific File Extensions

Hey all, I have a rather complicated situation where I run a personal blog where every Friday and Sunday, I will post up music on the blog by uploading the mp3s into a folder, where a Flash mp3 player accesses it and plays it for the world. Recently, some website called Dizzler, which is like a spider for mp3 files (Like the ones I hos...

Stand alone web server vs Apache/IIS

I'm developing a rather complex application with both win32 and web access. Server side implementation is custom, and it's going to be hosted in our company. The HTTP server could be implemented as a stand alone Indy (or another) HTTP server or more traditionally with Apache/IIS. I'd like to know what are the advantages/disadvantages of...

Sockets and TCP Sockets

What is the difference between an ordinary socket and a TCP socket?. Also in a web server like IIS, how many TCP sockets can be created in a server?. I had read somewhere that when the client connects to a web server(on port 80), the web server creates a temporary port and replies to the client on the temporary port. Is that true ?. ...

Sending data to a web Server.

Hi.... I've created a program that send's a data to a webserver. I used the NSURLConnection to send the data to the web server. I've created a php file on my server to handle all the POST request from the iPhone. My question was are there any other ways to send the data to a web Server besides using wifi connection. I just only need to s...

c# HttpListener behind router

I have a web sever embebed in an application, very similar to this. But i have problems with i try access behind a router. I think code is right because if i change host file, all is working. Can anybody explain what is the problem? ...

Embeding a Web Server in a Cocoa Application

I want to embed a simple web server into a cocoa application that can support dynamic operations, like processing form submissions. It should all be contained in the app. My first thought would be to include a Rails server, but something about that seemed wrong. Are there any examples of people integrating a web server in their app? ...

Web site migration and differences in firebug time profiles

I have a php web site under apache (at enginehosting.com). I rewrote it in asp.net MVC and installed it at discountasp.net. I am comparing response times with firebug. Here is the old time profile: Here is the new one: Basically, I get longer response times with the new site (not obvious on the pictures I posted here but in averag...

Mixed ftp ssh permission problem

Hi, I'm running a webserver and I've setup two groups. One with just me, and another with me and a collaborator. I've chmodded to 755 my htdocs folder and I gave a specifically "upload" dir the group shared with my collab. So now my collab (via sym link) is able to upload some files via sftp, but he can also traversing all the directorie...

Apache with c# classes.

Is there any way to have apache "pass" the request it takes to a c# "application" to handle, allowing it to return specific content. I want to handle an intense amount of asynchronous calls to apache via javascript and have these calls routed through c# (much the way asp.net does). Has anyone successfully done this before? Any idea where...

Ways to protect a Flex app on a public website

I'm building a Flex app that will run publicly, and so I would like to protect the SWFs from reverse engineers as much as possible. I once heard of ways to deny browsers direct access to the SWF files, yet allowing it to play within the main HTML page. I would like to know any such practices (and how to employ them) that can be used to ...

PHP - Does session_unset unregister $_SESSION vars?

Does session_unset() unregister all the $_SESSION vars, or do you have to manually clear each variable registered into the $_SESSION array with unset() ? I'm confused about this because the PHP documentation says: Only use session_unset() for older deprecated code that does not use $_SESSION. If $_SESSION is used, use unset() ...

ASP.net application vs. a web server delivering HTML to browser

Aside from the rich array of controls (I know thats a big aside) what is the primary difference between say a C# application hosted on a web server that delivers HTML to a browser and an ASP.net solution. Lets say for this example, we include some javascript in the HTML to allow some client side processing - this makes the two methods ev...

Rackspace Cloud Sites: Compute Cycles exploding. Very expensive.

Hi All, Since last week my compute cycles (CC) went through the roof (Rackspace Cloud Sites). Normally I stay under the 10,000 cycles per month . Now this month I already have more than 75,000 compute cycles. I don't have more visitors and I did not change anything in the code. I looked in the raw log files, that didn't help either... ...

SharePoint Farm Issue (Front End Load Balancing Cluster) Web Application Services are unable to start

SharePoint Farm Issue (Front End Load Balancing Cluster) Web Application Services are unable to start... I have two share point server, with load balancing cluster, and the primary server is unable to start service. all the user are redirected to this server. and is the only server serving users currently. Kindly assist in resolving th...

Slow down spidering of website

Is there a way to force a spider to slow down its spidering of a wesbite? Anything that can be put in headers or robots.txt? I thought i remembered reading something about this being possible but cannot find anything now. ...

Making a socks proxy using PHP

Using ssh, I can use another computer as a proxy, for ex. $ssh -D 9999 username@ip-address-of-ssh-server Now, I can configure my application to use socks proxy on port 9999 at the above given up address. If I own a web server, can i make a php script which also listens from connections on a particular port (preferably access provided...

Which Web Server To Setup In University Project Center

Hi, We want to setup and configure a web server for our project center in our university and we want to supply a web server for student web applications based on Php, Python and also Asp.Net. Is there anyway to supply a server for all these 3 different platforms ? Thanks in advance, ...