
How do I change permissions to a socket?

I am trying to run a simple Python based web server given here. And I get the following error message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "webserver.py", line 63, in <module> main() File "webserver.py", line 55, in main server = HTTPServer(('', 80), MyHandler) File "/usr/lib/python2.5/SocketServer.py", line 330, in _...

Wordpress website is automatically redirecting after load

Hello, I asked the following question on SuperUser.com and the question was closed. Maybe it should be asked on ServerFault.com. Not sure. But here it is on SO hoping it will get some traction. Hello, I have a wordpress website. It is NOT a wordpress.com website. This website is hosted at godaddy.com This weekend whenever I fired u...

How to get Tomcat Working on WIndows 7?

I have installed Apache Tomcat 5.X/6.X on my Winodws 7 PC. After the installaiton the service starts fine when I check the Start Tomcat box and click finish. However If I try to start the tomcat configuration tool or monitor tool from the start menu I can not start any of the Tomcat's services. I get an error in a message box stating "Ac...

What web server should I install?

I have Windows 7 Enterprise and I want to run a web server on this computer and I wander what is the best web server would be in my case. I have several requirements to the web server. It should be easy to install and set up the server. Just "click", "accept" and that's it. It should support MySQL and PHP (with GET, POST, SESSION, and ...

What web server interface to choose?

I'm in the process of planning a web service, which will be written in C++. The goal is to be able to select more or less any web server to drive the service. For this to become true, I obviously have to choose a standardized interface between web servers and applications. Well known methods that I've heard of are: CGI FastCGI W...

Browsing the files on a webserver with php

Hi Everyone... Is there a way to browse and the get the path to files that are on a web server using php...? Possibly any jquery plugin to accomplish this....? Or else how can i do this using only php...?? Edit : I've found some scripts that run as stand alone on the webserver and let you browse the file structure.. But i need to know ...

Custom webserver caching

I'm working with a custom webserver on an embedded system and having some problems correctly setting my HTTP Headers for caching. Our webserver is generating all dynamic content as XML and we're using semi-static XSL files to display it with some dynamic JSON requests thrown in for good measure along with semi-static images. I say "semi...

How to forcibly ask authentication for a web resource for every access?

I have some webserver resources protected with Form based Authentication. The requirement is to have some highly secure resources access result in forced authentication of the user even if he/she is authenticated earlier and have a valid cookie (authentication). The authentication in a session is maintained by a particular cookie. The f...

How was my WordPress site hacked?

Hello, For context please read over my previous question. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2329371/wordpress-website-is-automatically-redirecting-after-load Thanks to all of you who helped and advised in that last question. The site is cleaned up now and I thought would offer a few clues I noticed during cleanup and was wondering...

asp.net sessions lost when the page is reloaded (ispostback = false)

Hi Hi, I have a really strange problem to do with session variables. I have an asp.net page that sets a few session variables. On my development machine (localhost), I do a postback and the session values are still populated. When I Reload the page by clicking on the url bar and pressing enter the session variables are still there. ...

C# Webserver requested directory issue

Hi, I am trying to make a web server in C#, i need to get the requested url and then list the files and folders requested.This is good to get the first directory . For Eg. My webserver root is c:\test when i open localhost i get the contents of test folder. Say Data is subfolder of c:\test, i can click on data from the browser and ge...

Using HttpURLConnection on Android

I am trying to connect a web server I have running in my android App however for some reason it's failing. I can connect to the webpage normally and using my phone's browser, I can also use the below code to connect to google but for some reason my code will not connect to my web server. If I host the server on port 80 I get error code ...

Apache virtualhosts and default server not working as expected (serving incorrect content)

Hello I've been playing around with this for a couple of hours and have come to the conclusion that asking someone is probably the best way forwards! I have a fairly out-of-the-box apache install (I've added mod_security and mod_python) so not touched /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf I have a number of domains all running as 's and each wit...

Can't connect to local IP address on OSX

I'm trying to connect to a webserver that's running on my mac OSX 1.6. I'm able to connect to it locally using but when I attempt to connect to it using my machine's local IP address ( IP shown below) from the same machine (or another on the network) I cannot connect. I can ping t...

Writing a simple webserver in Ruby

I want to create an extremely simple web server for development purposes in Ruby (no, don’t want to use ready solutions). Here is the code: #!/usr/bin/ruby require 'socket' server = TCPServer.new('', 8080) while connection = server.accept headers = [] length = 0 while line = connection.gets headers << line ...

Headers to set for AJAX calls in a custom webserver

I'm writing a custom web server. When I enter the URL of my server in the browser, I get the sample text I write out to the socket in my browser correctly. This is the HTTP response that I write: HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n Server: My Server\r\n Date: Blah\r\n Content-Type: text/plain\r\n \r\n This is some sample text. This appears in my browse...

Erlang: 2 database on 2 webserver ??

I have created a blogging system with php+postgresql. Now I want to add a web chat ( in REAL TIME for Million of users simultaneously ) where every message is saved in database. I am thinking to use Erlang+Mnesia on a different webserver for this issue. Message's table will be like this: message_id, user_id, message, date user_id sho...

converting web server logs (apache,iis, etc..) to relational Database

i have some apache logs and i want to be able to query the data in it. so i wanted to know if its possible to convert this log data to a relational database so i later can query and analyze the data using sql statments. thanks ...

Apache MPM: What happens when user navigates from the page before processing completed?

I always been curious about it. What happens when a user requests a dynamic page that requires long processing and navigates away before the operation completed ? How major web servers handle the situation ? In particular how does Apache MPM handles it? How nginx+fcgi handles it ? The should somehow stop the processing in the middle, rig...

Why cgi scripts have to stay in cgi-bin folder ?

Why cgi scripts have to stay in cgi-bin folder ? What is the difference from insert python script ( or php script or any other script ) in public_html folder and in cgi-bin folder ? I don't understand :-\ ...