
Flash Media Server VS Sip Server: Difference for Voip

When using Flash Media Server and when using Sip Server ? What is the difference ? What would you recommend ? . Thanks ;) ...

Are there any lightweight web servers that can run asp.net web services?

As per title, I'm looking for a very lightweight web server to host some WCF web services. The Web server needs to be portable to it can run from Windows, Linux or Mac. What are my options? ...

What is the best solution for htaccess caching

I have found a number of articles such as this one that talk about using htaccess to cache images and files on your webserver. But which is best, why, and what is the best implementation of this? ...

Web Servers and REST Methods

Most web browsers support only HTTP methods like GET and POST and do not support PUT and DELETE. If so, does web servers like IIS and Apache support it? Why should them support if the web browsers don't supports them? Those methods can be used for something else? ...

Best way to create a Comet/Push webserver ?

Hi, I need to create a comet server. What webserver + modules do I have to use ? ...

How use Django with Tornado web server ?

How do I use Django with the Tornado web server? ...

How to upload a huge(GBs) file to a webserver

I am creating an application where I want to upload huge files. Following is a little description of what this application tries to achieve: Create a vmdk file from user's physical machine(using Vmware Converter tool, vmdk files can be GBs in size). Upload this vmdk file to the remote server now the purpose of having vmdk file on remot...

Authentication and Login on 2 website

Hi at all, I have 2 site: example.com and exampletwo.com I want that when a user login on example.com then he is automatically authenticated also on exampletwo.com How can I do that ? I use Django + Nginx on first website and Tornado framework + Tornado server on second website. Thanks ;) . P.S. If you don't know this platforms ( Dj...

Tornado or Django works with CGI ?

Hi at all, Tornado is a webserver + framework like Django but for real-time features. On my server I don't have a python module or wsgi module so I thought CGI. Is there a way to get Tornado ( or Django ) works by using CGI folder ? If yes, Could you explain me how do I do that ? ...

What happens when a user presses stop in their web browser?

If a page is called that requires a lot of processing and the user clicks stop before the end, does the browser simply stop the request at the client side? Or is a 'stop' message sent to the server, i.e. is the processing cancelled? ...

How to return proper 404 for google while providing user friendly content to the user?

I am bouncing between posting this here and on Superuser. Please excuse me if you feel this does not belong here. I am observing the behavior described here - Googlebot is requesting random urls on my site, like aecgeqfx.html or sutwjemebk.html. I am sure that I am not linking these urls from anywhere on my site. I suspect this may be ...

Avoiding problem of overwriting files which are in use

For example on a high traffic web server. To reduce problems when switching a file I usually rename the old file out and then rename in the new file. I was told some time ago that renaming a file does not change the 'inode data' so that processes reading the file can keep doing so without glitches. And, of course, rather than copying i...

substitution of someaddress.com on local desktop computer

Here is VDS server with ip(for example with working apache service. And there is a desktop computer with linux on board(but really I presume there is no difference). I need to type on web browser address like someaddress.com and to see website situated at my server. My /etc/hosts: localhost 105.123.123....

Using virtualization infrastructure for J2EE application distribution- viable alternative?

Our company builds custom J2EE web solutions. At the moment, we use standard J2EE distribution mechanisms (ear/war archives). Application servers are generally administered by our clients' IT departments and since we do not have complete control over the environment, a lot of entropy can be introduced into the solution. For example: la...

Boost Thread Specific Storage Question (boost/thread/tss.hpp)

The boost threading library has an abstraction for thread specific (local) storage. I have skimmed over the source code and it seems that the TSS functionality can be used in an application with any existing thread regardless of weather it was created from boost::thread --i.e., this implies that certain callbacks are registered with the ...

Java library suggestions for implementing a custom web server

I would like to create a web server that will serve/accept json files through REST. The JSON files being served will come from a database query and format the results into JSON. Any suggestions for a good java library. I have tried using Apache HTTPComponents. While maybe I can just create a servlet but I am not really allowed to install...

setup apache virtualhost (windows)

Hi, How to setup virtualhost for multiple domain name on windows ? I will use it for my own test projects. I have 3 projects that I need to setup and at the moment I'm using xampplite for the portable apache. www.foo-bar.com --> direct to c:\xampplite\htdocs\foo-bar\ www.abcdef.com --> directo to c:\xampplite\htdocs\abcdef\ www.qwert...

Tool to check if web server is following HTTP standard?

I'm writing a simple HTTP server which should play nicely with most clients, but is only meant to implement a subset of HTTP 1.1. During development it would be nice to be able to validate that the generated HTTP reponses are HTTP 1.1 compliant. Is there a tool that can do something along those lines? Thanks /Erik ...

What server technology uses phdo extension?

I've seen some websites using the .phdo extension. I googled for it, but I've found no conclusive result. Is it a proper technology or just a synonym of .php ? ...

What's the best webserver software for video?

Hi, we have a collection of FLV files, to be displayed by FlowPlayer flash-app in a website. The scripts and handling of data are done with Apache/MySQL/PHP. As the video files are static files they should be served by a more static oriented webserver like lighttpd or nginx, like it's done with photos. What's the best webserver for ser...