
PHP IDE with Integrated Web Server

Note: This is not another "What is the best PHP IDE?" question. I'm looking for a PHP IDE with a specific feature, namely an integrated / embedded (php enabled) web server; ideally with xdebug pre-bundled. I already know that Aptana 1.5 has this functionality (and some older versions of Zend Studio as well), but Aptana 1.5 hasn't been ...

How to setup a webserver in common lisp?

Several months ago, I was inspired by the magnificent book ANSI Common Lisp written by Paul Graham, and the statement that Lisp could be used as a secret weapon in your web development, published by the same author on his blog. Wow, that is amazing. That is something that I have been looking for long time. The author really developed a s...

Choosing approach for an IM client-server app

Update: totally re-wrote this to be more succint. I'm looking at a new application, one part of which will be very similar to standard IM clients, i.e text chat, ability to send attachments, maybe some real-time interaction like a multi-user whiteboard. It will be client-server, i.e all traffic goes through my central server. That mean...

Get client ip with python

Hi, I'm a newbie in python. I want to write a simple web that prints the client ip on screen my http.conf Handler: AddHandler mod_python .py PythonHandler mod_python.publisher PythonDebug On The cgi.escape(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]) return this error: KeyError: 'REMOTE_ADDR' and I just get lost with the BaseHTTPRequestHandl...

How can I save a file on an http server using just http requests and javascript?

hi all, I'm trying to understand some of the basics of web servers/html/javasacript etc. I'm not interested in any of the various frameworks like php/asp, i'm just trying to get a low level look at things (for now). At the moment I'm trying to understand how data can be sent to/saved on the backend, but i must admit that i'm getting a...

Can I use a Tomcat Valve with Jetty?

Is it possible to use a Valve for Tomcat also together with Jetty? If yes how can I set it up with jetty.xml and/or embedded? ...

What popular webservers have support for HTML5 WebSocket?

I would like to experiment with HTML5 WebSockets, and I am looking for a mature webserver with support for websockets. Is there a list of webservers that support websockets per default? What popular webservers has support for websockets out of the box? The server programming language doesn't matter, I know Java, PHP, Erlang, Python and m...

lightweight webserver to integrate on client end.

Hi ,... I need to create a python module that will be installed on end-user machines. One of the scripts in that module should be able to receive http POSTS (usually with some JSON formatted data in the body) and then pass on that data to an appropriate python script. I can think of two ways to do this: a) Open a listening server sock...

Can I host an ASP.NET webite outside of IIS?

Hi everybody, I need to write an ASP.NET application which must handle a very large number of transactions per second - as many as 5000 users may transact at the same time. I think I will use WCF in back to communicate with SQL server. But in front, can IIS handle 5000 users at the same time effectively, or is there any simple way to h...

Avoiding cookies while requesting static content

I just did an audit of one of my web application page (built using ASP.Net and running on development server) using Google chrome's developer tool. One particular warning caught my eyes: Serve static content from a cookieless domain (5)! Here is my screen shot (http://yfrog.com/7eauditresultp) as well. I would like to know is it possi...

Criteria for selecting software for embedded device

We are currently evaluating Web servers for an embedded device. We have laid down the evaluation criteria for things like HTTP version, Security, Compression etc. On the embeddable side, we have identified the following criteria: Memory footprint Memory management (support for plugging in a custom memory manager) CPU usage Thread u...

browser cookie issue

Hello everyone, In my previous understanding, for a web site, only login user of a web site (no matter what login/authentication approach is used) could have cookie as persistent identifier, so that if the user close the browser, open browser again to go to the same web site, the web site could remember the user. But I learned recently...

Web server which supports removing a file immediately after it has been downloaded once?

I need a web server that allows me to remove a file after it has been successfully downloaded once. Is there any way to do this with apache? Is there another web server I can use for this task? I had already looked into Tornado for this purpose, but couldn't find a way to get an event to fire as soon as the download finished. the on_con...

Testing FastCGI script in Perl using standalone Perl FastCGI / FCGI web server

I have a FastCGI Perl web app (written using CGI::Fast, but that should not matter), that I'd like to test in FastCGI mode. What Perl module can I use to run FastCGI application (the module should install from CPAN, best if it didn't use extra libraries), so that can I point web browser e.g. to http://localhost:5000 to check if it work ...

board with webserver, email, snmp

I am looking for board, module, kit for our new project. requierments: necessary: IP interface IPv4/IPv6 DHCP, StaticIp, ICMP(Ping) SNMP V2, V3 HTTP, Webserver Email good to have: Telnet SSH SysLog There are two ways: complete controlled modul + master(some 8-bit with rs232, spi, ..) I've found this http://www.connectone.com...

Understanding a lighttpd.conf file?

Hi all, I've been given a lighttpd.conf that someone else wrote and need help working out how to serve it. I'm 90% of the way there but stuck... The index.html page appears, but links and CSS files don't point to the right place. To clarify, the links and CSS files are all pointing to a 'file:///' URL. So styles.css in the HTML header ...

Can I use facebook-connect as my user authentication?

I'm building a iPhone App, that communicates with a webserver (Java webapp) using REST (XML over http). In my prototype I used http's basic-authentication to allow access and identify the user, using username and password. Since there should be friendships and profiles in my app, I want to use facebook-connect so I don't have to implemen...

How can I make an app that connect to a webserver to iPhone.

Hi, I need make an app to iPhone that connect to a webserver. This app connnect a webserver and return the content formated to iphone. Thanks for help me. ...

How to efficiently implement a blocking call with Rails, while letting the client wait for the reply.

We have a web service written in Rails. The API is published and we cannot change it. Our app communicates with a remote web service that sometimes hangs or takes several seconds to reply. Client -> Our Web Service -> Remote Web Service Currently, if the remote web service hangs for 5 seconds, one of our rails processes on our web s...

Identical files from different servers. Why might IE 8 display them differently?

I'm working on a site that will go on my company's intranet. I developed it locally on my computer, checking it in different browsers and on colleague's computers, and when it was done I handed it off to IT. They put identical copies on a staging server, and on the production server. This is a site built only with html, javascript, and c...