
Handling responses in libcurl

i have a code to send a Form Post with login credentials to a webpage. it looks like this CURL *curl; CURLcode res; struct curl_httppost *formpost=NULL; struct curl_httppost *lastptr=NULL; struct curl_slist *headerlist=NULL; static const char buf[] = "Expect:"; curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); /* Fill in the username ...

How to move the .flv files from the rtmp server to a web server?

Iam saved my files in my rtmp server , i want move those files in my webserver. Is it possible ? If any knows please tell how can we achieve this ? ...

Lightweight HTTP application/server for static content

Hi, I am in need of a scalable and performant HTTP application/server that will be used for static file serving/uploading. So I only need support for GET and PUT operations. However, there are a few extra features that I need: Custom authentication: I need to check credentials against a database for each request. Thus I must be able ...

jersey restful + grizzly server + hibernate

I can bring jersey + grizzly server up. But some problem occur during "SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory;" error says "SEVERE: service exception: org.hibernate.HibernateException: /hibernate.cfg.xml not found .. anyone know how to make hibernate can access hibernate.cfg.xml location. ...

How to handle concurrent web requests

I am having a simple webservice running in my local system, hosted in IIS 6.0. This webservice is accessible from any other system (within LAN and Internet) and everything works fine as long as the number of systems accessing my webservice is very much limited. Whereas, if more number of users (say 500) are concurrently trying to acces...

What are the differences between mod_php and cgi php script?

What are the differences between mod_php and cgi php script? I mean, why it's better (is it?) to use mod_php instead simple php scripts, running them as CGIs? Thanks ...

Not using Web Server for html pages

For an intranet application instead of using a proper web server, it has been planned to just deploy static html pages by sharing it over the network. This static html page is continously updated in the background by a program running on that PC and people access this html page by typing the shared file path directly in the browser. A ma...

using Cookie-free Domains for Components

I was looking at the post here which says When the browser makes a request for a static image and sends cookies together with the request, the server doesn't have any use for those cookies. So they only create network traffic for no good reason. Although I tend not to use cookies at all, my doubt is I used to think that the server cre...

Image not showing in src tag

Hello, Can anybody tell me how do i give absolute path of the img tag's src attribute? The following doesn't work <img alt="NO IMAGE" src="/home/administrator/tiger-info0[1].gif"/> I am working On Ubuntu and i am very sure that image exists on this path. ...

Implementing the server side of Webhooks

If I want to Webhooks-enable a web application (I'm referring to the server-side of things, ie the server where the event happens and the callback is initiated from), are there libraries for this, or is this functionality typically part of the web server stack? Or, am I looking at this incorrectly, and to implement Webhooks I simply cod...

Building a document server

Hey, I'm just looking for some rough guidance here on the feasibility of a project. I have say a few thousand text documents and I want to create a web based system to serve them up to users in a OS X application. It's just a tiny aside for my family's small business, so it doesn't need to be amazing at the moment, we just want to ...

how to install symfony on shared web server?

I have created a project(on my Localhost) in symfony(PHP Framework), and need to upload it on server(i.e the WEB Server), but i dont know how to do that, i got many methods on net, but i was not able to follow that. so please help. ...

C++ - A Very simple HTTP server: WSA unreferenced error

Hello. I'm learning C++, i wanted to try implementing a very simple HTTP server that will just output a text message. I use Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. I'm getting: Line 20: Warning 'wsa' unreferenced local variable, while i'm trying to compile my source code. Am i missing something? Here's my source code. #include <winsock2.h> #inc...

Cherokee rule failover

I have a Cherokee virtual host configured as follows: 1st rule: "Directory /" -> HTTP Reverse Proxy 2nd rule: "Directory /" -> uWSGI I know the second rule is useless because it's never triggered. However, the first rule seldom returns a 504 Gateway Timeout error so I was thinking of failing over the second rule, yet I don't know how...

Running a web server in eclipse

I know it might sound weird, but I wrote a web server without knowing how to deploy it and run it, so how do I do it in eclipse? (and please specify the eclipse version) thanks ...

How to create a web server?

I understand that there are already alot of web server out there. But i feel like creating one for learning purpose. Is it something i should try to figure out and any guides or tutorials on this? ...

setting a timeout for an InputStreamreader variable

I have a server running that accepts connections made through client sockets, I need to read the input from this client socket, now suppose the client opened a connection to my server without sending anything through the server's socket outputstream, in this case, while my server tried to read the input through the client socket's input...

Where can I find a demonstration of a buffer overflow?

Is there a site, or is there a simple way of setting up one, which demonstrates what can happen with a buffer overrun? This is in the context of a web app. ...

Racket URL dispatch

I'm trying to hook up URL dispatch with Racket (formerly PLT Scheme). I've taken a look at the tutorial and the server documentation. I can't figure out how to route requests to the same servlets. Specific example: #lang scheme (require web-server/servlet) (require web-server/dispatch) (provide/contract (start (request? . -> . respon...

Process job in application server or in a separate process?

Say I have a web application. I have a front end web server for serving static assets and 3 http-speaking application servers. I need to process some background jobs. The natural thing to do is to start up a separate process in the background to the process the job. However, I'm wondering if that's necessary - and why this is the normal ...