
HTTP to HTTPS redirect using URL Rewrite

Following ruslany's suggestion on the URL Rewrite Tips page here, I'm trying to use URL Rewrite to redirect http:// requests for my site to https://. I've written and tested the rule using a test site I set up, and so now the final piece is to create a second site (http) to redirect to my https site. (I need to use a second site because ...

when i start my emmbedt web server on port 8080 i get windows security alert , can i avoid it ?

is there any way to avoid this when using embedded web server in windows? i don't want users to be scare ...

TCP Server to push data to a Web Browser

Hi, I have a TCP server, which is connected to a web page via a Web browser. It is easy to send a request to the TCP server by the web page via the Web Browser, but is there a way that TCP server can push data to the web browser, without waiting for a request from browser side?? My initial idea was that this is impossible, since a brows...

SSH Chown problems

I have a webserver with multiple domain and user accounts setup. Recently I renamed one of the domain names and changed it's username correspondingly. However, this new user cannot access the data from the domain because it does not have the required permissions. How can I solve this problem? I've tried chown and I still cannot get acce...

Is it possible to use multiple programming languages on one webiste

Suppose i have one webiste with simple pages in php like page1.php page2.php Now there is one page where i want some detailed functioning and i want to use python for that and it will look like page3.py and in other page i want to use java like page4.jsp Provided i have installed python , java on webserver. Is it possible ...

Ajax Push Engine

Hi, I'm researching methods to find ways for an event driven web application where a server can push data to the web page. Can I use APE ?? If so how can I use it and some resources please?? Thank You!! ...

Fast single thread comet server, possible?

I recently encountered a few cases where a server would distribute an event stream that contains the exact same data for all listeners, such as a 'recent activity' box. It occurred to me that it is quite strange and inefficient to have a server like Apache run a thread processing and querying the database for every single comet stream c...

On Linux do people chroot a Java Web Application or use IPTables and run as non-root?

When you run a Java Servlet Container that you would like to serve both static and dynamic content on port 80 you have the classic question of whether to run the server as: As root in hopefully a chroot jail if you can (haven't gotten this working yet) As a non root user and then use IPTables to forward port 80 to some other port (>102...

Making a barebones, PHP-enabled web server in C?

I want to make the most lightweight possible HTTP server in C that supports PHP and possibly FastCGI if it will make a huge difference. I'm not sure how to implement PHP support. Does it just call PHP.exe with the path to a .php file and read the output? What about things like header () in PHP? How are those handled by the server? And ...

Looking for a Perl module to store a Hash structure in shared RAM

I'd like to store a data structure persistently in RAM and have it accessible from pre-forked web server processes in Perl. Ideally I would like it to behave like memcached but without the need for a separate daemon. Any ideas? ...

nginx better than apache for dynamic content?

Hi, i have searched for this around the web and i can't find the right answer for my question. basically i want to know if i can get better performance with nginx than with apache (in php apps), and i'm not involving static content (where i know nginx is better). the sites are a widely collection of scripts with a lot of variables, us...

Is there a way to program in c# such that when an exe runs, it serves and handles requests on localhost

I want to make a program that hosts a webpage with computer uptime of the system it is running on but I don't want to do anything to the user's IIS. Is there anyway to do by making some system calls (to the ISAPI dlls etc) in c#? ...

cherokee doesn't synchronic update django process code

I use cherokee(1.0) as web server and django web framework(1.2.1). When I update django files like views.py or static files, web server seems not to update instantly. I guess it is about cache, so i set expiration "already expired on 1970", but the problem remains. I also try to restart server in admin website, but still can't solve t...

Hosting a website on a PC using apache(Xampp)

This is what I learned by doing some searching. These things were taken from many places. Please point out any missing things. (I have not yet tried this out, just want to clarify what I'm going to do) For hosting I need to have a static IP. But my ISP provide dynamic IPs. So I used DynDNS (as Cuga adviced in this). I belive this will r...

Inspect Content-Type header of downloaded files

How can I see the Content-Type header of a file downloaded from a web server? I've tried using Firebug and the developer tools in Chrome, but for downloaded files they don't display any information. ...

Tiny PHP "standalone" server (or framework) for local debug without Apache/Nginx/Lighttpd/etc

There's manage.py runserver in Django or ruby script/server in Ruby on Rails — those familiar with one of those frameworks should already get the idea what I'm looking for. They run tiny "standalone" web server, which is perfectly enough to debug the application locally, without any need for other software (Apache/Nginx/Lighttpd/etc). I...

How to block a server by domain name from attacking a website

I'm having trouble with another website stealing all my blog content. I know that happens all the time, but this new attack is taking down my server. Looking at my access logs I see he is hitting me from multiple IP address. I can't block them all. Wondering how to block by domain name. I have full access to my server so I would like ...

How to run a asp file as a web server in C#?

I wanne write a web server by C# which can handle asp requests. how can I do it? ...

PHP permission handling...

Hey, so I'm trying to make a PHP image upload form. I've been able to successfully pull this off, but only by making the permissions of the folder I'm uploading to 777, or read/write/execute. Methinks this isn't such a good idea on the big wide intarwebs. I'm using 000webhost, which is apparently crappy, but its also apparently the best ...

Return custom 403 error page with nginx

Im trying to display the error page in /temp/www/error403.html whenever a 403 error occurs. This should be whenever a user tries to access the site via https (ssl) and it's IP is in the blovkips.conf file, but at the moment it still shows nginx's default error page. I have the same code for my other server (without any blocking) and it ...