
Suggestions for profiling a webserver...

I developed a small nifty webserver in C and would like to evaluate its performance. For this I'm doing the following: Measuring the socket establishment time, file transfer time (for files of random sizes) and socket teardown time in the following scenarios: Single-Threaded Multi-Threaded And this should give me the throughput/band...

Modifying html repsonse from a webserver before it reaches the browser using a webserver plugin?

The question is as simple as the title. I have a webapp (I have no clue as to what technology it was built on or what appserver it is running on). However, I do know that this webapp is being served by an Apache Server/ IIS Server / IBM Http Server. Now, I would like to have a plugin/ module / add-on at the web-server end, which would pa...

C program to convert Dollar to Rupee

Is there a way to write a C program to convert say Dollar to Indian Rupee (or visa-versa). The conversion parameter should not be hardcoded but dynamic. More preciously it should get the latest value of Rupee vs Dollar automatically(from Internet) ? ...

Dynamically populate an empty dropdown with a call from a service.

Hi, I am working on an application where we submit details to an external web page that we have no access to make any changes to. The external page is a .htm page. We want to be able to pre-populate the .htm page with the details from our WCF service and proceed to the next stage without user intervention. The problem is that there is...

Is CherryPy a robust webserver (ie, is it reliable under a huge load like Apache)?

I'm wondering because CherryPy is, from my knowledge, built purely in Python, which is obviously slower than C et al. Does this mean that it's only good for dev / testing environments, or could I use it behind NGINX like I use Apache with Fast CGI currently? ...

iPhone : Transfer of files from Mac/Pc to app

I need to transfer binary files from my pc/mac to my app. I want to allow my users to upload sound files. Am i going to have to run a web server that the user can connect to over wifi? What are the steps i have to go through to get this up and running? ...

Suppose a server is hosting a video file. Why is it that sometimes, it requires a full download before playing. Sometimes, I can stream it?

Someone told me that some servers configure it that allow streaming of a file. OR Is it a file-encoding problem, not a server configuration problem? Given a link of the video file, how do I check if that person allows streaming (or play only once downloaded) ? Headers? ...

how rand (timestamp) works if running on webserver?

while studying some security things, there was a question that one can guess the generation of some sequence for rand (timestamp) running in webserver. He said that our first goal should crash the server (assuming that server will get up in 1 min), we can sync our generator with server and then rand (timestamp) generated by the webserver...

Recommended Django Deployment

Short version: How do you deploy your Django servers? What application server, front-end (if any, and by front-end I mean reverse proxy), and OS do you run it on? Any input would be greatly appreciated, I'm quite a novice when it comes to Python and even more as a server administrator. Long version: I'm migrating between server hosts, s...

How should I analyze web traffic in a statistically correct way?

I have a file with a sequence of event timestamps corresponding to the times at which someone visits a website: 02.02.2010 09:00:00 02.02.2010 09:00:00 02.02.2010 09:00:00 02.02.2010 09:00:01 02.02.2010 09:00:03 02.02.2010 09:00:05 02.02.2010 09:00:06 02.02.2010 09:00:06 02.02.2010 09:00:09 02.02.2010 09:00:11 02.02.2010 09:00:11 02.02....

Better data security with SQL on separate box from web server (Win 2003/SQL 2008)?

An auditor reviewing our system was suggesting that our data should be stored on a separate physical server from the web server. We're running SQL 2008 on a Windows 2003 machine with IIS as the web server running ASP.NET 3.5 applications. I can't think of any significant reason that there would more security by having SQL on a separate ...

How do you set the correct Content-Length header when the webserver automatically compresses output?

Following my previous question, in which I think I've narrowed my problem down to the bottleneck: How do I set the correct value for the Content-Length header for a downloadable file, from within PHP, when the webserver (apache) automatically compresses the ouput afterwards? I'm looking for the most robust/generic solution. I'm not wel...

what webserver / mod / technique should I use to serve everything from memory?

I've lots of lookuptables from which I'll generate my webresponse. I think IIS with Asp.net enables me to keep static lookuptables in memory which I can use to serve up my responses very fast. Are there however also non .net solutions which can do the same? I've looked at fastcgi, but I think this starts X processes, of which anyone c...

Best practices for client side vs. server side redirects: When to use what ?

I understand that most of the languages support server side redirects (asp.net: Response.Redirect, PHP: header( 'newpage' ) ; ). You could also do a redirect with JavaScript (window.location.href="newLocationURL"). When would you choose one over the other ? With respect to ASP.net/IIS7(app pool in Integrated mode,enable 32 bit apps=fal...

Dealing with a high volume of data from client to server over HTTP

Hi all, For a personal project ive created an asynchronous TCP socket server that has two types of clients, listeners and senders. Sending clients are iphones and write data about 5 times per second, which is then relayed to listening clients. This has worked fine so far, being fast and efficient, but for scalability and stability im th...

Can I use Apache servers for a local network?

I would like to write a computer game played by several users sitting in front of different computers. For that I would like to implement a P2P approach. Now I consider the following situation. I have, let say, 6 computers which build a local network. On every computer I install Apache web server. So, every computer runs a web site. In ...

Which web server I need to install and how?

I would like to install a web server on my Window 7. I found instructions for installation of Apache on Windows 7. But as far as I understood I need to have the administrator permission to do so. Am I right? I also though that it is probably a good idea to install another web server (like a native one) on my Windows 7. I thought it shou...

Can I run two web servers on the same computer?

I just found out that I can write a really simple web server using Python. I have already an Apache web server I would like to try the Python based web server on this machine. But I am afraid that I can get some kind of conflict if I try it. I mean how two web server will "decide" who needs to server a request from a client? ...

Are there any open source C#-based non-blocking, event-based web server like Tornado?

I want to build a comet-based application and would like it to be able to sustain up to 1000 concurrent connections. As I understand, Tornado has the advantage of not spawning one thread per request thus allowing it to handle thousands of long poll requests easily. ...

Is it possible to write dynamic web pages in Python with the Really Simple HTTP Server?

I know that with the SimpleHTTPServer I can make my directories accessible by web-browsers via Internet. So, I run just one line of the code and, as a result, another person working on another computer can use his/her browser to see content of my directories. But I wander if I can make more complicated things. For example, somebody uses...