
ASP.NET Authentication Troubleshooting

I have a fairly complex web app that was built (by a contractor) to use integrated authentication. As part of the authentication process, a GetNetworkID() function is used that looks like this: private string GetNetworkID() { return HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.Split(new char[] { '\\' })[1]; } When I run this on my deve...

Can I run a Python script as a service?

Is it possible to run a Python script as a background service on a webserver? I want to do this for socket communication. ...

What kind of performance gain will I get from ditching Apache for NGINX?

What kind of performance gain will I get from ditching Apache for NGINX if I have a very low traffic web site (e.g. 1000 unique visitors a day, approx 5 requests/sec at highest load, and approx 50 MB of traffic per day since lots of photos are being displayed). Specifically, what gains (if any) would I have for: Loading speed of the w...

unable to map subdomain in local host webserver.

Hello All , I am developing a web application using Asp.net mvc framework with concept of sub domain for community. I have implement concept of wild card mapping of domain like *.example.com. To test concept in vs 2008 i edited hosts file and add some sub domain like a.localhost b.localhost When i request url...

What are the ways to run a server side script forever?

I need to run a server side script like Python "forever" (or as long as possible without loosing state), so they can keep sockets open and asynchronously react to events like data received. For example if I use Twisted for socket communication. How would I manage something like this? Am I confused? or are there are better ways to impl...

Can I create a socket application on a hosting service?

I need to develop a server side application that opens sockets and manages communication with multiple clients. Previous answers have told me this is possible using a single script file, which loops forever. Is this possible using only a PHP/Perl/Python hosting service? or would I need a VPS or shell access? Any help is appreciated si...

Can a PHP script continue running after ending the HTTP request?

How do I write a PHP script that continues running, even after flushing out some text and ending the HTTP request? Is this possible? ...

Can a PHP script abort itself or detect abortion?

PHP scripts can continue executing after the HTTP page request, so how do I finally stop it executing when I'm done with it? Also, is there an event to detect when the OS is going to forcibly abort the script? or how do I keep an internal timer to predict max_execution_time? ...

Can instances of the same PHP script cross communicate?

I'm assuming that for every page request, the webserver (eg. Apache) creates a new instance of a script in memory. Can these instances communicate with each other while running? and pass data too? ...

Can PHP asynchronously use sockets?

Typical PHP socket functionality is synchronous, and halts the thread when waiting for incoming connections and data. (eg. socket_read and socket_listen) How do I do the same asynchronously? so I can respond to data in a data received event, instead of polling for data, etc. ...

Does socket data need to be error corrected?

When using socket communication in PHP, do I need to confirm if a message has been successfully received after sending each message? Or would the transport layer (TCP) take care of error detection and correction, ensuring successful delivery of any sent messages? ...

Global variables in PHP?

Does PHP have global variables that can be modified by one running script and read by another? ...

Can a PHP script execute common code before exit() ?

How can something like the following be done in a PHP script? code{ $result1 = task1() or break; $result2 = task2() or break; } common_code(); exit(); ...

Can a PHP script detect if a socket has been closed?

How can a PHP script detect if a socket has been closed by the remote party? ...

Can a PHP script trick the browser into thinking the HTTP request is over?

I first configure my script to run even after the HTTP request is over ignore_user_abort(true); then flush out some text. echo "Thats all folks!"; flush(); Now how can I trick the browser into thinking the HTTP request is over? so I can continue doing my own work without the browser showing "page loading". header(??) // someth...

How to evaluate the performance of web servers?

I'm planing to deploy a django powered site. But I feel confused about the choice of web servers, which includes apache, lighttpd, nginx and others. I've read some articles about the performance of each of these choice. But it seems no one agrees. So I'm wondering why not test the performance by myself? I can't find information about ...

Can a PHP script start another PHP script and exit?

How can a PHP script start another PHP script, and then exit, leaving the other script running? Also, is there any way for the 2nd script to inform the PHP script when it reaches a particular line? ...

Which java webserver is most suitable here?

Hey, I am developing a simple web application which contains these 3 components: client that uses Ajax,javascript, html to display data on the browser. Java webserver that interfaces between the client and data processing entity. data processing entity, implemented in C++. I need to decide which java webserver to use. Some options ...

Why would you need a slash at the end of a URL?

Is there a difference between these URLs in regards to having slashes at the end of the URL? https://drchrono.com/about_us https://drchrono.com/about_us/ Do web frameworks and web servers (e.g. Apache, Nginx, Django) handle these requests differently? ...

How to check if memcache or memcached is installed for PHP?

How do I test if memcache or memcached (for PHP) is installed on my Apache webserver? Memcache is a caching daemon designed especially for dynamic web applications to decrease database load by storing objects in memory. ...