
UltiDev Cassini and <system.webServer> web.config settings

MS Cassini Development Web Server is a nice product that executes web requests in a similar way that IIS7 does. Every request (event for static content) goes through the same .Net pipeline without exception. All custom HttpModule can handle any request. But sometimes you don't want these modules to execute for certain content (most ofte...

Maximizing parallel downloads for website

I've been reading articles about speeding up websites by serving static content from a cookieless domain. We have an ASP.NET website with links to images/css/js like <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/something.js"></script> I've been testing out the static content filter from this article and it seems to work great for situatio...

Can we update a jar / war file in a deployed server and then reload the new jar / war file ?

Can we update a jar / war file in a deployed server and then reload the new jar / war file ? if so how simple we can achieve this, and please if possible list web servers which support this feature. ...

change a config.properties file in a jar / war file in runtime and hotdeploy the changes ?

change a config.properties file in a jar / war file in runtime and hotdeploy the changes ? my requirement is something as follows, we have a "config.properties" in a jar/war file , i have to open the file through a webpage and after the user has made necessary changes to it, i have to update the "config.properties" in jar/war file and h...

Django & Nginx deeplinking domains (re-write rules or django urls?)

I'm running Django behind Nginx (as FASTCGI) and I need to "deeplink" to a page in one domain from the root of another without redirecting or forwarding e.g. Given that I have a domain general-stuff.com and a matching URL http://general-stuff.com/books/ and that I have a second domain books-stuff.com I need a way to get the page served ...

Intranet website authentication using windows logon

I'm building an internal website in Perl and I would like to get it to use Windows credentials for authentication. My research so far has turned up a lot of keywords: Kerberos, LDAP, NTLM, etc, but no solid information. Anyone got pointers or good tutorials? Thanks. ...

Web Server for my device on the .NET Micro Framework

I want to have a Web Server as an interface for users to tweak my device. The device is being written in the .NET Micro Framework. I can write my own Web Server in C# that serves static pages, it's not difficult. But I am looking for a Web Server that supports some type of server side technology, like ASP.NET or PHP, so that from th...

How does server side GZipping work?

You might know that HTML related file formats are compressed using GZip compression, server side, (by mod_gzip on Apache servers), and are decompressed by compatible browsers. ("content encoding") Does this only work for HTML/XML files? Lets say my PHP/Perl file generates some simple comma delimited data, and sends that to the browser, ...

Paste (Python) Web Server - Autoreload Problem

When I start the `Paste' web server in daemon mode, it seems to kill off it's ability to reload when the timestamp of a source file is updated. Here is how I start the daemon... cd ${project} && ../bin/paster serve --reload --daemon development.ini; cd ..; ...which defeats one of the main points of using Paste (for me). Has anyone c...

Obtaining the culture of the web server

Is there a way to obtain the culture of the server my web application is deployed on through code? We are running an asp.net c# web application on an IIS 7 box with Crystal Reports installed. ...

Use HttpListener for a production caliber web server?

Is it realistic to use the C# .Net class HttpListener as the foundation for a production caliber web server? The http web service I need to host contains no .aspx or static files. All http responses are dynamic and generated in c# code that is invoked via a few switch statements which inspect a restful url format. My thinking is that I...

Whats wrong with this 403 error redirect

Hi have created a error.php for joomla to redirect 404 errors etc to a joomla article. The code below works for a 404 error, but a 403 returns a blank page. I can navigate to the page directly outside my script so it must be either my code or how it is interactive in it's environment. Thanks Stephen defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restric...

Configure Apache to use different Unix User Accounts (www-data) per Site.

An Apache 2.x Webserver with default configurations from the ubuntu/debian repositories will use the www-data unix account for apache2 processes handling web requests. Assuming that apache is serving two different sites (domain1.com and domain2.com), is it possible for apache to use unix user www-data1 when handling requests to domain1.c...

What is the most painless and multi-platform way to use scripting?

Hello! What is the most painless and multi-platform way to use scripting?... ...for things such as Compilation Web application deployment Web server controlling Other misc. tasks around web servers... NOTE: I'm in the Java ecosystem. Sure, there is Apache Ant, which is pretty multi-platform, but it isn't scripting. ...

php script 403 forbidden error

Hello, I have a script giving me error 403 Forbidden error, its just a copy of another script but the different in this is that both use another mysql class to access database. My whole project is complete and this is last file so i dont want to do the whole work again for a single file. Server logs shows that client denied by server ...

Django popup box Error?? Running development web server

I have my Django site up and running, and everything works fine EXCEPT: When I first go to my site A popup box comes up and says "The page at says" And just sits there You have to hit OK before anything is displayed. What is going on here? ...

ASP.NET Web Development Server

Can someone explain how the ASP.NET Web Development Server work? I don't have IIS installed on my development machine. So Visual Studio 2008 is debugging my web app project in the built-in web server. I want to know where do all the files get deployed to for debugging. Is there any folder similar to \inetput\wwwroot? Thanks. ...

Classic ASP Webserver On Windows 7

I need to run some classic ASP locally before deployment to a legacy web application. To make things worse, my current workstation is a Windows 7 Ultimate x64 with VS2008 environment. What are my options for testing/debugging? One option I tried was Baby ASP Server, but I am actually running an ASP script I know should fail (on Create...

What is the best technique for (seo-friendly) forwarding muliple domains to one web server?

The setup is: www.domainA.com www.domainB.com both actually hosted on one web server (Apache) I have setup a hidden forward from the domains to the web server directories which works fine, however, produces duplicate content (since it is also available by addressing the web server d...

Really weird HTTP client using TcpClient in C#

I am implementing a really simple HTTP Client that just connects to a web server and gets it's default homepage. Here it is and it works nice: using System; using System.Net.Sockets; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { TcpClient tc = new TcpClient(); ...