
WebView Memory Management

An application that I am developing retains several WebViews that are used to allow an embedded web browsing experience for some activities centralized around the application. The problem that I am having is that after several hours open and after a lot of use the views begin to build up memory. My understanding of the memory management ...

get the values of the fields in a form in an android webview android

Hi I have used HTML/CSS/js to make UI for my android app. (port from iPhone app) One of the HTMLs contains a form. I need to get the values entered in that form and use them in android code. the target of the form is the page itself and the method is GET. How can i get the values entered by the user in that form? ...

Cocoa + WebView - Application window doesn't catch all clicks - sometimes clicks "jump through" to background windows

Hi, I have a cocoa based app with only a webview catching the entire window. Sometimes when I click on stuff on the page loaded by the webview - the click seems to "jump through" and arrive to the window behind mine, instead of being handled by my window/webview. The phenomena seems sporadic and I don't really have a clue why this is h...

Cocoa WebView scrollbars won't disappear

I load the webview and set allowsScrolling to NO, but webview still shows scroll bars... Banging your head on your computer hurts a lot more now that MacBooks have sharp metal edges. My code: - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification { // Insert code here to initialize your application NSString *webF...

Can I start a webview out of view, scrape the html, and post forms through it?

I'm attempting to develop an application that scapes html of a site for relevant data and then display it back to the user in a more UI friendly way. I'm assuming that you can start a webView by mWebView = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webview); but never setting the content to the actual view. So now my question is, can I take the html...

android preloading stuff

Hi, I use webviews and html/css/js to make some of my app's UI. (easy to do in iPhone and easy to port from there) as a structure i have a native view that takes me to a tabbar and each tab is an activity with its own webview that load a rather complex local (from assets) html. the first load of such a tab takes about 1 sec on the emu...

Android: Retain JS+cache in WebView across application

Hi, I have an application that uses quite a bit of WebView. This can be triggered from a lot entry points in the application that brings up a generic browser activity with a WebView in it. By doing this, i find that there is a high chance that this browser activity will be removed from the activity stack and destroyed when a user press...

Does WebView's loadUrl method run on UI thread?

I am wondering how does webview load a particular URL. Does it create a new thread or load the URL in the same thread i.e. UI thread? The reason I am asking this is I am facing some weird wakeup lock issue when I launch an Activity from current Activity (in current Activity's onCreate method) which creates a WebView in it's onCreate meth...

Is there anyway to intercept javascript triggered URL in webview android?

Is there anyway to intercept javascript triggered URL in a WebView just like normal hrefs using shouldOverrideUrlLoading? ...

Android: WebView's method goBack() shows a blank page

Hi, I have an android application that loads web pages in an activity with a WebView. I am using the retrieving the page manually and using WebView's loadDataWithBaseURL to display it on screen. Everything there is fine. Now, i am trying to override the Back button press to simulate going back in the WebView history stack. I am able to...

Support for other protocols in Android webview

Hi guys.I've created a web view app, the page that is displayed features market:// links but upon clicking them I get the 404 screen along with the error that the protocol is not supported. I've tried looking through documentation but was unable to find anything relating to this. Any help is much appreciated. ...

WebView Inside TabView fail.

I have been trying to add a WebView inside one of the tabs in TabView but it isn't working. When I go to the other tabs i just have TextViews and they work fine, but as soon as I click the tab with the web in it, error it closes unexpectedly. here is my search_result.java that has the tabview package supa.mack.doppler; import android.a...

iphone webview loads firsttime with white border on top

I've a four tabs TabBarController. The first tab is selected and loaded whenever the view is showing up. It's a view with a webview as subview. Now showing up the first time I found a white space between the NavigationBar and the beginning of the WebView. Clicking on the second tab and clicking back to the first the space disappears. (so...

Android WebView completely disrespecting UI layout.

Hello, this is driving me nuts and causing me to pull so much hair, I actually ran out of hair and started hurting random people. I have a UI design in which the WebView is supposed to be to the north, vertically of course, and a bar or line of buttons at the south. So the majority of the design is the WebView, and at the bottom some of...

How to show a WebView with Theme.Dialog style in Android

I declared a WebView activity in the manifest like this: <activity android:name=".MyWebView" android:label="@string/app_name" android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog"> </activity> The WebView looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:...

How to properly zoom a WebView together with it's background image?

I'm using the following code which only zooms the loadData. How is it possible to zoom the image inside? Thank you in advance! WebView web = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.myid); web.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/image.jpg"); web.getSettings().setBuiltInZoomControls(true); web.setBackgroundColor(0); web.setVisibility(ImageView.VISIBLE...

setOnClickListener not response on Android WebView

Hi , I have Android LisView that was contain TextView to display the data in the list, I add to change it to Webview, after doing that everything look good except the setOnClickListener that not responding anymore.. I have read about the Webview and found that setOnClickListener is not supported, instead setOnTouchListener is support...

android - show pictures in webView that are'nt in filesystem

Hello, how can I show pictures in WebView without saving images into file system? I have tried to implement my custom ContentProvider, but method openFile returns ParcelFileDescriptor that points into filesystem (or socket). My pictures are in filesystem, but in encrypted form. I have tried also URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory, but in a...

how to implement makeTextLarger method in webview iphone

i have a webview with 2 buttons text plus and text minus.when i click on text plus, text size should be increased.how to implement this? ...

How to set fix zoom level or scale back in webview?

Zoom works without any problem, but if I select any input field the webview zooms in automatically. How do I can prevent this zoom behavior? set fix zoom level? scale back to previous zoom level? ...