
Admob ads not showing - Android

My ads don't display at all, I think I've followed the documentation correctly but they still won't show. The program is basically a webview and I want the ad to display at the bottom. Heres my layout file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:myapp=...

showing webview with transparent background

Hi all, I am displaying some graph from a link in webview. My requirement is : I want to show graph with changed background color. One way is to change the color in html/php code. The other way I thought is to take the web view within NSBox and fill NSBox with required color, but it is not working as I require. It is showing graph wi...

ajax in webview not send data to server

the ajax in webview works fine if you keep using it,but if you don't do anything and wait for about 10min and try to use ajax to send data to server nothing happens.i checked the server side there is no request sent from the ajax in webview.is it bug of webview or i mess somthing up? the ajax codes i use(the jquey $.ajax with some my ow...

how to use variable instead of constants

how to use variable i in place of '1.4'.i want to use variable i to zoom out and zoom in the webview. [tp stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.body.style.zoom = '1.4';"]; Thanks in advance ...

Android WebView SSL 'Security Warning'

I'm building a test version of an app for a client. Part of this app uses a WebView that calls out to a SSL-based site. In turn, the client has provided a test domain where the certificate name does not match the FQDN. Alas, they are not in a position to provision a cert that matches. :( I'm working around this issue on the companion iO...

How to fix image height and width in webview for android

Hi Friends, I am developing image application,i am using WebView to display image, so I want to fix some height and width size for the image, this size applicable for all kind of size of images in WebView. Any sample code is welcome, Thanks All ...

My app gets "Force close" on several devices

I have people complaining my application gets FC when they launch it (meanwhile others never had a single problem). Here is my full activity source. Since it happens on devices I don't own I can not fix it. From what they tell me it doesn't work on: Motorola Blackflip, Motorola Dext, Motorola CLIQ XT. Guess Motorola doesn't like my app a...

Enhance webView performance (should be the same performance as native Web Browser)

My experience is that loading websites in a WebView is much slower than performing the same actions in the Android Web Browser. I can see that all files have been loaded in my Apache log, it will take a few seconds until the page is displayed in the WebView control, however. Opening the same page in the native Web browser will result in ...

Android WebView will not scroll (Loading an embedded Google Calendar)

I am working on an app for my company. One of the buttons loads a webview of a google calendar. This works pretty well and all of my other webviews scroll appropriately. However when loading this calendar it resizes to the screen size and will not scroll. I tried setting the webview in a linear layout and making the height of the web...

Graphics not appearing properly over print layout of web view

Hi all, I am trying to obtain print of html content over web view, using this method : [sampleWebView print:nil]; // where sampleWebView is an object of WebView In html I am drawing a line using this- <hr size=\"4\" noshade=\"noshade\" class=\"style1\" /> And a small colored circle using this- &#x25CF; In web view it is appear...

Android webview links not working for some

Hi can anyone help explain what's going on: I've developed a simple app which uses webview, it fully works on HTC's Legend and Desire as well as the emulator in Eclipse. But from emails received, people with Droid Xs and Galaxy Ss get a 'The requested file was not found. d2.html' error message after clicking a link from the main html pa...

how to create a web view stop button programmatically

i want to add a button to toolbar of webview without using IB ,so i must do it using programmatically how to do it? ...

Designing a rich UI using Webview for a non-network-using Android application

Hi, I am in the process of designing an application for android where the user can see a list of resources with short summary (e.g., title and date of an event) , and clicking on an item shows the details (e.g., event description, who is attending, etc). Currently I am exploring making a custom ListView and LinearLayout for this in Andro...

when i press a stop button in web view it should stop loading content

i am using web view stop button to do this is working,but i want to write ibaction for this and when i press this it should stop loading content how to stop web view to load... ...

webView with https loadUrl shows blank page

I used webview to visit https link. the page always show blank. i found the way to dill with it public class WebViewClient extends Object { public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error) { handler.proceed(); } } That's work fine. But i used API Android 2.1, the above method is belongs to ...

load pdf viewer from a hyperlink of pdf file inside webview

Has anyone managed to invoke a pdf viewer to display pdf files upon clicking a hyperlink inside webview? If so, can you share some idea how you accomplish that? ...

Is there a way to disable the zoom feature on input fields in webview?

When a user clicks in an input field or textarea, the application zooms in. Is there a simple way to disable it? Currently have the meta tag: meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; height=device-height; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=no; target-densityDpi=device-dpi;" Everything looks great till I look a...

Android : how to set context to a view in layout xml ?

I am using WebView in an ActivityGroup and it will throw an exception if WebView show Dialog and complain the activity is not valid. But it's okay if I set the context of the WebView to the TOP activity. So I wish to know how to set the context in the layout xml ? ...

phonegap: cookie based authentication (PHP) not working [webview]

I'm working on a mobile web-app using sencha touch, HTML5 and phonegap as a wrapper. I'm using PHP-Authentication (Cookie) and ajax-requests. Everything works fine on safari or chrome, but after the deployment with phonegap (webview) it does't work anymore... Any help would be appreciated :) Some more details: All data for my app is...

JQuery getting location of element relative to window

Given an HTML DOM ID, how to get an element's position relative to the window in JavaScript/JQuery? This is not the same as relative to the document nor offset parent since the element may be inside an iframe or some other elements. I need to get the screen location of the element's rectangle (as in position and dimension) as it is cur...