
how can i use webview object in cocoa to display webpage?

i want to display the web page in my program ,i use the WebView object in my IB (.xib) but it dosent work ,is there any sampel code ,not doc or article? view_w.h @interface view_w : NSObject { IBOutlet WebView* Web; } -(IBAction) google:(id) sender; @end view_w.m -(IBAction) google:(id) sender { NS...

Intercepting download in webview and downloading using HttpClient

Hi, I have created a WebView instead of directly linking to a link because the website has complicated redirect checks that prevent me from directly linking. However, in order for the download to complete, users have to long click on the link and save it. Users are confused. They think its broken. I was wondering if it would be possible...

Enable longClick in WebView

In the browser, you can longClick on URLs. In my WebView, you cannot. How can I make it so you can? ...

Android sdk 1.6 WVGA, webview within scrollview is not working

Hello All, I have added the webview within scrollview in the layout. So data in webview is not fully displayed. Only in android sdk1.6 WVGA resolution, It is not working properly. This bug is filed in android bug tracker also. For your reference, http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/thread/d66d908993d51d65 ...

How can I obtain the Post data with WebView?

Hello,I am a Android learner.I meet a problem recently. 1.I want obtain the post data with WebView.The wbatail.html form use this <form name="accountsave" method="post" action="load_ok.jsp"> <input name="moneyCounter" format="*M" maxlength="12" emptyok="true" size="12"/><br/> <input name="passWord" type="password" maxlength="12" format...

WebView textarea doesn't pop up the keyboard.

Hi, When I display a webview, I don't see the soft keyboard popping up. The hard keyboard also doesn't work! What are the usual shortcomings. The code which I use to access the webview is package com.example.blahblah; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import androi...

Cocoa WebView, WebKit - Prevent I-Beam cursor from showing over text?

Hi all, Cocoa app, SnowLeopard I have a WebView in to which I'm loading HTML (essentially for application UI purposes). In the html, I've added: <body onselectstart="return false" ondragstart="return false"> This prevents text from being selected, which is what I want for this job. However, whenever the cursor is moved over any te...

static gif not shown in webview for android >1.6

Hi, I'm just using a webview to show an static image with zoom controls and I realised that zooming works better with .gif images. Now that I'm testing my program in all api-levels I have discovered that it works properly in Android 1.5 and 1.6 but in newer versions I only can see a blank page with zoom controls. Anybody knows how to sol...

Android Webview POST

I am trying to accomplish something quite simple, yet I have found no good documentation on this. I have a webView, and I need to load a page in it that requires POST data. Seems like a simple process, yet I cannot find a way to display the result in a webView. The process should be simple: query(with POST data) -> webserver -> HTML re...

Saving image, webview, android

Hi, I am using webview in android to display images (mainly using google ajax API), Now if I want to save an image into local storage, How do I do ? I have image url, which can be used for saving. ...

Load images or whole site from local "assets" folder using webview, ANDROID

the question i have is simple but hard to put in words, ill give it a try anyways. i am trying to load a web page in webview, however the load time is a little high. -is there anyway i can put the images in the assets folder and load them from there instead? -if not, is there a way i can load the whole site from the assets folder, prov...

Is it possible to get the HTML code from WebView

I would like to preemptively get the HTML code of a webpage that is to be loaded in a webView, parse it using regex, and display only the HTML code that I want, while letting the webpage still think it has loaded everything. Is there any way to do that in the WebViewClient.onLoadResource() or similar methods? EDIT: I tried this: clas...

Would using webview with phonegap get an app rejected from Apple App Store?

Would using webview with phonegap get an app rejected from Apple App Store? The app would not be all in webview, but will using webview for certain things make apple reject the app? ...

Hide menubar and dock after fullscreen video in WebView

I have a cocoa application which is a fullscreen webbrowser using WebView. Initially the menubar and dock are hidden, and cannot be accessed, which is how I want it, but after a fullscreen window such as a video is displayed, the menubar and dock reappear and stay there. Any idea how to prevent them from reappearing? ...

[Android 1.6]How to display GIF animation on Webview

Hi all, i have problem when display GIF Animation in webview, anyone can recommend solution for this problem. Thanks. ...

Android WebView Reload when the app loads

Hi, I am writing an android application that has a webview. On the first load it works fine, I am able to browse and drill down to pages. My expected behavior is that if I leave the application and come back, it should redirect to the page that I have it set to call in the webView.loadUrl("[page i set here]") but it seems to load the ...

How do I use webview to embed the web app in a native Android App?

I have a fully-working web app that is accessible using Android's browser. The annoying part is the url bar uses a lot of the screen. Is there a way to make this web app a native Android app? I've read that webview can be used to embed a web site within the Android App. Unfortunately, I only know web programming languages and have no Ja...

How to avoid scaling of android webview

hi Is there any way to prevent android webview to scale the rendered web page . I need to load an url which has links to other pages .When user clicks these links the rendered page is not aligned properly(i mean it cramps all the stuff within the screen width and height ) as compared to default handling of same web page by android browse...

App crashes because Android can't find a Java method, despite no problem at compile or install

My Android app runs fine, but: If I insert a call to WebView.setScrollbarFadingEnabled, it crashes saying: Could not find method android.webkit.WebView.setScrollbarFadingEnabled, referenced from [my class] VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 289: Landroid/webkit/WebView;.setScrollbarFadingEnabled (Z)V I am using Android 1.5, not a c...

Android: How to communicate between 2 activies

I have a problem: I have a UI thread which displays webwiew and another chatActivity which displays chat. I keep on getting data from server which would be displayed on both Activities. What is the best way to do this viz doInBackground or Service, If service, than can i bind 2 activity with 1 service i.e. if user press logout from UI...