
Easy way of exporting @2x images for retina display?

I am creating a lot of webviews that must be compatible with both the iPhone 4 retina display and pre-iPhone 4 devices. It's a pain in the ass to export multiple files for each image. Is there a script or utility to automate this process? ...

android, webview, javascript injection

hi, I'd like to call a JavaScript function out of Java (Android). Well, the following source code works fine for me (source) 1 /** 2 * This is not called on the UI thread. Post a runnable to invoke 3 * loadUrl on the UI thread. 4 */ 5 public void clickOnAndroid() { 6 mHandler.post(new Runnable() { 7 public void run() { 8 ...

Android: Callbacks with WebView component?

I am doing authentication with a third-party site that's supposed to redirect back to my app with auth token (OAUTH). I have the callback working properly if I open the 3rd party site in a separate browser process via this.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri)); but, if I embed a WebView component in my layout, and open ...

android webview iframe overflow

Hi, I'm currently building a web app in android. My app runs in a webview, and loads third-party contents through iframs. The iframe size is fixed and supposed not to be changed by the content loaded. In desktop Chrome browser, it works fine and the overflow part of loaded content can be scrolled via scrollbars. However, in android webvi...

need help for setting progressbars for webview clicks.

friend's I wanna need to know how to set progressbars for webview,when i click submenus or links from that webpage. thanks in advance. ...

Android 2.1 WebView and keyboard input

When Android 2.1 focuses on a text field in a WebView while in Landscape, it does this below. It takes the entire field input area and fills the tiny strip of available screen. The problem here is that when you hit that "Next" button, you have enough idea what field you are in. Is there a way to improve this with some sort of prompt s...

Virtual Keyboard only shows after two taps

Hello all, I have an app that has only one Webview and some buttons. On the webview I show a website that contains one textbox. Sometimes, when I tap the textbox the virtual keyboard does not show, and I have to tap again. This only happens on OS 2.1 Has anyone else faced this? Anyone have any idea of what may be causing it? I tryie...

Android Development: Using Image From Assets In A WebView's HTML

Hello, In my app I'm making a basic HTML help document. I wanted my app's logo in the HTML img tag itself, but I don't know how I'd reference to the logo which will be stored in assets. Is this possible, if so how? Thanks for the help! ...

Android WebView: Large local image not loaded/shown

I'm trying to display a large (~> 1000x1000) image in a WebView. The image is in the assets folder. The problem is the image doesn't get loaded, instead I see the small blue square with a question mark (presumably meaning the image could not be loaded). I made a copy of the image and resized it to ~500x500. I'm loading both the origi...

Loading Cache when Offline in Android Webview

Hi there, i have an application which loads urls from a website. Now i want that the aplication uses the cache when offline. But i just get the failure site which says that im not connected to the website. At first i set the Cachmode to Load_Normal but this doesnt help. Next i tried a realy "silly" approach using the ConnectivityManager...

When to call ScrollTo on a WebView

I want to open a website in a WebView and then have it start a certain pixel distance down the page. I see the WebView has a scrollTo() method, but when is the soonest I can call this and how do I detect that? I would like to have it appear to the user, that the page opens up at the scroll position. So I don't want to wait until the e...

WebView and buttons layout makes buttons invisible

Hey guys, I've got the following layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="vertical"> <WebView xmlns:android="http://sc...

Android - Increase Scrollable Area of a WebView (or just any view in general)

I've currently got a webview that when loading has a "loading message" pop down at the top of the screen above it (but the message doesn't fill the whole screen so you can see some of the content it covers). When this happens, I want the scrollable area of the webview to increase to accommodate for the message (and this increased area t...

Android WebView playing audio with javascript.

I'm trying to very quickly port over an html application with plays sound (with soundmanager2) to a native android app using WebView. From my research, I haven't seen any evidence that sound, such as mp3s, can be played via javascript or any other methods using WebView. My goal now is to quickly port over the html app and then eventual...

Zooming in WebView (Cocoa)

I have a Cocoa application with a WebView and would like to add buttons to zoom in and out, and was wondering how to accomplish this. I am also using custom scrollbars (via NSSlider) so the scrollbars that are part of the WebView are hidden. ...

How to set the initial zoom/width for a webview

I am trying to get the WebView to have similar behavior as the android browser. The browser opens all pages in a way that tries to fit their width to the screen. However, the default behavior of the WebView is to start at a 100% pixel scale so it starts zoomed in on the top left corner. I have spent the last couple hours trying to f...

Android Webview Question

I am dynamically serving an image from my server, and attempting to display it in an img tag on an Android phone. This works perfectly in the normal Android browser, but when I try it in my app's Webview I just get a question mark. Running Android 2.1.1 on a Nexus One ...

Android: when in web view: Does the browser cache the previous page?

My question is, when you are in a webView, and you have gone through several pages. You want to go back. Is the last page you have been to cached, so that you would not need internet connection to go back? ...

Browser for Mac using WebView

I'm making a really simple Browser for Mac OS X but I've encountered a problem. I sign in to Facebook and select the box "Remember me", but when I restart my app I have to sign in again. At the moment it is just a WebView in the main window and on load I tell it to load http://www.facebook.com So, how I do to make "Remember me" work? ...

[Android] How to open new browser from WebViewClient??

Hi all, Short question that i cannot get my finger on, i'd like to launch a new browser from my WebView after people click a hyperlink. But how can i set that target of that link to escape the WebViewClient?? Here's my code, any help is greatly appreciated: WebView site = (WebView)findViewById(R.id.WebView); site.setWebViewClient(n...