
How to partially ftp a file (using ftp, wget with shell scripts or php)?

hi, i want to partially download a ftp file. i just need to download lets say 10MB, but after skipping 100MB (for example). In php, http://php.net/manual/en/function.ftp-fget.php this function allows arbitay starting point: bool ftp_fget ( resource $ftp_stream , resource $handle , string $remote_file , int $mode [, int $resum...

Spider a Website and Return URLs Only

I'm not quite sure how best to define/articulate this, but I'm looking for a way to pseudo-spider a website. The key is that I don't actually want the content, but rather a simple list of URIs. I can get reasonably close to this idea with Wget using the --spider option, but when piping that output through a grep, I can't seem to find the...

Downloading multimedia content in java from php pages

The url: http://www.teamliquid.net/replay/download.php?replay=1830 is a download link to a .rep file. My question is: how to download this content in java knowing the name of the original rep file in order to save it with a defined prefix, like path/_.rep //I was trying to run wget from java but I don't see how to get the original fil...

Scripting wget to populate a webapp

Can I use wget to populate some forms in a web app if the web app requires a user to login? I'm trying to use wget in a script to send some data to a web app, but it appears the web app rejects the attempts because I am not logged in. ...

wget: can it create subdirectories based on filenames?

Hi. I hope that this is the right place to ask this question: if I'm wrong, just tell me to shut up. :) I'm a Windows wget user. I want to mirror a site that has a lot of files in just one big directory (no subdirectories): e.g. aaa.htm aab.htm aba.htm bcd.htm etc. Now, I'd like wget automatically putting the files it downloads in cust...

Using wgetrc file

I want to use wgetrc file with wget. The problem is that .wgetrc is the default file. Is there a way to tell wget what wgetrc file to use so I can use different file that the default. ...

Authentication with wget

I am currently accepting the parameters login and password in my servlet, but logs are storing this info when using wget (as long as it is GET method, and apache is in the middle) Instead of this I want to enhance my servlet's authentication accepting: wget --http-user=login --http-password=password http://myhost/myServlet How can I ...

Tool to Verify Site URLs/SiteMap?

I'm moving a site from one e-commerce software to another, and I've created URL Rewriter rules to do 301 redirects from the Old URLs to the new ones. I've tested them with a small sample of URLs, but I'm looking for some sort of tool that will let me test as many of the URLs as possible. Does anyone know of a tool that I can feed a list ...

How to grab frame-based site with js-generated menu?

Hi all. I need to grab site, generated by phpdocumentor. The problem is js-generated menu. For example you can check http://developer.openx.org/api/. OS Linux, preferred grabber is wget. Is there any solution for such case? ...

wget not behaving via IPC::Open3 vs bash

I'm trying to stream a file from a remote website to a local command and am running into some problems when trying to detect errors. The code looks something like this: use IPC::Open3; my @cmd = ('wget','-O','-','');#any website will do here my ($wget_pid,$wget_in,$wget_out,$wget_err); if (!($wget_pid = o...

How to manually build mysql cache

I have a table of over 150,000 rows of which most would be updated daily. I have mysql caching turned on so the pages load faster however everytime the database is updated the pages load slow again, which I assume is the cache building itself again. So at the moment I have resorted to doing a wget -m --delete-after http://localhost/ on...

how to mirror a site converting all links to point to local version even those who end up with 301:moved permanently

Hi, I'm searching for a console application to make a local copy of a site. I need that it not only to convert all valid links to point to local files, but also those, which are redirected. After a lot of googling the best option I managed to find is "wget --recursive --convert-links --level=20 --no-clobber --html-extension --no-parent...

Wget timeout command failed for specific url due to unspeicifed content-length

wget is helpful in my data mining projects. Today I try to wget the following web. Its content-type is unspecified, so the connection is hung before I terminate the process. I tried options for -T , --connect-timeout --read-timeout and --no-http-keep-alive, all failed. I try to google the answer, read the man of wget. No solution. Someon...

Get url after redirect

Hi, I need to get the final url after a page redirect preferrably with curl or wget. For example http://google.com may redirect to http://www.google.com. The contents are easy to get(ex. curl --max-redirs 10 http://google.com -L), but I'm only interested in the final url (in the former case http://www.google.com). Is there any way of...

wget relative url to absolute url in shell

Hi I am using wget to copy a data from url and store it in a file.The url gives me a aspx file .I need to convert the aspx file to html file.SO I renamed the file from asd.aspx to asd.html.But in my file there are relative url which are not working in my html file.They should point to original url.How can i convert the relative url to t...

Image folder download using wget

i need to write a line in my script to download a directory(having about 10 images)from a url like abc.com/Image/images/,trying wget command as below in the script : wget -e robots=off -r -l1 --no-parent -A.gif http://abc.com/Image/images/ OR wget -A "*.gif" http://abc.com/Image/images/ but it is giving error as : HTTP request sent, ...

updating data from different URL using wget

What's the best way of updating data files from a website that has moved on to a new domain, with changes in their folder structure. The old URL for example is http://folder.old-domain.com while the new URL is http://new-domain.com/directory1/directory2. My data is stored locally in ~/Data_Backup/folder.old-domain.com folder. Data wa...

Using wget to download a directory and all images it references?

I want to download all pages in http:// www.server.com/directory1/ and not the rest of http:// www.server.com/ However, most pages in the directory I want have images, which are not stored in http:// www.server.com/directory1/ but in http:// images.server.com/ I don't want everything in the images directory, only the images necessary f...

Regex with wget?

I'm using wget to download some useful website: wget -k -m -r -q -t 1 http://www.web.com/ but I want replace some bad words with my own choice (like Yahoo pipes regex) ...

How to download all files from a specific Sourceforge project?

After spending about an hour downloading almost every Msys package from sourceforge I'm wondering whether there is a more clever way to do this. Is it possible to use wget for this purpose? ...