
Find and Copy a String within HTML code

I'm trying something new, I would normally do this in C# or VB. But for speed reason I'd like to do this on my server. Open File terms.txt Take each item one at a time from terms.txt and open a url (possibly curl or something else) and go to http://system.com/set=terms View the HTML source and extract pic names (stringB). Look for ima...

wget - specify directory and rename the file

I'm trying to download multiple files and need to rename as I download, how can I do that and specify the directory I want them to download to? I know i need to be using -P and -O to do this but it does not seem to be working for me. ...

how to abort wget?

sometime when I use wget to recursively download a website, I made a mistake and want abortion. I've Searched over and over and no luck ...

wget: Checking for file timestamp and overwriting.

Hi all. How can I get wget to do this: Download a file from a location say x, only if the local copy of the file has an older time stamp than that of the file's time stamp on x. That means, it should download a file from a given location, only if there is a newer version of the file. In case there is a newer version of the file, wget ...

wget download with multiple connection simultaneously

Im using wget to download website contents. But wget will download it one by one. How to make wget download with 4 connection simultaneously ...

script that automatically logs in a website and download a file

Hi Experts, I need to login to a website with username and password, and then download a file. The url of the file is static. How do I automate the above process with Linux/Unix scripts? Thanks a lot. Jiangzhe ...

alternatives to rsync?

Hi-- I'm trying to script a backup system for several servers, some Windows, some Linux. I'd love to be able to use rsync but I can't (at least not in all situations, since some servers I can't install rsync to, and some are Win servers). I've tested with wget in FTP mode with the "timestamping" option, and it seems to work pretty well ...

wget flashcontent offline

Hi, Im downloading a complete site for offline use: wget \ --recursive \ --no-clobber \ --page-requisites \ --html-extension \ --convert-links \ --level=10 \ --restrict-file-names=windows \ --domains mysite.com \ --no-parent \ www.mysite.com Everything works fine. Except local SW...

Not work. wget and block

Hello. I want to write a script which downloads all the podcasts from an rss-feed. This is code does not work: def wget @mp3_links.each do |m| system("wget", "#{m}") end end I understand that to be linked to the delay, but how? ...

How to prevent file name "index.html?replytocom=xxx" in wget

Im trying to remove lots of strange file name, like index.html?replytocom=653, index.html?replytocom=667, etc. Im using below code: wget -k -m -r -q -R gif,png,jpg,jpeg,GIF,PNG,JPG,JPEG,?,= -t 1 http://www.website.com/ and tried also wget -k -m -r -q -R gif,png,jpg,jpeg,GIF,PNG,JPG,JPEG,?,=,replytocom -t 1 http://www.website.com/ ...

Save Image from Servlet generated image src to HardDisk

I don't know how to automatically retrieve and save an image to my harddisk given this html source: <img src="https://someRemoteServer/servlet/GetItemServlet?ts=32352.3&amp;itemtype=blabla"&gt; I tried wget, but it only saves the request GetItemServlet itself to my harddisk. I want to iterate through 700 images on the remote Server ...

How to wget a file when the filename isn't known?

I am trying to automate the download of a file using wget and calling the php script from cron, the filename always consists of filename and date, however the date changes depending on when the file is uploaded. The trouble is there is no certainty of when the file is updated, and hence the final name can never really be known until the ...

Cron job not storing errors/results to log

I have a few Cron jobs running using 'wget' on my server, none of which are storing errors/results to a log file. Each of the command lines is identical except the specific controller and function called. I'm having trouble with one of the cron jobs, even though if I navigate to it in the browser it works without a hitch; the other two...

Downloading a web page. OK with wget, fails with java

Hi all, I'm trying to download the following page: http://structureddata.wikispaces.com/Test wget without any option fails: wget "http://structureddata.wikispaces.com/Test" (...) connect to session.wikispaces.com insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate' with --no-check-certificate, it works wget --no-check-certificate "http://struc...

strange wget behavior bash script

I created a script to download some iso files. This is the script: #!/bin/bash lynx -dump http://www.mydownloadsite.com/Downloads.htm | egrep -o http://www.mydownloadsite.com/images/iso_.*[A-Z].iso | xargs -n1 wget -d -P ~/Downloads/ISO/ -U Everytime i run this script wget starts downloading the first iso but hangs after downloading ...

Bizarre download of webpage using wget and curl

I'm trying to download some remote pages. In the source code there is a very long line. Both curl and wget download the file but decide to miss out this one line. Is there another command line utility I can use and/or does anyone know how I can fix this problem. Edit: Can I clarify, I have tried with wget and curl and both files miss th...

Using wget to mirror a website and everything from the first level of external sites.

I need to mirror a particular website (all the pages under that particular domain) any pages (but not whole sites) that the website links to. I'm confused about the how to do this wget -r --level=inf (or some other variant) will mirror the site. wget -r -H --level=1 will get all the links (from all domains) to the first level. Anyone...

How to get the contents of a webpage in a shell variable ?

In Linux how can I fetch an URL and get its contents in a variable in shell script? ...

Receiving file from WGET in PHP

How do I receive an uploaded file from WGET in PHP? wget --post-file=file.txt --header="Content-type: text/csv" "http://mywebsite.com/upload.php" In which variable do I find the contents of file.txt? ...

WGET without the log file

Hello, Every time I use wget http://www.domain.com a Log file is being saved automatically on my server. is there anyway to run this command without logging? Thanks, Joel ...