
Google like paging in Wicket

How to do "google like" paging in Wicket? You only show links to 10 first search result pages, then when I click page 10, additional 10 more pages are added to search results etc. I have a typical search form and list of search results. There are possibly many search result pages. Typically only the first few search result pages are in...

Which companies/websites are using the wicket framework?

I am currently evaluating wicket for the use of a rich intranet application, and I am very curious if there are big projects/websites which take the use of the apache wicket framework? There are only a few mentioned on the wicket homepage. (Beside that, I am only aware of a big german publisher for scientific literature which uses wicke...

How does Spring fit into my application architecture?

I'm currently rebuilding an existing PHP application using Java. I therefore have an existing frontend GUI and an existing database schema that I'm working with. Here is the technology stack I'm working towards: jQuery, client-side Wicket, front-end Spring, ??? Hibernate, ORM MySQL, database Before reading about Spring in both Wicke...

Wicket - which ORM?

Hi, I'm looking for an easy-to-use and intergrate ORM for Wicket application. I was thinking about Hibernate. Is it a good choice? What are the possible problems with Wicket/Hibernate? Any other suggestions are welcome. Thanks for any help. ...

String not serializable exception coming for interned strings from Wicket Model (on JRockit/Weblogic)

Hi, The following seems to be a bug with JRockit or Weblogic, but maybe someone on this list has seen it before and has a better workaround/solution. We have been developing a Wicket application for a government agency that is going to be used by 15k users. The application will be deployed on a Weblogic cluster running on JRockit and Red...

wicket @SpringBean can not create bean

I have a project on Eclipse, Wicket, Spring, Hibernate. Every thing works normaly except : when I try public class SortableContactDataProvider extends SortableDataProvider<User> { @SpringBean private Service service; public Iterator<User> iterator(int first, int count) { //SortParam sp = getSort(); retur...

where to start, if i want to learn Java and wicket framework

Hi all, I am a C/C++ programmer with moderate experience in desktop application. (no web development). now I would like to move to web development. and I am considering Java and Wicket framework. but since Java is a vast language. Could you please guide me where to start learning Java. I mean what feature i should learn first. like...

Wicket resource - string not found?

I'm playing with wicket's form input components. I tried to put an enum to a DropDownMenu: public enum Choice { ONE, TWO, THREE } cz.oz.wicket.pages.form.FormPage.java -------------- .add( new DropDownChoice("choice", Arrays.asList( Choice.values() ), new EnumChoiceRenderer() ) ) and added a properties file: cz.oz.wi...

jQuery AJAX call to Java/Wicket server gets no response in IE (6/7/8)

Note: This relates to a previous question. I have a Wicket page that has a form with some complex client-side interactions that I decided to use jQuery for instead of Wicket (long discussion, I know). Essentially I'm just building a JSON object, submitting it via AJAX, and performing some action on completion. The call works fine in Fir...

For my next project, a web-app, should use scala+wicket or scala+lift?

Given the various advantages of the Scala language I have decided to write my next web-application in Scala. However, should I be using Wicket or Lift? I am familiar with Wicket, a like it quite a bit, but know very little about Lift. Is learning Lift worth the effort in this context? In order words, how does Lift compare to Wicket? Giv...

How do I change link-text in Wicket?

I created a link with static text. That works fine but now I also want to change the text when you click the link. I got as far as this: add(new Link("doAnything") { @Override public void onClick() { // change the text! // this.modelChanging(); // this.detach(); } }); I hope you can giv...

Help me choose Java web framework

Hi. I was C++ WinForms developer and then I swiched to Java Swing. Now I need to do web application, but I have strong background of GUI development so I want to put it in use. So I was looking for some nice Java-based frameworks, and two of them appear to be the thing what I am searching for : Apache Wicket Google Web Toolkit Here a...

Can Wicket handle two requests from the same page within the same session concurrently?

When I click on link 1 and then, before the response was received, click on link 2 on the same page, I get a "Page Expired" error from Wicket. Is Wicket conceptional capable to do such a concurrent processing? Any ideas why Wicket loses the session (it seems to reside on tomcat though)? ...

Wicket: Where to handle JDBC connection error

Hi, I have a Spring based Wicket app. There's a pooled datasource bean. Now, when MySQL is dead, I get a default Wicket error page with a stacktrace. I'd like to handle this situation and to only allow some pages to fully display (the static ones), and to show a custom error page for the others. How should I efficiently implement thi...

Best tool to do load testing of wicket framework?

Can you recommend a simple/best tool for an web application developed using Wicket framework? The challenge is interface id is changed every time so record and playback may not work. This link explains some work around but it is not simple to implement. ...

wicket PageParameters encoding

My project is under eclipse, Tomcat, Spring, Hibernate. In my web app when I try go to enother webPage : public void onSubmit() { String value="Д"; PageParameters pars=new PageParameters(); pars.add("strname", value); setResponsePage(FilterClient....

Wicket - user data internationalization

Hi, I'm writing an application using Wicket/Hibernate and I need to support many languages. How to make good internationalization of user data in a PostgreSQL database? Thanks for any help/suggestions. ...

How to handle Wicket session per client using aop

I am using Wicket 1.4.9 + Spring 3 + iBatis. I want to get session data before used transactional but I have a big problem because this data put on Wicket web session(this data choose on login page). I am using spring aop for point cut but I cannot point cut session per client. How to solve this problem. User Class Entity package com...

How to go about creating a first startup wizard with Wicket? (Database table creation etc.)

Hello. I'm working on a Java Web Application with Wicket, Spring and Hibernate. The web application is not particularily large (I have one DAO and one service), but I'd like to offer the users that deploy the application a startup wizard much like the ones found in Wordpress. When the webpage is accessed for the first time (no database...

Expanding Wickets TreeTable nodes when initializing a tree

I'm pretty new to wicket and I'm trying to create a simple wicket tree that holds information about mailinglists. This mailinglist is related to a certain letter. MailingListDto 1 User 1 User 2 MailingListDto 2 User 3 User 4 If we are editing an existing letter, the mailinglists related to that letter are fetched into mailingList...