
How do I display a Wicket Datatable, sorted by a specific column by default?

Hello everyone! I have a question regarding Wicket's Datatable. I am currently using DataTable to display a few columns of data. My table is set up as follows: DataTable<Column> dataTable = new DataTable<Column>("columnsTable", columns, provider, maxRowsPerPage) { @Override protected Item<Column> newRowItem(St...

Commercial Website architecture question

Hello everyone, I have to write an architecture case study but there are some things that i don't know, so i'd like some pointers on the following : The website must handle 5k simultaneous users. The backend is composed by a commercial software, some webservices, some message queues, and a database. I want to recommend to use Spring f...

Wicket and SVG - any components exist?

SVG DOM can be controlled with JavaScript, so it can be AJAX-enabled... I wonder if there are some SVG components for Wicket yet. And if Wicket can have pure xml/svg as the output format. Quick googling shows only a question at Code Ranch. ...

Wicket, Spring and Hibernate - Testing with Unitils - Error: Table not found in statement [select relname from pg_class]

Hi there. I've been following a tutorial and a sample application, namely 5 Days of Wicket - Writing the tests: http://www.mysticcoders.com/blog/2009/03/10/5-days-of-wicket-writing-the-tests/ I've set up my own little project with a simple shoutbox that saves messages to a database. I then wanted to set up a couple of tests that would ...

Wicket app in embedded Jetty causes UnsupportedClassVersionError

I've tried to run a Wicket app in an embedded Jetty, using this code: public static void main( String[] args ){ Server server = new Server(8080); Context root = new Context( server, "/", Context.SESSIONS ); FilterHolder filterHolder = new FilterHolder( new WicketFilter() ); filterHolder.setInitParameter("applicationClassName"...

Wicket testing - AnnotApplicationContextMock - There is no application attached to current thread main

I've written a couple of tests for a small web app, but I get an error when I try to run the page specific tests that makes use of WicketTester. Google sends me to a mailing list for Apache Wicket, where a user experienced the same exception. He/she said the problem was that AnnotApplicationContextMock was initialized before the Wicket ...

Page expired issue with back button and wicket SortableDataProvider and DataTable

Hi, I've got an issue with SortableDataProvider and DataTable in wicket. I've defined my DataTable as such: IColumn<Column>[] columns = new IColumn[9]; //column values are mapped to the private attributes listed in ColumnImpl.java columns[0] = new PropertyColumn<Column>(new Model<String>("#"), "columnPosition", "columnPosition"); ...

setter injection guice + wicket

Hi, I have a Wicket Web Page where I create a new Object of class A: A a = new A(User u); In A I would like to have setter injection, however this is actually not done. I have heard that one must provide an empty constructor but how is it possible to have also a non - empty constructor with setter injection? ...

RadioGroup getValue does not return correct slected value

I'm running into a small issue with RadioGroup. My RadioGroup has possible values, true and false. The Radio types I have in my radiogroup use a Model that stores true or false. On an ajax onchange event I want to do some handling, and to do so I need to know the selected radio in my radiogroup and another identical radiogroup. The...

Wicket link - is adding a label necessary to set the text?

Currently, I do this: <li><a wicket:id="link" href="#"><span wicket:id="name">jawa01</span></a></li> and item.add( new BookmarkablePageLink("link", ResourcePage.class) .setParameter("name", item.getModelObject().getName()) .add( new Label("name", item.getModelObject().getName()) ) ); I want to do ommit the element: <li><a w...

Wicket and a rich ajax website: easiest way to do it?

I want to use Wicket to build an application, but I have some designers that would like to write/maintain the javascript, and they basically expect 1 JS-segment per page, and a global JS-file. I think the most natural way to add javascript in wicket is to add it per component (not per page), which would create problems for those designer...

Spring security + remember me question + wicket

I am using wicket 1.4.7 + spring 3.0 + spring security 3.0 Problem is : Spring security authenticate the user via cookie (remember-me service) but Wicket's AuthenticatedWebSession couldn't understand this and populate login panel. How can i solve it ? Thanks. ...

How to you password protect a page with Wicket?

I want to password protect a webpage in Wicket so the user may only access it if he/she has logged in. I'd also like the page to show the login page, and then after logging in the original page the user was trying to get to. How is this done with wicket? I've already created a login page and extended the session class. ...

In wicket, combine wicket:link with IAuthorizationStrategy

Hi everybody. I use an IAuthorizationStrategy in wicket to limit access to certain pages. However, I also use html menus like this one: <div class="siteMenu"> <wicket:link> <a href="Page1.html" class="siteMenuLink"> <wicket:message key="pages.page1.title" /> </a> <a href="Page2.html" class="siteMenuLink"> ...

Passing information safely between Wicket and Hibernate in long running conversations

We are using Wicket with Hibernate in the background. As part of out UI we have quite long running conversations spanning multiple requests before the updated information is written back to the database. To avoid getting hibernate errors with detached objects we are now using value objects to transfer info from the service layer to Wic...

Examples of Wicket ChoiceFilteredPropertyColumn?

I'd really like some kind of filter I can use on my AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable. It seems that I may be able to implement that with a ChoiceFilteredPropertyColumn, however I cannot seem to find any examples on how to use it, or just demos of what it does. Can someone point me to, or show me how to implement a ChoiceFilteredPropertyCol...

Decorator Component in Wicket

Is it possible to implement some kind of decorator component in wicket ? Specially while honoring the id of the decorated component ? Currently i try to solve this using a Border Component acting as a decorator: Given: public XXXPage() { MyBorder border = new MyBorder("xxx"); border.add( new Label("xxx", "Foo") ); // label just ...

wicket: how to add table background image

Hi All Can anyone please tell me how to add table background image in wicket. Actually I've tried a lot like <table background="images/logo.jpg"> also <style>table {background-image: url('images/logo.jpg')}</style> also <table style="background-image: url('images/logo.jpg')"> But nothing works. Please help. Thanks in advance. ...

Wicket : Can a Panel or Component react on a form submit without any boilerplate code?

I am currently evaluating Wicket and I am trying to figure out how things work. I have a question regarding form submit and panels (or other components). Imagine a custom wicket panel which contains a text field, doing as-you-type validation using ajax. This panel is added to a form. How can the Panel react a form submit (let's say bec...

Wicket application + Apache + mod_jk - AJP queues are filling up!

Dear community, We are having a Wicket-based Java application deployed in a production server cluster using Apache (2.2.3) with mod_jk (1.2.30) as load balancing component w/ sticky session and Jboss 5 as application container for the Java application. We are inconsistently seeing an issue in our production environment where our AJP qu...