
Which framework should I choose - Seam, Wicket, JSF or GWT?

I'm debating whether to use Seam, Wicket, JSF or GWT as the foundation for my presentation layer in a Java project. I narrowed my selection of Java web frameworks down to this subset based on job market considerations, newness of the technology and recommendations from other S.O. users. What factors should I take into consideration in...

Can anyone show me a good tutorial of Apache Wicket ?

I want to use apache wicket for pagination but i am not much aware of that . so if anyone can tell me where can i find the examples and tutorials , ...

Wicket on self written java based server

Hey yall, I have a wicket- and also a server-related question: We built a little server with java (yeah, I know, why re-invent the wheel ... I got that a lot when I asked the question on the wicket-mailing-list) .... so let's just say, it is desperately needed b/c ... ehm ... I still can't think of a good reason, but there's not a lot I...

Programmatic use of Spring Security

I am using Wicket with the Wicket Auth Project for my presentation layer and I have therefore integrated it with Spring Security. This is the method which is called by Wicket for authentication for me: @Override public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) { try { Authentication request = new UsernamePasswordAu...

Embeddable messaging component for Java web application

In order to satisfy customer requirements, we will need to let users exchange information among each other. The 'messaging system' does not have sophisticated back-end requirements and could be easily implemented with a few tables to store messages and message types. The problem is that I believe that the requirements on the front-end a...

CSS Files Don't Refresh with Wicket (Launched in Intellij via Start.java)

I have create a skeleton Wicket project using mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.wicket -DarchetypeArtifactId=wicket-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.4-rc4 -DgroupId=com.mycompany -DartifactId=myproject All the configuration/importing new project with Maven/Intellij worked fine. I proceeded to add a basic CSS ...

Wicket & jQuery Overlap/Collision

I am currently working on a web app using Wicket and started using jQuery core (UI also) in it today. I ran into an issue I troubleshooted as a jQuery function (show(), slideDown()) colliding with some of the javascript Wicket auto-generated for an external form link. Before I get deeper into this project I am wondering if anyone has ha...

Spring roo Vs (Wicket and Spring)

Spring roo is new framework and I found it very interesting. I have been working on web application for last 3-4 years and Always found JSPs are hard to maintain across teams if everyone is not disciplined enough about separation of markup and serverside logic. I have used JackBe/BackBase in last projects and I enjoyed xml templates work...

Problem in Wicket

I have a page by name BranchMap that uses GoogleMap to show some building to user after he has logged in. the data was at first in protected(password required) situation (in CategoiresXML which extends ProtectedPage) but i found that google can't log in the system and make the page extended from WebPage. But now when I go to BranchMap pa...

Function Pointer in Java

I'm writing a Login page in wicket by java and want to write it as general as possible so I need to pass to class a function which famous as Function Pointer in C++. The class is: class LoginForm extends Form { public LoginForm(String id,TextField username,TextField password,WebResponse webResponse) { super(id); } ...

Page Expiration in Java(Wicket)

I'm writing a wicket project for a social network.In my project i have authentication so when a user enter address of the home page he is redirected to login page in this way: public class MyApplication extends WebApplication { private Folder uploadFolder = null; @Override public Class getHomePage() { return UserHo...

Page Expiration in wicket

I have a wicket Project and My page is Expiring so fast. why? ...

Apache and LGPL license compatability

I have a small pet project under development that uses both Apache Wicket and Alex Gorbachev's Syntax Highlighter. These are released on the Apache and LGPL licenses respectively. I would like to put this project up on github (or similar), but am not an expert on licensing issues. Under what licenses would I be permitted to release thi...

Redirection problem in Java(Wicket)

I have a page that is inherited from WebPage and is protected by class below: public final class WiaAuthorizationStrategy implements IAuthorizationStrategy, IUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener { private RealmPolicy roleManager; private static WiaAuthorizationStrategy instance; private WiaAuthorizati...

Wicket session Expiration

Hi, i am using a class for session which extends org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebSession; i need a method to be called when this session expires as a consequence of logging out or time out. but i have found nothing. How can i do it? Thanks in andvance. ...

Now with GWT 2, what are the advantages over wicket and likewise?

Apart from the argument of Wicket's simplicity (that is, Wicket is a simpler system IMHO) and GWT's responsiveness in the client (GWT's client side state and JavaScript - potentially complex client side code) and GWT's greater potential for scaling, what is the argument for using GWT over Wicket? Personally I've done a lot of Wicket dev...

Wicket: Openlayers Integration & Open Streetmaps Layer

I want to include a open-street-map widget into my apache wicket application. Im using the wicket-contrib-openlayers component from wicket-stuff and the following code: List<Layer> layers = new ArrayList<Layer>(); Layer layerOSMTilesAtHome = new OSM("Osmarender", OSMLayer.TilesAtHome); Layer layerOSMMapnik = new OSM("Mapnik", OSMLaye...

javascript injection in wicket

I have J2EE project which uses wicket framework. I want to know how can I prevent from javascript injection in wicket? ...

Upload File in Ajax by Wicket

I want to upload a file by ajax in wicket.what should I do. beacuse it Seems that wicket does not support this feather. ...

Wicket: Conditional display in Template

Hy, I want to display a certain part (a div for example) of my wicket-template only under a certain condition (for example only if I have the data to fill it). The problem is: If I only add the panel (filling the div) if I got the data, an exception is thrown every time I call the page without the data (because the referenced wicket-id ...