
android's listview not listening to clicks on items added before the activity pauses

Well, hello everyone. I'm just a beginner in Android so excuse me if my question is dumb, but still I can't find an answer to what's happened. I'm writing an application that consists of 3 activities and 1 service. The service keeps track of my content's lists, like that: private void setLists() { this.lists = new HashMap<String, Task...

Tutorial required for developing android desktop widgets?

I like to develop a product something quite similar to what is shown here in the following link:http://getclicky.com/blog/221/5000-for-an-android-desktop-widget Could someone provide me with an analysis of what is exactly required to develop a desktop widget for clicky.blog. Please comment and explain in detail. Thank you ...

Is it possible to get widget settings in Tkinter?

It'd be awesome if I could get something like the below. Pseudo Code: U = widget1.SettingsGet() Print U Upon printing U something like this would be returned: widget1(background='green',foreground='grey',boarderwidth=10, relief='flat') It would be really useful to be able to get a widgets settings. So that I can manipulate other ...

JSONP vs IFrame?

Soon I'll be needing to build a widget that some of our clients can embed in their own websites. To future proof my widget the embed code would be something like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/remote/file.js"></script> <div id="my_widget"></div> What are the strengths and weaknesses of iframes vs JSONP? Are there ...

Wordpress Widgets ampersand Problem

I have a problem with Wordpress. I want to create a text widget with title as Support & FAQ But since I want to validate XHTML, I am writing it as Support &amp; FAQ The problem is when I save the widget in iBlogpro Theme, amp is changed to simple & by Wordpress. ...

Render widgets in OpenGL canvas in Java

Is it possible with Java (and any widget toolkit: AWT/Swing/SWT/...) to render widget within an OpenGL canvas, applying transformations to them while retaining their functionalities and event reactions? ...

Can i add Google Moderator to MediaWiki ?

Is there a Widget for it ? is it possible some how to add it to my MediaWiki ? or I need to create a new Widget for it ? ...

What is the best way to send data between dynamic widgets in GWT

I'm building GWT page with a dynamic widgets withing other dynamaic widgets. Here is the example of what I have: Course widget that is holding course name, course start time, and a list of Module widgets Module widget has module name, module type, a List of Document widgets, and a List of Audio widgets Document and Audio widget has sim...

android show widget programmatically

I craeted application whic has both GUI part and Widget. How can I show/hide Widget from GUI part? ...

Django: multiple dynamic comboboxes

Hi, does anyone know how to link two comboboxes which are generates from a form in a way that makes the 2nd combobox dependent on the 1st one? Every time the user would change the selection in combobox #1, the options in combobox #2 would change to a predefined list of options. The potential options for both comboboxes are fixed at time...

Has anyone successfully integrated chronoscope (timepedia) into a GWT app?

http://timepedia.org/chronoscope/ I have a very specific charting need for a GWT application I am currently working on and found a reference to chronoscope in another stackoverflow post. I looked at it and tried to integrate it into my application but ran into this compiler error: [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/dev/Viper/war/WEB-INF...

Javascript widgets that can be POSTed or update via AJAX -- tips?

Does anyone have any tips for creating versatile Javascript widgets that can be used both in a 'new record' form for POSTing, and in an 'edit record' page with instance AJAX updates. For example, a map that can operate in these two modes: create record: markers are added, and included in the form when it is POSTed edit record: as each ...

handling login authentication with ajax for OSX dashboard widget?

I'm wanting to build a simple OSX dashboard widget to tie in with my web application. The widget will need a login screen first (user and password) to use it though (checked against user table in hosted mysql database, password stored SHA1 encrypted) So my thought is that the widget will need to: show username and password fields Pas...

Widget inside a custom text editor in Eclipse

I'm developing a custom text editor for a programming language in Eclipse. Is it possible to put a widget (a button, for instance) inside a custom text editor? ...

Analytics for 3rd party JavaScript widgets

I'm trying to find the best approach for analyics on 3rd party JavaScript widgets - i.e. tools and content that is distributed to any number of arbitrary users, who include the widgets as HTML snippets with tags. On the same domain Note that the widgets do not load into an iframe element that has a document loaded from the external si...

Free open source Widgets for ASP.NET ?

Hi all is there any free open source Widgets (iGoogle-like widgets) framework for ASP.NET that I can build my own widgets with and can be used for commercial use (sites developed with it can be sold). I checked dropthings and Kalitte but they require a licence. thanks ...

"PHP-ext" -like PHP widget libraries ?

I've asked a similar question a while back (actually nearly 1 year)...back then I was looking for a good widget library, generated from server-side in PHP. The most interesting candidate I find was PHP-ext, but the project seems pretty much dead. So one year later, is there any new open source project of that kind ? Or any widget (PHP-d...

What gui toolkit should I use with Pygame?

I'm making a game that needs to be able to pop up gui elements within a pygame surface. This question isn't what I want because wxPython goes around the SDL surface, not inside it. So far I've only seen ocemp, pgu, and GooeyPy in this problem space. Ocemp is huge and crufty looking. It mentions Python 2.3 and the newest file I found in...

Handling Error Messages

Recently I had to standarize communication between the client and the server in a rich web application composed mostly of widgets. Responses to the client are in a json format. When it was time to decide about handling error messages two ideas popped up. Send the errors message part of the response such as {"success":"false","errors":...

Joomla - sudden issue with Flash objects?

I developed an entire site using Amazon's flash widgets. Then I applied a class to the widget which made copy flow around it. Everything worked fine. Suddenly, however, Joomla is indicated the OBJECT code with a Flash icon in TinyMCE. That's never happened before. And secondly, I can't apply a class id to the Amazon widget. Has anyone ...