
ContextmenuStrip Width

Hi everyone, I need to change the contextmenustrip width dynamically, by default the contextmenustrip width depends on the text length of the ToolstripmenuItems. And BTW I really don't wanna redraw the control again!!! Thanks in advance. ...

ASP.Net Dynamically set width of TreeView

I've got a tree view that can be anywhere from 1 level deep to nearly 6. Each node can be just a few letters or a couple of words totalling up to 20-30 characters. How do I find the largest width of one of the node's text and add its depth offset to set the width of the treeview so it doesn't go through my borders? If I need to add mor...

How can I get the width of a wx.ListCtrl and its column name?

I'm working in wx.Python and I want to get the columns of my wx.ListCtrl to auto-resize i.e. to be at minimum the width of the column name and otherwise as wide as the widest element or its column name. At first I thought the ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin might do this but it doesn't so it looks like I might have to do it myself (Please correc...

Min/Max Width in IE6 without javascript?

Is it possible to get min/max width working in IE6 without the use of javascript? On a somewhat related note, does Google Chrome not understand, <!--[if IE 6]><!--> <!--<![endif]--> or am I just screwing up that code. Thanks. ...

How to set width to 100% in WPF

Is there any way how to tell component in WPF to take 100% of available space? Like width: 100%; in CSS I've got this XAML, and I don't know how to force Grid to take 100% width. <ListBox Name="lstConnections"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Grid Background="LightPink"> <Grid.Co...

IE 7/8 rendering Iinline (Floated Divs) as block: widths do not adjust to content?

I have a block element (DIV) who stretches across an entire page. It contains multiple floated DIVs of variable width. This element can live on many web pages (anyone can put it on their website). In FF on all sites it is rendered correctly and the floated DIVs are only as wide as their inner contents. In IE, it works sometimes- but on o...

CSS overflow with long URL

Ok, so I have google ads inside a 160x600 container. New ads are shown randomly on refresh. When an ad pops up with a long URL that doesn't contain any dashes or any characters for it to break at, it overflows out of the container div. Right now I have overflow:hidden so anything after 160 pixels in hidden. The problem is that if ther...

Jquery width() through iteration?

I'm having a bit of trouble iterating and retrieving width() values. $(".MyClass").each( function(){ elemWidth=$(this).width(); } ); so for each "MyClass" element i would like to find the width (some are different). But the above code only produces the width() of the first instance of MyClass and returns 0's after that. Any ...

JQuery window width not correct in Chrome

I have created a plugin which i have cut down to the bare bones of a plugin (i.e. no functionality, just the structure) to debug this issue and it still exists. It deals with resizing divs and bases this on the document's width. The problem is that the documents reported width is reduced by 17px from its actual width and thus doesnt si...

Textbox stretching issue

I have the following code <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td>Factory:</td> <td> <asp:TextBox ID="txtFactory" runat="server" Width="100%"></asp:TextBox> </td> </tr> </table> My problem is that sometimes the factory textbox can hold a fairly long description of 100 or more characters, and when this ha...

Increase columns width in Silverlight DataGrid to fill whole DG width

Hello, I have a DataGrid Control which is bound to a SQL Table. The XAML Code is: <data:DataGrid x:Name="dg_sql_data" Grid.Row="1" Visibility="Collapsed" Height="auto" Margin="0,5,5,5" AutoGenerateColumns="false" ...

Organizing lists in HTML/CSS

I have a list and I need two sections in each item. I also need the first section to be of fixed width. How should I code it? I've tried using definition lists: <dl> <dt style="width: 2em;">foo</dt><dd>bar</dd> ... </dl> ... and user lists with span: <ul> <li><span style="width: 2em;">foo<span>bar</li> ...

jQuery: div pops back to full size after animation

In the jQuery example below, I have one div inside another. When I animate the inner div down to a width of 0, the outer div (which has absolute positioning), decreases in width along with it. This is desired. The trouble is that after the animation is complete, the outer div pops back to its original size. Is this expected? How can I ...

CSS width problem child parent

Hi... I have a div C inside div B inside div A. Div A has width set to 700px, and div C has width set to 100px. Div B doesn't have the width set. My problem is that div B extends his width to 100% (to conform div A's width). Is there a way for div B, that is, his width to conform to children divs? I want it to be wrapped around div C,...

website using 960.gs what css rule is responsible for divs filling 100% screen width

Hi I am trying to learn CSS and have been looking at the source of websites to learn how it works in practice. I came across the 960 grid system the other day, and found a really beautiful site design that is using the 960gs framework >> OneHub At this stage, I don't think it is very wise for me to use a CSS framework until I have a bet...

Resize Combobox in win32 (change width)

I have the following code to generate a ComboBox: HWND h = CreateWindowEx("COMBOBOX", "Text", CBS_DROPDOWN | WS_CHILD, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, ParentWnd, 0, 0, 200, 24); The combobox is created on my form no problem, however if I try resizing it with the following it won't work: SetWindowPos(h, 0, 0, 0, NewWidth, OldHeight, SWP_NOMOVE | SW...

Is there a general rule that code in the code editor should not be wider that 72 columns?

Possible Duplicates: The 80 column limit, still useful? Studies on optimal code width? I do not remember where I read that. That would make it easier to print out the code. ...

iPhone: how to reduce UIBarButtonItemWidth ?

Hi, I've created a UIBarButtonItem and then set self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem to the item. However, setting the width property of the barButtonItem doesn't seem to have any effect on the width of the button (I'm trying to reduce the width of the barButton) If I use a custom view for the UIBarButtonItem, I'm able to set the wid...

Expand div to max width when float:left is set

I have something like that: <div style="width:100px;float:left">menu</div> <div style="float:left">content</div> both floats are neccesary. I want the content div to fill the whole screen minus those 100px for the menu. If i dont use float the div expands exactly as it should. But how do i set this when float is set? If i use sth like...

CSS: How to set table column width for dynamic drop down list

Hey, I have a table with a dynamic drop down list. The width of the drop down will change depending on its content. I would like the table column to be the same as the width of the drop down. If I set a width less than the size of the dropdown IE seems make the column bigger than the drop down whilst wrapping the column title it inse...