
jQuery add to current width

I need this code to, if #vid is present, add 855px to its current width. If not, it should do nothing. I'm not sure how to get jQuery to add to an already existing number, but I'm sure it's pretty simple. Here is the code I have so far: if ($("#vid").length) { $("#img-container").width(+=855), } else { re...

Set width of td depending on No of td using jquery

I have several web pages with different amount of tables with different amount of columns. I was looking on the net for a jquery spinet which gets the number of columns of the table and depending on the number of columns will define the width of each column. Ex. if (noOfTdOnTable == 2) { tdWidth = "50%"; } if (noOfTdOnT...

jquery 1 line, how to add an extra value to the width to animate

var gunboxwidth = ($('h2 span').widest().width() + "px" + 30 + "px") .widest() grabs the wides span inside of an h2, the problem i'm having is that it works fine when i DO NOT have + 30 + 'px' why is that? is my syntax wrong? ...

My WPF UserControl must never get wider than the containing ButtonBar

Hello, I have bound at top the Width of the UserControl to the Width of the ButtonGrid at top. It does not work. I want my UserControl always that wide as the width of the ButtonGrid. The problem is loading documents with a long name > Sum(Width of 3 buttons) makes the UserControl as wide as the document name. Now imagine having docume...

width() and height() for modern browsers without jQuery

I am trying to implement a simple fold/unforld effect for elastic div's, i.e. when actual dimensions of an element are not set through CSS and thus are not trivially determinable. So I need equivalents of jQuery's width() and height() for arbitrary elements; the methods should return something that would be assignable to *.style.width/he...

jQuery calculate number of list items, then multiply that by number and set as width

I'm trying to set a dynamic width to ul.sections by checking how many li's exist and multiply that by the width of the li ($("ul.sections").width()), which in this case happens to be 910px. I'm not sure how to return the current number of visible list items. Maybe something like this? $('ul.sections').width($("ul.sections li").length()...

What is the average resolution i.e pixel width for a standard web page?

Hi, I just finished constructing web pages and am trying to decide what the optimal lay out should look like. I am trying to decide between a fixed width for my main divs (about 1200 pixles or so) and a variable percentage width. I worry that the variable width will look awful under lower resolutions of under 1600 by 900. I am assuming ...

Is there any way to compute the width of an integer type at compile-time?

The size of an integer type (or any type) in units of char/bytes is easily computed as sizeof(type). A common idiom is to multiply by CHAR_BIT to find the number of bits occupied by the type, but on implementations with padding bits, this will not be equal to the width in value bits. Worse yet, code like: x>>CHAR_BIT*sizeof(type)-1 ma...

div width relative to content

Hi, Is there a way to dynamically set a div width / make the width relative to the content - using jQuery? It has to be with a numerical value because otherwise, it doesn't work with the horizontal website layout I'm dealing with... The div will only contains images with a defined width values. Thanks. ...

Android - fix TextView width by string

Hi, I think the answer to this question is probably so simple, but I'm struggling.... I have a TableLayout with multiple columns. I want the last column to be of a fixed width, but I want to define that width to just be able to hold the widest possible string from my program. i.e. it is always wide enough to contain "THIS STRING" witho...

Jquery: animate .outerWidth()?

When animating a width toggle, it's not animating the padding, so i looked into .outerWidth() but i'm not exactly sure how to implement this... $('#shareheart').click(function(){ $('.share-text').animate({outerWidth: 'toggle'}, 2000) }) ...

FInd the width of contenView in a UITableViewCell in case of iPad.

On iPAD when you create new UITableViewCell the contentView width set for 320. Is there a way to get the right width? I can't use the width of the current view as the table cells do not span the entire width of the view. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

c# - easy way to get maximum window x/y bounds?

I have a custom styled transparent window and i've seen a lot of issues handling min/max/resize behavior when you use transparency and "WindowStyle=None". When I tell my window to change it's windowstate to maximized it doesn't get it right so I want to override the logic there. It gets the width right but the height is all messed up an...

CSS width acting strange

Over at this page I'm having some trouble with the width of my foot <div>. Is there an explainable reason why my footer is stretching the width of the browser window, while my header <div> isn't? Thanks! ...

jQuery Find Width of Block Element

Is there an easy way to determine the width of a block element if it were to be inline? I can't make the elements inline so I need some way to determine how wide it should be and then modify the width. ...

Is it possible to use jQuery to get the width of an element in percent or pixels, based on what the developer specified with CSS?

Hello, I'm writing a jQuery plugin and something I need to be able to do is determine the width of an element that the user specifies. The problem is that .width() or .css('width') will always report exact pixels, even if the developer has assigned it e.g. width:90% with CSS. Is there any way to have jQuery output the width of an eleme...

Calculate width of div within viewport

Hello, I need to calculate the width of a div within the viewport. If i use .css(width) on my div, it just calculates the complete width. My current code for trying to calculate: var $Windowwidth = $(window).width(); var $lefty = $("#gallerytop"); var $GalleryTopWidth = parseInt($lefty.css('width')); $("#footer").click(function() { ...

Flash Dynamic Text Field - Embeded Image Shrink and Stretch when appying width and height to dynamic text field

Pardon me if this post was already answered in any post or forum, I tried searching but could not able to find any solution. Please help! ACTION SCRIPT CODE private function addContent ($mcBox,$x,$y,$w,$h):void { if($mcBox.getChildByName("TextAreaMC")){ $mcBox.removeChild($mcBox.getChildByName("TextAreaMC")); } var padd...

CSS - absolute positioning and fluid divs

Hi I need to make a layout that looks like this: [250px - fixed div] [fluid div, must expand depending on the width of the body and the 2 divs next/before it] [250px - fixed div] is this possible? the container of all 3 divs is also fluid (100% width). all these divs contain background images (left + right + repeating center image...

Android TableLayout Width

Hi, I have a two column TableLayout as the only child of a scroll view. The first column contains TextViews ('labels') and the second column contains EditText/Spinner/DateWidget etc ('values'). Even though I have have specified android:layout_width="fill_parent" for TableLayout, TableRow & all widgets (in 'values' column). The screen l...