
directx 9 stop/play animated mesh c++

ok im not expecting to get answer fast. does directx 9 have function that will stop or pause animated mesh. i need an example how the function works or it is useless. thanks in advancee ...

AcquireCredentialsHandleW failing

I have a piece of code that attempts to acquire the credentials for a user on a remote computer which I cant get working. currently this produces an access violation error (0xc0000005) when run: SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_W identity; ZeroMemory( identity.Domain = (unsigned short *)_T("DOMAIN"); identity.DomainLength = lstrlenW(_T("DOMAIN...

Draw thick line with border

Possible Duplicate: Draw Thick Line with Border I am trying to draw a thick line using c++, and add a border to this line from all side. I am using moveto, lineto functions, but not sure how to track the line width to draw borders. ...

Tab control like in FireFox in native windows app

Hello, I would like to enable tabbing for my application. And so far it seems I could use a tab control. The problem with it is, though, that it creates a border around the client area. What I want, is more like a FireFox tab control, that only takes up a row in the application and doesn't create any frames around client area. Does any...

How to get bitmap data from SysListView32?

I want to get bitmap data of windows desktop wallpaper. And, I want to draw some text directly to the bitmap. First, I tried getting bitmap data by following code. #include <windows.h> #include <Commctrl.h> int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR cmdLine, int showCmd) { CoInitialize(NULL);...

How best to synchronize memory access shared between kernel and user space, in Windows.

I can't find any function to acquire spinlock in Win32 Apis. Is there a reason? When I need to use spinlock, what do I do? I know there is an CriticalSectionAndSpinCount funtion. But that's not what I want. Edit: I want to synchronize a memory which will be shared between kernel space and user space. -The memory will be mapped. I shou...

Using REST with Delphi

After reading this article about SOAP versus REST I started to wonder what option Delphi developers have on choosing a good REST library to import REST-service functionality inside Delphi/WIN32 applications. And what options there are to create REST services in Delphi. So I have a few related questions: Is there any open-source REST li...

is it possible: custom trayicon balloon ?

Hi, I want to do custom cloud (system balloon) as i paint in attach picture. Is it possible? ...

Enable / Disable Aero in C#/VB.NET or C++ Win32

How to disable aero effects in C# .NET or C++ Win32 ??? This is my test code in C/C++, but only works if my app is runnig #include <dwmapi.h> int main() { DwmEnableComposition(DWM_EC_DISABLECOMPOSITION); while(true); //... return 0; } //LINK dwmapi.lib Thanks Edit: i figured it out #include <Windows.h> #include ...

What does it mean when `Ex` is added to a function/method name?

I don't work with the Windows API much, but I've seen it used there as well as occasionally in a codebase here at work. ...

C++ Exception Handling Questions

1) For convenience I have my entire program in a try block. This way I can throw an exception at any point in my code and know that it will be handled the same way. As the program becomes larger will this technique cause a hit in performance? 2) If objects are de-allocated when out of scope, why would throwing a temporary object be vali...

GetPrivateProfileString - c++ class - return string - memory pre calculation

Hi - In GetPrivateProfileString, lpReturnedString returns the string value present in the key of a particular section of an ini file. My question is that how will i know exactly, how much memory has to be allocated, rather than just allocation a large chunk prior to calling this function. DWORD WINAPI GetPrivateProfileString( __in ...

Dropping process rights under windows

Hello, I'm looking for a method to drop process rights for security reasons. I want to start as user with privileges and end as limited user. For example I want my web server to run under restricted user by I still want to listen on port 80. How can I do such things under Windows. Something similar to Unix's: bind_to_80(); chroot("/s...

SetLayeredWindowAttributes not working on Windows 7

I am using SetLayeredWindowAttributer to make a particular color of layered window transparent. This works fine on Windows XP,VISTA . But when I use the same on Windows 7 its not working. SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hWnd, RGB(0xff,0xff,0xff), 0, LWA_COLORKEY); When I use LWA_ALPHA then also it works. Problem is that I am not able to...

How is catching SIGSEGV different on Win32 than on Unix?

I am writing code that needs to compile and run without error on both Unix/Mac (with GCC) and on Win32 (with mingw). The code has to run in a wide variety of different environments and it has loadable modules that I can't control, so I typically protect each module with a setjmp() and signal(). I see that WIN32 has both setjmp() and si...

How to generate messagebox on client side

Hii all, In my Ruby code am able to generate messagebox but i would like to know how to see it at client side ,am running rails application means server is running on my machine and tha messagebox is also generating on my machine but am nor able not abble to see it client side anyone has any idea how to do that in ruby?? ...

win32 api - how to check for user privileges on a remote machine

given user credentials to either a local account on a remote machine or a domain account, how can i check the user privileges these credentials grant on a remote host ? i can lookup the SID for the account, but how do i know if, for instance, this account is a members of the administrators group on the remote host ? i can find plenty o...

Why will STA thread "leak small amounts of memory" if it fails to dispatch Windows messages?

After carefully reading this KB article I noticed an interesting statement there. The article says that if I have an STA thread and that thread doesn't dispatch Windows messages then that thread will be unable to receive COM events form a COM server can cause message broadcasters to hang (and thus sometimes cause a deadlock) surprising...

Creating a transparent window in C++ Win32

I'm creating what should be a very simple Win32 C++ app who's sole purpose it to ONLY display a semi-transparent PNG. The window shouldn't have any chrome, and all the opacity should be controlled in the PNG itself. My problem is that the window doesn't repaint when the content under the window changes, so the transparent areas of the P...

CreateFile not returning a proper Handle - devices in Delphi

Hoping to find somebody that has experience with services in windows. I am trying to use the NdisProt driver for ethernet adapters in Delphi my_Handle := CreateFile(PChar('\\.\NdisProt'), GENERIC_WRITE or GENERIC_READ, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); (have tried with \\.\\NdisProt too) After execution my_H...