
How to open marker info window outside of Google Map

Can anybody help. I have below code and it's working fine but I would like to open info window outside of Google Map. Example: <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='infoopen("1")'>Marker 1</a> JavaScript code: var infowindow; var map; var mapDrawn = false; var hotels = []; var markers = []; Site.gmapInit = function(centerX, centerY,...

C++ open window hello world

How can you write a C++ program to open a window like this one... Is it possible or can apps only be ran from the command line? I'm using the G++ compiler... Do I need something else like visual studio? Can I do it just by writing code? ...

WPF: Cannot reuse window after it has been closed.

I am trying to keep one instance of a Window around and when needed call ShowDialog. This worked find in winforms, but in WPF I recieve this exeception: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot set Visibility or call Show, ShowDialog, or WindowInteropHelper.EnsureHandle after a Window has closed. Is there any way to do something li...

Dual monitor and browser pop up windows

Hi, I have a question about dual monitor in regards of IE browser pop up windows. The application I have developed launches a pop up window as input form at some point. It is working OK in single monitor environment and pop up gets positioned properly in accordance with JavaScript parameters I set up. I have been informed that when du...

c++ repaint part of window

i want to repaint part of the window not the whole thing. i have no idea how to. im using win32 please no mfc........ thanks in advance // create rect structure RECT rect2; rect2.left=0;; rect2.right=225; rect2.bottom=300; // calling invalidateRect when left mouse button is donw case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: InvalidateRect(hWnd, ...

No creation of a WPF window in a DLL project?

Is there a reason why Visual Studio won't let me create a WPF window in a DLL project? I "solved" it by creating a window in an Application Project and copying it to my DLL project. I also found that I could just create a UserControl and change the base class to "Window". But if I had to do it this way, it's maybe because I shouldn't d...

Tkinter removing standard window in Ubuntu

Is there a command similar to "wm_overrideredirect" for Ubuntu? I want My program to be displayed without the standard window. ...

Mac and Chrome - manipulating open windows - focus, etc.

Hi, I have a web app that has one window, sized small to the left, open a number of windows to the right. There are buttons on the small window, each associated with the other open windows. The point is that when you click a button, it's associated window comes to the top of the pile of windows on the right. This works fine with using ....

Make specific link open in a new window with jquery

I'm looking for the ability when a link contains, for example /schedule/ in the address, only this link will open in a new window when clicked. I have a series of 5,000+ links that need to open in a new window, which I would need to update manually (no find/replace available), which contains /schedule/ in the address field and I need the...

NSView Object respond as an IBOutlet

hey, i am stuck on one problem that i am not able to solve. I have a CourtView : NSView in which i can draw and where it stores my mouseDownPoint and mouseUpPoint. And I have a WindowManager : NSObject which has CourtView as an IBOutlet CourtView *courtView; What i want to do is that as soon as the mouse is released, so - (void)mouseU...

How to use loadOverlay to add several windows in a FireFox extension

I am trying to dinamically load a xul overlay, using several calls to document.loadOverlay(myXul.xul) with the same .xul file. the .xul has a browser contained in a box contained in a window, resembling a suggestion i saw on this forum: the loadOverlay() action is performed every time a f...

Javascript use explicit self/window objects to improve performance

I read on MSDN that to improve scripting efficiency, you can use self to make implicit window references explicit. Do you know if this is true? Does this basically mean that for instance calling self.location is somewhay more efficient than calling simply location with no window opject before? Since the MSDN text is referred to the sel...

What's the difference between self and window?

I have a JavaScript that deals with with detection whether the page is in frames or not. I used top.frames[] etc. and everything works fine. In this script I noticed that I can use "window" or "self" interchangeably and everything still works. Is "window" same as "self" when used in HTML page? ...

Managing browser window focus

Parent window opens a child window. User toggles to Parent window. Can a button/link in the Parent window bring the child window into focus? (I tried a quick and dirty test and it worked in Safari in OSX...and it works) Will this work across Grade A browsers? If the parent window is closed... Can another window target the child and ...

Google maps info window open() panTo edge of map

Hello i have these two lines map.panTo(respectiveMarker.getPosition());//Center in map the respective marker, respectiveMarker); When is executed the map pans to the edge. If i remove this line the map pans to the marker as expected. Any ideas? ...

Silverlight child window OverlayOpacity

I have child window and I want the overlay opactiy to be 0.1 I set this in the XAML. OverlayOpacity=".1" However when the modal is launched the background gets very dark for about a second and then goes the the overlayopacity setting I have coded in. Is their a way to make is go straight to the .1 opactiy without getting dark first. ...

Change window location Jquery

I am using ajax to load my website content and want to update the window location when ajax is successful. How can I update the window location to "/newpage"?? I need users to be able to go back and to refresh. Is this possible?? ...

JavaScript: toString

How come Object.prototype.toString === toString? If I have this in the global scope: var toStringValue ="foobaz"); I would expect toStringValue to be the value of window.toString because window is the default scope, right? How come toString by itself resolves to Object.prototype.toString instead of window.toString? ...

addsubview issue at window

hi, i want to add two subviews to window in my AppDelegateController. both in landscape mode. when i add the first view, it is in landscape (that's fine), but when adding the second, it is automatically in portrait mode. any advice? thanks + regards that's in my AppDelegate.m [window addSubview:viewController.view]; CGRect frame = s...

Java Swing main JFrame: why does SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass return null?

Hi folks, I intend to implement a Swing application which keeps all its JComponents within the main application window JFrame. It seems like clunky procedural code to give all my JPanel constructors a parameter referring to the JFrame. So some research uncovered SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass, which looked like the solution. But I c...