
Opening Word documents from IE LAG Windows 7 IE8

Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble opening documents from a network share in word using IE. The documents are located in a network share which is mapped to a virtual directory. The documents are accessed by URLs that link to the virtual directory. There is now a huge lag (sometimes up to a minute or two!) from when clicking on the link ...

Where is the resize window option for Windows 7 Virtual PC

In VPC 2007 one could resize the window using the appropiate options in the guest operating system. Such does not seem to be the case with the new and improved Windows Virutal PC (a feature of Windows 7 ) When using "Display/Screen Resolution" to reset the resolution, the message is "The display setting can't be changed from a remote s...

Windows development on a Mac Pro

Looking to do iphone, android, and possibly windows phone development on a Mac Pro. What are the pluses and minuses of using a Mac Pro and a dual boot. Unlike most, Windows 7 will be the primary OS since most supporting software will be done with Visual Studio 08/10 over the next year. I have found driver issues from a few years ago. ...

What version of Windows 7 for ASP.NET development on Visual Studio

Hi, I am about to upgrade my pc, and operating system at the same time. I was wondering what version of Windows 7 to get pre-installed, given that I want to do some ASP.NET development using Visual Studio. Specifically : Will all versions of Windows 7 run an IIS server & be suitable for ASP.NET development ? Are all good for running...

How can I debug an application crash in Win7 after it's happened?

I have a Visual Basic 6 application that I've recently changed to use a couple of C++ DLLs I've written in Visual Studio 2008. The application works fine on my PC, but when we install it on one of our test PCs it tends to crash during shutdown - we see the Win 7 message "Your application has failed" or whatever it is. I know Win 7 store...

Decompressing file with gzip produces file with no read-permissions on Windows 7

I am attempting to decompress a .gz file using the GnuWin32 gzip program in Windows 7. I have full permissions on the compressed file, and my user account is an administrator. However, I end up not having read permissions on the decompressed file. To get read permissions I would have to manually change the permissions on it through right...

Windows 7 Style Help File ?

How does one make their application help file similar to the new windows 7 help format and is that compatible with Windows XP? Can anyone provide details ? Can we use the windows 7 default viewer as a shell to our own help files???? ...

runas command in windows 7

Hi, I'm trying to run a batch file as admin. I found that I can use runas command which corresponds sudo command in Linux I think. I tried runas /noprofile /user:computername\adminuser "blah.bat start" But it gives an error, saying : Logon failure: user account restriction.. (msdos window doesn't allow me to coppy damn thing I h...

File writing problem on Windows 7 Professional in c#

I have an application in C# which I write some data to file. I am facing the problem on windows 7 professional that when I write data to C:\ProgramData, Access denied acception is thrown. If I login from an administrator account this issue vanishes, and if I login from some other account who have administrative previlages this issue come...

Visual Studio 2010 freezes when attaching to a process for debugging. Why?

I recently installed Windows 7 64 bit and Visual Studio 2010 on my new laptop. However the computer hangs (OS freezes + mouse freezes + Visual Studio) for a good 3-5 seconds when Visual Studio attaches to the process. This is really annoying. What is really strange is that this is not happening on my slow 4 year old laptop which run Wind...

how to know whether user is completely logged in or not?

Is there a way to know whether user is completely logged in or not into system? I mean, i wanted to know whether initial login process, other initialization processes are done or not. Once those are done, i want to launch my application. So, in my service(installed before sys shutdown) i want to keep on checking whether everything is don...

Why does /MANIFESTUAC:NO work?

Windows 7, C++, VS2008 I have a COM DLL that needs to be registered using "runas administrator" (it is a legacy app that writes to the registry) The DLL is used by a reports app which instantiates it using CoCreateInstance. This failed unless I also ran the reports app as administrator; until I changed the linker setting from /MANIFESTUA...

Low-level Keyboard Hooks/SendInput with Winkey+L possible? (workstation lockout is intercepted in Vista and higher)

I work on a project called UAWKS (Unofficial Apple Wireless Keyboard Support) that helps Windows users use Apple's bluetooth keyboard. One of the main goals of UAWKS is to swap the Cmd key (which behaves as Winkey in Windows) with Ctrl, allowing users to do Cmd+C for copy, Cmd+T for new tab, etc. It is currently developed using AutoHotk...

How to use drag-drop on windows seven or vista?

I've an app wich alows the user to drag drop images into a picturebox. It works on xp, it doesn't works on vista and seven since the UAC could cause the problem. I've tried running it as administrator and still it doesn't work. ...

In Windows Vista and 7, I can't access the %DEFAULTUSERPROFILE% system variable - it shows as not found

If I try to access this system variable from the Run... dialog, Windows tells me the directory doesn't exist. Some system variables, like %SYSTEMROOT% and %USERPROFILE%, do work. Consequently, if I try to use a supposedly nonexistent variable like %DEFAULTUSERPROFILE% or %PROFILESFOLDER% in C#, I get nothing in return. Is there something...

I can't access certain subkeys in an entry in the registry

I'm trying to get to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\GameUX\, but the only subkey being returned in C# is MachineSettings - even though there are additional subkeys, including Games and several keys named for different user SIDs. How can I access these other keys? Even a standard user account can read the content of both G...

MessageBox not shown when opened processing WM_CLOSE from taskbar thumbnail close button

Trying to put up a "Do you want to save"-dialog when trying to close window with close-button in taskbar thumbnail in windows 7(with aero peek active). Using MessageBox() when processing WM_CLOSE does not work. MessageBox won't show until you move mouse cursor outside thumbnail so aero peek is disabled. Lots of applications have this b...

Need JDK 1.6 u18 for Windows-7 64 -bit

Dear All, I need jdk 1.6 u18 for 64-bit operating system. I am using windows 7 64-bit Operating System and specific jdk version for 64-bit operating system is not available on sun download center. I will be thankful regarding any help. ...

Aero Snap not working for my application

I have a problem with Aero Snap not working with the application I'm working on (Windows desktop, native C++ application), and I'm a bit confused as to what's happening, as it seems like it should just work, out of the box. I've used Spy++ on a mininal win32 application, and get the following messages when I press Win-Left: <00070> 000...

C# getpixels() gets the correct value on xp and vista but is slightly off when used on windows 7

I have a C# program that works correctly on xp and vista but it needs to be used on windows 7, I have not been able to come up with a solution, it appears that getpixels just doesn't work right on windows 7. I am getting one of the RGB values because I am dealing with tiff grayscale images. System.Drawing.Bitmap image;// this is in a...