
What do I need to do to make a WPF Browser Application (XBAP) that requires Full Trust work on Windows 7?

So this is a Visual Studio 2008, .NET, WPF, XBAP, Windows 7 question, regarding .NET trust policies. At work, we have several Web Browser Applications (.XBAP files) developed with Visual Studio 2008 (so .NET 3.5) that we deployed internally. These required a .NET FullTrust policy, we found a way to make a .MSI that adjusted the policy o...

Running exe built in VC++ on XP and WIN7

sprintf_s(cmd, "%c:\index.exe", driver); I am trying to run a flash file, the application is built in VS 2008 , on win 7. The application works well on WIN7 but fails in XP. Ie the application launches but doesn't complete the task. I see the application running in Task Manager ...

How to give permission to a directory using command prompt in Windows?

I have to give permissions (Read, Write, Modify) to a user to a directory using command line in Windows. ...

File.Move does not inherit permissions from target directory?

In case something goes wrong in creating a file, I've been writing to a temporary file and then moving to the destination. Something like: var destination = @"C:\foo\bar.txt"; var tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(tempFile)) { // write to file here here ...

MySQL on Windows-7 (64-bit) on rather than

I've just installed the latest production release of MySQL (64-bit) on my Windows 7 box. It was a straight vanilla install, using all defaults; but phpmyadmin can't see it at all. MySQL is configured as a service to start automatically, and I know it's running because the MySQL GUI tools work correctly. The actual error message that I'm...

OpenFileDialog.AutoUpgradeEnabled doesn't work under Vista or 7?

If I specify OpenFileDialog.AutoUpgradeEnabled = true, my program still shows the old XP-style dialog. Any idea why this would happen? This is after I enable theming in Main() [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.Run(new Primary()); } and this is my dialog code: private void OpenProgr...

Prevent monitor from powering on

I'm turning off the monitor using SendMessage(HWND_BROUADCART, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MONITORRPOWER, 2). That works, but the monitor turns back on when someone touches the keyboard or mouse. I tried to get rid of this using the DevicePowerSetDeviceState function with DEVICEPOWER_CLEAR_WAKEENABLED for the keyboard and mouse: it returns no err...

Python doesn't work properly when I execute a script after using Right Click >> Command Prompt Here

This is a weird bug. I know it's something funky going on with my PATH variable, but no idea how to fix it. If I have a script C:\Test\ and I execute it from within IDLE, it works fine. If I open up Command Prompt using Run>>cmd.exe and navigate manually it works fine. But if I use Windows 7's convenient Right Click on folder >> ...

Is it possible to run a hidden console application from a Windows service?

I've written a server in Delphi 2010 that needs to launch a console application every now and again to back up a database. The console application can send log information to the console window, but it is not required. This works fine when running as an application, but when run as a service I get an access violation when launching the ...

Where is Win7's jump list system data stored?

As per Jumplist Extender, I'm trying to prevent other apps from refreshing their jump lists (it's assumed that the user WANTS to do this, seeing as this is a JL editor.) One idea is to look for file or registry changes, where the data may be stored, and prevent the data from being written to. The question is, where is the jump list data...

What is the name of the Windows System Menu button?

What is the name of the Windows System Menu button? I am talling about the round glass-orb looking object (on a Windows 7 operating system) that appears in the lower left of the screen -- usually -- that you can click on to see the menu selection of programs on your compter. ...

Why is Drupal writing to root and not sites/default/files?

I'm using Drupal 6.14 on Win7. Everything seems to work except files that should be written to sites/default/files are trying to be written to /. The site was moved from a linux installation, which is writing the files correctly. I have setup a web.config w/ the rewrite rules for drupal. Not sure what or where else I should check. Thanks...

How Do I Handle Windows 7's 125% or 150% Magnification (Delphi)

Windows 7 has added on its Control Panel, Appearance and Personalization, Display setting, an ability to Magnify the text and other items by 125% or 150%. When that is done, some of the contents of the Forms and Dialogs of my Delphi 2009 program get cut off. What changes do I need to make to ensure that all my forms and dialogs will ...

Flash Player is crashing IE on windows 7 Professional 64 bit machine

I used windbg and i got the following crash dump. can anyone help me analyze it, most of it looks gibberish to me :| FAULTING_IP: Flash!DllUnregisterServer+3579d 6e7c73d5 f3a4 rep movs byte ptr es:[edi],byte ptr [esi] EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffffffffffff -- (.exr 0xffffffffffffffff) ExceptionAddress: 000000006e7c73d5 (Flash!...

How to debug a webservice hosted by an IIS in a Silverlight application

Anybody knows how to debug a web service hosted by an IIS in a Silverlight 4.0 application? My IIS version is 7.5 and my operating system is windows 7. Can you please specify the steps on how to? Thank you so much ...

System Tray Popup Windows 7 Style

Hey All, I want something like this: This window is not resizable, and aligns itself above the system tray icon which it is related to. I have this: Which is resizeable, and it goes wherever it feels like. If you click the volume control in Win 7, it always pops up directly above the icon. This is ideal. I've found this referenc...

Using Message Boxes in Windows 7 style

After reading the MSDN article about proper user interface here: I want to modify the message boxes I use in my applications to reflect those guidelines (for example, have the Main Instructions in a larger font, better named Buttons, etc...). My question is, is there an API that al...

Unable to debug ASP.NET Applicatation using VS 2008 on IIS 7 running on Windows 7 x64

Hi, I've been trying to debug an existing web application that requires me to debug against an IIS website. I've installed the app and can navigate to it on localhost. However, when I start VS 2008 as an Administrator and try to debug it, I get a message "Unable to start debugging on the web server. The IIS worker process for...

programming Firefox with MozRepl in Windows 7

I've only seen examples for it in Linux. Does it work in Windows? Can you give an example? ...

Trying to execute netdom.exe from a ruby script or IRB does nothing

I'm trying to write a script that will rename a computer and join it to a domain, and was planning to call on netdom.exe to do the dirty work. However, trying to run this utility in the script (same results in irb) does absolutely nothing. No output, no execution. I tried with backticks and with the system() method. System() returns fals...