
"NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON" error in Windows 7 (ASP.NET & Web Service)

I have an web app which works fine in Windows XP machine in a domain. I am porting it to a Windows 7 stand alone machine. The app uses a web service which makes a call to sql server. The web server (IIS 7.5) and SQL Server are on the same stand alone machine. I enabled Windows authentication for the website and web service. The ...

Pin to taskbar event in Window 7

Is there a way to handle "Pin this program to taskbar" user action in the code? Is there such an event in Taskbar API? My search didn't give any results. The reason behind this: my X.exe is launched through some other Y.exe executable, and if user clicks 'Pin' while Y.exe is running, I want to change this shortcut to the actual X.exe. ...

why does windows authentication / impersonation fail on application with iis 7.5 / windows 7 /

hi there; i'm troubleshooting why i cannot get past the login dialog on an site configured for windows authentication and impersonation. help me before i switch to os x development and objective-c i have an 2.0 application and i'm trying to deploy it on windows 7 with iis 7.5. i've created a new site, and bound it to loc...

Cannot run Python script on Windows with output redirected??

This is running on Windows 7 (64 bit), Python 2.6 with Win32 Extensions for Python. I have a simple script that just print "hello world". I can launch it with python In this case I can redirect the output to a file. But if I run it by just typing on the command line and redirect the output, I get an exception. C:> py...

Visual C++ 2005 and Windows 7 64-bit

Can Visual C++ 2005 be run in Windows 7 64-bit? I tried installing it, and came up with some problems. ...

Usage history for Windows 7

Hello, a relative of mine has a problem. She's working at a company, using Windows 7 and can't set a password because if she's not there her boss might want to use some of her data, but she has suspicions that there is a colleague who spies on her files, because there is no password set for her computer. Does anybody know how can somebo...

does windows 7 bluetooth stack and API support connection of headsets

We need to write code to search for, pair and connect to a bluetooth headset with Windows 7 Embedded. Once connected the headset will be used as a normal windows audio device. We fully control what software is installed on the system so conflicting stacks and similar concerns are not a problem. We would however like to minimize as f...

Trying to compile VS2008 project on Win 64 bit which is custom Powershell PSSnapin

Library Project compiles fine for ANY CPU in VS2008 running on Win 7 64 -bit. Now in the post build following command fails when attemptiong to register library dll: PS C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727> .\installutil C:\path\Project.dll Exception occurred while initializing the installation: System.BadImageFormatExcep...

inno setup install script and windows 7

any recommendations about those inno setup scripts so the compiled install run smoothly on windows 7? ...

Can I subscribe to window-docking events in windows 7 from C#

Hi. I am wondering if it is possible to create an application that could receive a notification when any other application/window is docked with the new windows 7 docking feature (f.ex. Winkey + left arrow) The purpose of my application would be to set up custom rules for certain windows. So for example if I am using Chrome and I press...

WPF debug freezes computer with windows 7 64bit

Hello, I am using visual studio 2010 on Windows 7 64bit. I compiled and ran a simple application basically a thing a child could make. Well the second it started to run, it froze my computer and rendered it unresponsive. It continues to do this every time and for every application. Any ideas why this is happening? ...

Offline Catalyst driver

Im trying to install ATI's graphic driver Mobility Catalyst 10.5, but it has no internet, so I am trying to burn it from my stationary PC and use it at the laptop. However, I cant find a decent version of the thing, not even with the so called "solution pack" which I despise. Does anyone know where I can get a decent download of an offl...

Present a default window layout on startup in Windows 7

Hello, I have a Win7 PC in use as part of an experiment control system. The experiment in question uses 4 windows simultaneously, and I would like to find away to open, position and size these 4 windows with a script. The script would run at start up, so that the newly booted PC presents the user with the four windows as default. Obvi...

Access to local machine in windows 7

I want to create a registry key in local machine hive in windows 7. I used the following code in order to do so: RegistryKey regKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(@"Software\Test", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree); the code runs fine without any error. but when I looked at my registy using regedit.exe I don't see...

Create shortcut from on Windows 7 box (64 bit)

I am trying to create a desktop shortcut from code on a Windows 7 box (64 bit). The following code works on XP, but when run on Win7 I just get a message stating the App has stopped working: Imports IWshRuntimeLibrary Dim WshShell As WshShellClass = New WshShellClass Dim MyShortcut As IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcu...

Is visual studio 2008 compatible with windows 7 Home Basic/Premium?

Can I install Visual studio 2008 with sp1 on Windows 7 Home Basic/Premium? I want also install silverlight tools and RIA services on window 7? ...

App disappears from Win7's ALT-TAB list sometimes

I've been having some trouble with one of my Delphi 2010 projects lately. It seems that sometimes, when I have a form open as a modal dialog, the app stops showing up in the ALT-TAB list until I close the dialog. It's still in the Taskbar, but not in ALT-TAB, which means I can't switch to it without using the mouse. Running under Wind...

How to run .net code when a user unlocks a Windows machine?

How do I run .net code when a user unlocks their machine? Windows versions: XP and 7 ...

Is there known issues for JWS applications on Windows 7?

I've got a JWS application which works perfectly on Windows XP but fails to start on Windows 7. The problem is that Java is not able to find the native library which is embeded in a JAR bundle: UnsatisfiedLinkError: no xxxxxx.dll in java.library.path The problem is not in the DLL (missing dependency for example) because if I put it in...

Windows 7 sharing data between users via the registry

Where can I create/modify/delete registry keys to share data between users in the Windows 7 registry? Both of the users are non administrators and it shouldn't require admin privileges. The application I'm working on uses the registry to write a key from userA and then userB can read/modify/delete it. Neither user has admin privileges ...