
Windows Server 2008 R2 File Permissions

I’m having some problems understanding some particular file permissions behaviour. Here are the steps to reproduce: Log into the server using the default Administrator account Create a text file (testfile.txt) in C:\ProgramData containing some arbitrary text Create a new user account and make it a member of the Administrators group Log...

Accessing localhost via IIS 7.5 on Windows 7 very slow

(I've checked here already for similiar questions, and haven't found one that's exactly the same - hence I'm posting a new question) I'm currently running an ASP.NET application on IIS 7.5 on Windows 7. When I access this application on Internet Explorer (either 6, 7 or 8) it is incredible slow and often fails to load at all. There are ...

How to mute microphone in Windows 7 with C/C++?

I made a program to mute microphone using WinAPI and it seems to work perfectly in Windows XP but doesn't do a thing in Windows 7. Is it possible to control microphone volume or mute with WinAPI in Windows 7? void setVolume(DWORD volume) { HMIXER mixer; if (mixerOpen(&mixer, 0, 0, 0, 0) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { MessageBoxW(NULL, L"Er...

Installing Outlook Add-In

I have a problem. I've been installing my VSTO Outlook Add-In to the Outlook 2007 on the account that has no security limitations. For the setup, I am using a normal visual studio setup project. I've had the user install few versions of my application before and it worked fine. Recently, I've created a new version of my application (whic...

MDI Document taskbar thumbnails with no decorations

Is it possible to remove the close window decoration from an mdi document taskbar flyout window? That is, remove the red "x" to prevent the user from closing the document via the taskbar. ...

delphi app freezes whole win7 system

Hello i have a simple program that sorts a text file according to length of words per line this program works without problems in my xp based old machine now i run this program on my new win7/intel core i5 machine, it freezes whole system and back normal after it finishes it's work. i'v invastigated the code and found the line causing ...

How to have a MSI package to change installed Win32 application compatibility options

Our Win32 applications need to write in their installation directory. So under Windows 7 and Server 2008, this requires administrator rights. Currently we manually check the "run as administrator" option in the properties/compatibility tab of the EXE file. Is there a way to do this automatically during the installation of the MSI? ...

"Android Create" call fails in windows 7 - missing JDK

I'm having a problem getting my android dev environment setup in Windows 7. I follow the instructions here, as well as several environment sublinks. I am using Eclipse with the Android plugin. I have installed the Java JDK several times, in various locations (jdk-6u20-windows-i586.exe) - but I am obviously missing something. Every ...

Visual Studio Font Size (Windows 7)

I've recently installed Windows 7. After opening my old C# project in visual studio I noticed that my buttons are too small (button text doesn't fit). Why did Microsoft increase the standard font size (well, font size is still set to 8, but it's somehow bigger now)? Can I fix it somehow, without correcting all my buttons etc. manually? ...

How to use all the cores in Windows 7?

I am not sure if this belongs to Stackoverflow or Superuser but I thought I would ask here. I have a console based application written in C which currently takes about an hour to terminate in Windows 7 64-bit OS. The task manager reports that the application is using only 25% of the available CPU. I would like to reduce the run time by ...

SSPI from Windows XP Mode to Windows 7 SQL Server

I currently have to maintain some legacy code in Visual Studio 2003 and .NET 1.1. It uses integrated security to connect to a database. I am using WinXP mode in Windows 7 for the VS2003 install. I have the SQL Server 2008 installed on the Windows 7 machine. However when I try and connect to the SQL Server from VS2003 I always get the...

Debug startup program behavior

I want to Debug a program called Freecall in my Windows 7 Professional laptop. Now it shows as a Startup item in "System Configuration" console. I tried to uncheck it in the Startup item and restart, but it keeps on adding itself to HKCU\Software|Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. i think its the same for Yahoo messenger..these progra...

How to view video from a VC500 Capture Device via gstreamer-java in Windows 7

I'm trying to build a pipeline with gst-launch in Windows 7 that will view a stream from a VC500 Video Capture device (Captures composite video and inputs to computer via USB). I think my biggest issue here is the fact that it MUST be done in Windows. I'm finding a lot of the plugins for gstreamer-java are supported in Linux instead of W...

Korn-Shell for Windows 7?

We need to support a legacy app that provides a Unix and a Win32 port. Unfortunately, later in the game, a lot of glue code was written in ksh scripts for the unix port only, and the Win32 port has lost parity. I've been trying to revive it, and I've been trying some ksh-for-windows solutions (a native build of Zsh used to work in the ...

Windows 7 Program Compatibility Assistant appeared for my app. Why?

I have created a native application. It works without questions under Win XP and Win Vista. Under Win 7 my application installed fine. I ran it. It worked normally until i selected 'Exit' from menu. On exit "Program Compatibility Assistant" window appeared telling me my application is incompatible with Windows 7 and some compatibility se...

Running a process at the Windows 7 Welcome Screen

So here's the scoop: I wrote a tiny C# app a while back that displays the hostname, ip address, imaged date, thaw status (we use DeepFreeze), current domain, and the current date/time, to display on the welcome screen of our Windows 7 lab machines. This was to replace our previous information block, which was set statically at startup ...

Batch program not running correctly in Windows 7

I am currently trying to figure out how to get a batch file to run correctly in Windows 7. I have looked on the Internet and have not had much success in finding any useful information on the issue I am encountering. BATCH FILE – The batch file is to open a window to allow students to test on a TDSM server created by ETS eCBT – The tes...

Visual Studio 2010 compiler can't find quoted includes

This is my first time fiddling with the windows world in over a decade, so this may be a simple fix. But I'm completely stuck. Say you have a source directory, mkdir helloworld && touch helloworld/helloworld.{h.cpp} helloworld.cpp: #include "helloworld.h" using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello, World!" << endl; r...

How to program a bootloader..? Want a USB Flash Drive with Windows 7, XP, Vista, and perhaps 98 SE on it to use for installs

Hello again my fellow StackOverflow friends! What I would very much like to do is copy the contents of my Windows 7, Windows XP (Pro and Home SP3), Windows Vista, and assuming I have space left for it my most updated copy of 98 SE installation CDs onto a flash drive so that I can use that for any OS installs that I need to perform. Obv...

RegOpenKeyEx return ERROR_SUCCESS but it shouldn't (windows 7)

Hi, I've got a problem about RegOpenKeyEx, the code: #include <tchar.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #pragma comment (lib, "Advapi32.lib") int main () { TCHAR *keyName = _T("SOFTWARE\\foobar2000\\capabilities"); HKEY key = NULL; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &key) != ERROR_SUC...