
Visual SVN Server, Tortoise SVN and Windows 7 problem -

Hi. I am running Visual SVN Server(with Apache) on a Windows 7 computer and network. After about 15-20 minutes of my first commit/update, I am unable to access the repository via Tortoise SVN. The error message I get is: OPTIONS of "https://jason/svn/repository1": could not connect to server (https://jason) Restarting the Visual SVN Se...

Windows 7 inetpub wwwroot read only

On my Windows 7 computer, c:\inetpub\wwwroot is not updateable unless I turn off User Account Control. What's up with that? ...

Crystal Reports on Windows 7 64bit with C++

Hi, i have a qt application that opens a Crystal Reports window. this applications works in WindowsXP 32bit but does not work on Windows7 64bit. I see a blank/emty white screen. i even cant see the buttons of crystal reports. i make another project in C# that opens a Crystal Reports window on Windows7 64bit and it works fine. do you...

error MSB3216 when registering assembly

Here are the error details: In the Error List: Error 1 Cannot register assembly "C:\Users\cboardman\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\ExcelAddIn1\ExcelAddIn1\bin\Debug\ExcelAddIn1.dll" - access denied. Please make sure you're running the application as administrator. Access to the registry key 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ExcelAddIn1......

Running Umbraco source code in Windows 7 only produces login screen

I am trying to get started in development of my website and plugins using Umbraco. When I download the binaries from Codeplex, the installation and running of the website works fine. When I downloaded the source code, All I get is a login screen even when the web.config files are the same. Am I doing something wrong or is there something...

VS 2010: Is there a workaround for the administrator requirement?

Aside from running as a administrator, is there any workaround for this requirement? xxx.vbproj : error : The Web Application Project XXX is configured to use IIS. To access local IIS Web sites, you must install the following IIS components: In addition, you must run Visual Studio in the context of an administrator ...

log4net - Appenders not working in IIS7.5

I am able to write to a log file using log4net and Cassini/IIS dev server, but when I use IIS7.5, I can't write out to a file. Initially, I got a security exception, so I added requirePermission="false" and the exception went away but no file was created. The trust level is full according to IISM. I can't get this working on my own m...

General Question about Windows 7(Kiosk) Group Policy Lock down of Silverlight Out of Browser.

I'm hoping to lock down, a Windows 7 laptop into more or less a kiosk type mode. Basically login to Windows 7, automatically open up a silverlight out of browser application. It should also prevent the removal of the silverlight app. I can think of a few dirty ways to do this off the top of my head, I'm just hoping for a more holistic...

Get windows serial for XP, Vista and Seven

I'm retrieving Windows XP license key with this function but it does not work for Vista and Seven. How can I get the license key at both of these Windows versions? Public Function sGetXPKey() As String Dim result As String = String.Empty Dim RegKey As RegistryKey = _ Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\Microsoft\Wind...

Error DV_E_FORMATETC when asking for CFSTR_PRINTERGROUP - Windows 7

WI have a windows shell extension which adds menu items to the printer menu when the printer is right-clicked. The code works fine in Windows 2000, XP, Vista, but in Windows 7 the call to GetData() fails with DV_E_FORMATETC. I've found various threads regarding this but they all appear to be VB/asp related. The FORMATETC and STGMEDIUM st...

.NET MDI child form suppress/hide caption/icon area

I have a subform (child) that I want to use in a number of parents. I'm not a professional developer (I'm an architect - I know, you can save all the jokes... :) - working solo at present). I've ended up using an MDI form with the subform as a child. I maximize the subform form and most things are fine except that although I've tried ...

Eclipse on Windows 7

Every time I open eclipse Galilio on Windows 7 64bit this message appear and it won't work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faild to load the JNI shared library "C:\Program Files(x86)\java\jre6\client\jvm.dll" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------...

Problem while running SQL Management Studio 2008

I install the MS SQL Management Studio 2008, the installation was successfull but when i run the Management Studio and connect to any Server (diffrent Servers in diffrent locations) I got following error ***** Ausnahmetext ******* System.TypeLoadException: Der Typ "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.ISfcDomainLite" in der Assem...

What GPS Dongles work with Windows 7 and the .Net 4.0 System.Device.Location Namespace?

Hi, I want to add full GPS support into my application. The .Net 4.0 System.Device.Location namespace information here is perfect for my needs. When this was first announced and the Beta release was out, I got a GPS dongle, but I could never get Windows 7 to see it as a sensor and therefore make use of System.Device.Location. After many...

Very slow Apache on Windows 7

The simplest script: <?php echo 'hello'; Takes about 3 seconds to execute. There seems to be a big time interval Apache waits until it serves a web page. I tried turning off antivirus, disabling ipv6 and more but Apache is still very slow. What should I do? EDIT: Additional information: Apache 2.2 PHP 5.2 It's only dynamic PHP fi...

Windows 7 Logo Certification Test for program that requires reboot during installation.

Hi everyone, I am using Windows Software Logo Kit for win7 logo certification testing. But it seems you cannot save your session during the test. Right now I have a program that requires reboot during installation and it couldn't get uninstalled to finish the test if I cancel the reboot. Does anyone have the same issue before? Many t...

File Not Found in %TEMP% on Win7

I have an odd bug where my code returns a file not found exception but the file seems to be exactly where it should be. My project has some code to run a system cmdlet and look for the results of the cmdlet in an XML output file. We tell the cmdlet to put this output XML in a custom subdir of the system TEMP dir, e.g., C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\So...

Windows 7: Call CtrlRoutine by injecting a thread into another process with CreateRemoteThread

Hello, I have a process that has a CtrlBreak handler by calling SetConsoleCtrlHandler. This handler listens for CTRL_BREAK_EVENT and performs some action (without quitting). This process is not attached to a console. Let's call this the target process. Next, I have written a separate program which takes a PID and I'd like to start a rem...

WPF Youtube app running on Windows 7

Hello, I'm building a WPF application that should be able to play Youtube videos. But there are some problems running the app on Windows 7. When I follow the article by Sacha Barber it shows a pop-up saying "File download security warning" which isn't very nice, I don't want the user to have to click ok every time. Then there's a secon...

Access to HKLM registry branch on Win 7 from within application

Is is possible to write to the HKLM registry branch in Win 7 from an application? My existing code is not able to write to the HKLM registry branch on Win 7 machines, while it is able to do this on XP machines. How do you allow an application read/write access to HKLM on Win 7, or should all applications now just use HKCU instead? Wha...