
Does Windows 7 treat full-screen applications differently?

I have a hidden process that waits for non-standard hardware button messages and runs an application (with CreateProcess). No problem with the user disturbing, it's an action that the user approved himself. Everything is fine when it's usual layout with taskbar shown and multiply captioned and non captioned- windows. But the situation is...

Accessing directories being accessed via windows explorer

How can I get the window directories being accessed by user in C# on Windows 7? I do have a list of recent directories here but it is not realtime. Also when I start my system the list is empty. RegistryKey reg = Registry.CurrentUser; reg.GetValue(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\TypedPaths") Following location ha...

How do I get battery information in windows?

I have two laptops here. One is running Vista, the other Windows 7. I need to get the specifications on the batteries in both, how do I go about that? The reason I'm asking is that I'd like to know if they're lithium ion or something else. Supposedly other types of batteries may have adversely affected charge capacities if left plugged...

Adding Taskbar context menu to win7 application

Where can I find documentation about adding a context menu (EDIT: jumplist) to a windows 7 application? You know, when you right click on the application icon on the taskbar. Can I do that using .NET? Or do I need to use native code? Thank you! ...

VB.NET - integrate Win7 taskbar progress without the external DLLs?

Hey trying to make a fancy little app here in VB.NET framework 4. I've seen several programs which utilise windows 7's taskbar progressbar, but they have it embedded in the application when i googled and attempted to do this, my program had to lug around 3 extra dlls when its supposed to be a single executable, and highly portable. how c...

Simulating mouse move in Math Input Panel (Windows 7)

I would like to compare my application for handwritten mathematical symbols recognition with the Math Input Panel (MIP) contained in Windows 7. I have a library of recorded mouse strokes representing different mathematical formulas and I need to send them to the MIP to measure its performance. I tried to simulate mouse move but it's not...

Access to the path denied on Windows 7 (System.UnauthorizedAccessException)

I'm getting this error (see title) while trying to parse an XML file in my ASP.NET MVC application. I'm in the early stages of development and I'm just trying to get this working with Visual Studio 2010's built-in DEV server. I have tried every combination of the following and still no luck: Granting FULL access to the NETWORK SERVICE...

Solr - use 64-bit Java, not 32-bit Java on Windows 7 64-bit

I have a Windows 7 64-bit machine. I have Java Runtime Environment for both 32-bit and 64 bit installed on the machine. How do I tell Solr to use the 64-bit version of JRE when I start up Solr? ...

Win7 Drag&Drop: Possible to find out if COleDataObject contains shell library?

I have an application with a file and folder list control which supports Drag&Drop operations. Now I would like to make it possible for the user to be able to drop a Windows 7 Library (e.g. Music, Pictures and so on) into this control. In my drop handler I have a COleDataObject and now I'm trying to find out, if a library has been dropp...

Can a manifest resource be added to a VB6 project using the Resource Editor?

We have a VB6 project that compiles to an ActiveX EXE that happens to have the word "patch" in the filename (it is part of a police dispatch system), which is causing Installer Detection on Windows 7 to think that it requires elevation. Rather than renaming the EXE, I want to embed a manifest resource into the compiled EXE that will req...

Error installing windows azure sdk for 64 bit OS - Windows 7

I tried installing Windows Azure SDK on Windows 7 Professional, with IIS 7.5, but failed. The system says,et "To use this software you should enable windows internet information services 7.0 with Asp.Net support.See the product release notes for details" I also got into framework 4.0 from the commmand prompt and ran aspnetregiis -i , ...

IDAPI , BdeAdmin and Windows 7

After many months of postponing it, this week, I finally started using a new Windows 7 Professional PC for actual development (which is 90% still done in Delphi 7 with some of these programs still using the Borland IDAPI to access Paradox files). The previous development pc was still an XP-one. Every thing works except for one thing: so...

How can I make a T9 style on-screen keyboard for Windows?

Sometimes at night, I like to watch movies in bed, or TV shows online. This is convenient since my computer is right beside my desk, so I just spin one of my monitors around, disable my other screen and pull my mouse over. My keyboard doesn't quite reach without re-routing the cable in a way that doesn't work when I move back to my desk ...

Which variation of Windows 7 (32/64) has a foreground window activation bug?

Recently I developed a program that should run a process and make it foreground. Everything was ok except for one case: when there's a full-screen application active currently, the one that due to non-captioned styles and screen dimensions hides tasbar and fills all the area of the screen. In this case in Windows 7 the running applicatio...

Detecting windows shutdown event

I have a windows Service always running once PC started, how would i detect using .NET 3.5 or WMI, when the user or some other application/process has requested a shutdown or reboot in windows. I do not want to stop it, just log the time and who initiated the shutdown (user or process is fine, don't really need to know which process) T...

Sharing a repository on a dual-boot between Ubuntu and Windows 7?

Hi, I just recently set my computer up to dual-boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu. I added a shared partition for music, pictures etc... I was wondering, is it feasible to have a code repository that is shared on the common partition? ie when I'm running Windows, I can control/update it and also the same while in Ubuntu. Is a particular reposit...

Any reason I'd get a NullReference exception on Windows 7 only?

My C#, .NET 4, app runs fine on XP (media centre to be exact - don't ask). On Windows 7, it installs fine, but immediately borks. It complains about a NullReferenceException in the callback of a background worker. (I'd love to give you more information, but short of installing VS on the target machine, this is all I can get.) So, anyth...

C# Samples for Windows Parental Controls API

Can anyone point me to some C# samples for the Windows Parental Controls API. I want to add some functionality that will allow a user to set the duration their child can be logged on in a day. I want to do this as a F/OSS app so that others can benefit from this too. Cheers. ...

How to make *.py files have the python icon in Win7?

Hi! Installed the IronPython tools for VS 2010 but it didn't associate the *.py files to VS, neither did it (obviously) change the *.py files' icon. How do I do that in Windows 7? ...

Port 32-Bit Windows driver to 64-Bit Windows

Since our applications run in fullscreen mode, we have developed a keyboard hooking driver to disable user input for keys like ALT+F4, CTRL+ALT+DEL and so forth. The driver is developed in C using the Windows Driver Kit. Compiling for 32-Bit works and it loads the driver on Windos 7 32-Bit and it works as expected. Compiling for 64-Bi...