
WDDM 1.1 for Windows 7

Hi, I am trying to install WDDM 1.1 for windows 7. But I could not get any link which gives the installer. I installed Nvidia, but I t installs WDDM 1.0. Please give a link which installs WDDM 1.1. ...

Adjusting keyboard shortcuts on Windows

How to change default shortcuts? For example, I want to try Caps+S instead of Ctrl+C. ...

using rundll32 user32.dll to indicate that a user's environment has changed.

I do not have the ability to modify environement variables in windows 7. However I have been granted permission to modify the registry settings. So for example I can modify: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment Key: BPATH which is appended to the end of my System's pathEnv. but when I make ...

Aero in Window7

Hi, Can somebody please let me know that how we can find out if Aero has been configured and running in Window 7 enterprise edition 32 Bit virtual machine. I would really appreciate it. Thanks, ...

Wix: Copy files in Custom Action to Programm Directory ( Windows 7)

Hi, in our project we want to copy 2 files, which are not included in the *.msi file. Therefore i created a managed custom action which copies the files using File.Copy(). The files should be copied to my installation dir, which is somewhere under C:\Program Files\... With Windows XP everything works fine. But in Windows 7 their is a p...

Windows 7 How to write to "Programs Folder\app directory" using visual studio

I have developed software and am trying to protect it from being copied from one machine to another by writing all of the machine MAC addresses to a text file in the root apps folder for the program on the first run of the app. Everytime the app is run thereafter it checks to see if the text file is there and compares data in the text f...

Ruby, Rails, and Windows 7 x64

Just wanted to know if anyone out there has had the same difficulty as I have - I've done a vanilla install of Ruby 1.9.1 using the windows installer, with only a couple of gems: actionmailer (2.3.8) actionpack (2.3.8) activerecord (2.3.8) activeresource (2.3.8) activesupport (2.3.8) bson (1.0.3) jnunemaker-validatable (1.8.4) mongo (1....

WPF Windows 7 application hangs

I have a .Net 3.5 WPF application that works fine on many windows 7 computers but on a few it hangs directly on startup before the window is displayed. The machines are running 64-bit win 7 and .Net 4 is installed. There are other machines with the same configuration that works. No error message is displayed and nothing is written in t...

How to give Website permission to create further Websites in IIS 7.5?

I'm creating a website in IIS 7.5 (with Windows 7) that needs to be able to create further websites. I've written code that uses Microsoft.Web.Administration to create the website programmatically, and this works fine when I run it as administrator. Now I'm trying to use the same code in the context of my web application. It fails with ...

Is it possible silently run something as Administrator

How to trick UAC in Vista and Windows 7? How can I run something that needs not just administrator rights, but especially must be told to run as Administrator. I've tried start a process with given admin credentials, and even tried to use win32 function CreateProcessAsUser, but still unless I tell it manually "run as Administrator" it d...

Tomcat 6 in Windows 7

I am having problem with Tomcat 6.0 in Windows 7. I installed it to work with EasyEclipse Server Java and changed it's configuration to Manual. But now when I try to Configure Tomcat, I get " Access is denied Unable to open the service 'Tomcat6' ". Also now when I start and stop Tomcat within EasyEclipse I get the following error: C:\Pr...

Setting Default Programs

Can someone tell me how the Programs listing is populated when setting the default programs? I want to add and remove a few but do not see how to do it. Thanks From the start menu: Control Panel\Programs\Default Programs\Set Default Programs ...

Windows 7 taskbar icon not displayed in .net 3.5 application

My application is in .net 3.5 its icon appears fine on the Windows 7 taskbar when I am running the application. But, when I pin my application to the taskbar, the icon dispappears and is replaced with the default windows "no icon" image. I tried making a 48 bit image for my .ico but that didn't solve the problem. ...

EXE from Delphi 2006 : Buttons/Checkbox/Radios not visible until mouse is hovered (on Vista/Win7)

Under Windows Vista and Win7 there is a problem with applications created by Delphi (we use Delphi 2006, but it seems other versions have the same problem) which contain the XP manifest. All descendants of TButtonControl (TButton, TCheckBox, TRadioButton, but not TBitBtn) are not visible after a form is initially shown. The controls app...

Creating new Rails project with Aptana fails with "/<project name>/public does not exist"

I am using Windows 7 and Ruby 1.8.7. I get the following error message when I start a new Rails project: Problem Occured 'Replace project index file' has encountered a problem. Resource '/Foobar/public' does not exist. (where 'Foobar' is the name of my new project). Any ideas? ...

WiX project error when opening up solution in Visual Studio

I have a solution with a WiX project in it. Everytime I open it I get an error and then the WiX project is displayed as unavailable. The error is: Setup\Setup.wixproj : error : Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component. If I right click on the project and then select Reload Project it works fine. I've t...

c++/cli dll problem on Windows 7 without vs2008 installed.

OK, here is my weirdness for today. I create extensions to an existing C++ program that I DO NOT have access to the source code. I write standard C/C++ dlls and I use IJW to call C# dlls. I have not done this in awhile, but now I'm trying to get one to work on Window 7. I get an error (Error 0000036B1 - Not sure if that is an interna...

about turbo c working under windows 7

i am using windows 7 64 bit laptop.i installed turbo c and write programs using dosbox, but i can't run the program.... when run is selected it show some message like not an :exe plz give solution to this problem ...

Batch File Works in Windows Vista; Results in "File Not Found" on Windows 7

The following batch file, meant to parse a directory and send each file to the specified program, works in Windows Vista x64: @ECHO OFF FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=." %%A IN ('dir /b /on *.mts') DO ( "C:\Program Files (x86)\DGAVCDecode\DGAVCIndex.exe" -i %%A.%%B -o %%~nA.dga -f 2 -a -e ) In Windows 7 x64, cmd returns "File Not Foun...

VS-2008 cannot find localhost, how can I get it to find it again?

I am using IIS 7.5 on Windows 7, Visual Studio 2008 and a MVC2 Web Application. I previously built the web application on the built in server then swapped over to IIS, all was good. I added SSL and port 443 into the bindings and since then have not been able to get VS to find localhost. When I try to create a virtual directory through...