
Problems debugging a program that needs admin rights under Win7

I'm running VS2K8 in Win7 64-bit. I'm logged in as admin and I'm running it as admin, but the program I'm working on fails with access denied when I call a restricted API. If run the program from Explorer with "Run as Administrator" it works. I was under the belief that VS2K8 debugs programs with whatever rights VS2K8 itself is running ...

Use Windows 7 taskbar features in VS 2008 with MFC

Hello, Is it possible to use the new taskbar Windows 7 features in Visual Studio 2008, with MFC? I know it is possible in VS 2010 and in VS2008 using WTL, But what about in VS 2008, is it possible to update MFC to v10? Thank you. ...

svn Error: a versioned directory of the same name already exists.

I am trying to switch my local folder from Branch to Trunk. I get the following error. Failed to add directory 'Drive:\Path\To\The\Directory' a versioned directory of the same name already exists What is the resolution for this? ...

I'm trying to install the MySQL connector on a windows 7 systembut it doesn't show up in the ODBC add window!

This is under Windows 7 64 bit. I downloaded the 64 bit drivers and as a matter of fact I tried all the windows drivers(uninstalling the previous ones first though). But when I try to configure a new ODBC connection the MySQL driver doesn't show up. Do I need to install some other package before I can get the connector to work? Like MDA...

Displaying current language layout in traybar

Basically I want to write an application which would display the current language as a tray icon. Mainly I can code C++ and C#. Guess Google would help me out but I would like to ask it here first, since the community, the knowledge here is something I trust. (Never wrangled with such parts of the system so far. So that's why I would ...

Can you use VISTA sized icons when you use 'Load icon' in Delphi 7 ?

I cannot load icons which contain Vista sized icons when using the 'Load icon' in the application tab of Delphi 7. Does someone knows how to display icons bigger than 48x48 in Vista and Windows 7 using an application developed in Delphi 7? ...

setProperty must be overridden by all subclasses of SOAPMessage

Hello! My environment is: Windows7 32, jboss-5.1.0.GA, jdk1.6.0_20. When trying to run a SOAP-message I get the following error: In short: #java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: setProperty must be overridden by all subclasses of SOAPMessage Whole error: I can not figure out how to solve this. I've...

Cheap Code signing to be "Windows 7 compatible"

Hi all, I am currently looking for "Windows 7 compatible" certification, and to get it, you need to implement code signing. Now I look for a cheap certificate, and I found in this thread some cheap alternatives to Verisign certificates. Somewhere one the net I found comments that Microsoft only accepts Verisign certificates. Is this t...

Which programs must have manifest resource?

New microsoft's IDEs like Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 creates exe files with manifest resource by default. But i still have some projects in Visual Studio 6 and i need to compile them to be maximum compatible with Win Vista and Win 7. So i have many questions about manifest resources: 1. Is manifest resource required to create well-formed...

Not drawing a thickframe on a CWnd

I've got an application window in which I'm adding the WS_THICKFRAME style and I have removed the WS_CAPTION style. When the window maximizes, I want to hide the WS_THICKFRAME, but retain the Aero-Snap feature, so I have altered my handler for WS_NCCALCSIZE to return an inflated rect with respect to the size of the window borders. That ...

Git push origin master returns Error cannot spawn ... why?

I'm trying to use GitHub for the first time, but after many issues trying to get the authentication right, I've managed to authenticate with [email protected] and created a repo, but when i try "git push origin master" i get the following error: $ git push origin master error: cannot spawn : No such file or directory fatal: unable to fork ...

twofaced file problem

I'm reading in my program some files from system32 folder; and one of these files (C:\Windows\System32\gdi32.dll) demonstrates a very strange behavior. When I'm reading it from my program, it shows size of 310'784 bytes; and when I view it's size from Explorer, it shows size of 404'480 bytes. How could that be? ...

Problem in Communicating with Digitally SIgned c# com dll from c++ in WIN 7 ultimate

Hi All, I have a c# com dll which I register to registry Using regasm . I communicate with this c# dll from a c++ exe . I use create instance to initialize the dll . when both these components are not signed digital it is working perfectly . when they are digitally signed cocreate instance fails. get last error says "Token not found...

Exception not throwing (in Win7?)

Hi I have application reads in data from text file. Recently I realized that I should make a data checker for the data in the text file, to see if I can display/handle it correctly. Basically at the moment all the checker does is see if data is in the correct format, i.e. double is a double, int is int, etc... And if it isn't I'm thro...

c# code. works on win xp dosent work on win 7

ok so i started making a 3d game. then i stopped for a some time and installed win7. now i wanted to keep working on it just to discover that the code freezes! on xp i render the view onto the form. and the game loop AND all the game forms run on the same thread! this WORKED on xp. now in win7 the 3d loop still works the same BUT all th...

Is there any major difference between XAMPP and LAMP

Recently I sent my CV to a small company, which required a web developer, but condition was, that the one should know how to work with LAMP. So I took part in contest, but today I started to think are those packages as similar as I think. So could anyone tell me, are they? I am using: XAMPP (Basispaket) version 1.7.1 on Windows 7 ...

WM_COPYDATA in Windows 7 blocks application if modal window open

Hello, I have the following scenario: the application receives a WM_COPYDATA it extracts the information (some characters) and is processing the message while processing it displays a window, simulating a modal dialog (disabling its owner; the thread that created the main window, the owner of the modal window, is the same that created...

Visual Studio Ultimate 2010: Check win7 SDK?

I'm trying to compile some code from a Windows API. It says that certain .lib and .h files must be included in the version of the Windows 7 SDK I am using. Visual Studio shows the .h files, but gives linker errors (L2019) when I try to build the project. How can I check what version of the Win7 SDK I have, and how can I see if it includ...

VS 2010: LNK2019 error for Win7 API

I'm trying to use a Win7 API. I copy/pasted a code sample, and it won't compile because of LNK2019 errors. However, if I go to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows", I see that I have the necessary .lib files. What am I doing wrong? Is it possible that the files are on my machine, but VS isn't recognizing them somehow? ...

Script elements written with document.write in a window opened with are not executed in IE8 on Windows 7

I'm running into an issue that seems to only appear on Windows 7. It seemed to work fine in IE8 on a different version of Windows. Basically, I'm creating a new window with, then using document.write() to write the contents of that new window, which contains script includes. In IE, these scripts are not being executed pr...