
ServiceController.Stop() doesn't appear to be stopping anything

My dev box is a Windows 7 (x64) machine. I've got some code (C#, .net 2.0) that in certain circumstances, checks to see if a service is running and then stops it. ServiceController matchedService = //My Service! //If statements and such matchedService.Stop(); matchedService.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped); Now, I can...

Detect Windows 7 in .net

How can I detect Windows 7 (versions) in .net? What code can I use? ...

How do I set AppUserModelID on shortcut?

I'm in Windows 7 working on combining two apps with the same task bar icon, as described in this question: I see there, and it lots of online documentation that I need to set the AppUserModelID as a property of the shortcut. My installe...

How to modify TaskDialog's Show() call to be blocking and return a value when closed?

I'm using the WindowsAPICodePack's TaskDialog implementation, but it bugs me that I have to listen to click handlers on its buttons for even the more basic implementations. I'd like to convert/wrap it so that like the old MessageBox it blocks until closed and then returns a value based on what was done. Is there anything I can read for t...

JumpList and ClickOnce - is this combination possible?

I have a WPF application which uses a JumpList (Recent only). Everything works perfectly until I deploy it using ClickOnce - the JumpList simply does not show (BTW, it does not show as well when running under VS debugger. Anybody knows if it is possible to have JumpList working from a ClickOnce deployed app? ...

windows 7 compatibility windows registry windows xp issue

Hi, I have an application developed in VC++ 2010 , it runs in xp , it also runs in Windows 7 when i check the run in XP mode. When i check the run in xp mode , it sets a string value in HK_LOCAL_USER \Software\microsoft\windowsNT\currentversion\appcompatflags\layers folder , and runs well. When i set the same value in the folder throug...

Wanted: WinAPI calls logger

There was an "API Monitor" program, but it seems discontinued. Doesn't work on my system. Is there any such tool, which can work on Windows 7 x64? I need to log API calls from a selected set, better when parameter values. ...

VB.NET disable the keyboard and mouse

I am looking to create a VB.NET application. when the application is opened it will disable the keyboard and mouse so if you hit any keys it does nothing and you can not move the mouse. (even if currently selected window is not that of application). MUST WORK ON WINDOWS 7! Thanks in advance. ...

c# how can i make sure that my application will look the same on other systems?

hi .. how do i make sure that the application iam developing will look the same on other windows-systems? iam developing now on a windows7, with .net 3.5 framework .. (VS 2008) as an example, i have a toolbar, that i changed its rendermode to system, it looks ok on my windows7, but when i run the application on windows xp, it is differ...

C# Drag drop does not work on windows 7

I have had a project for quite a while using C# winforms. I implemented a drag-drop function before windows 7 was release. Worked like a charm. However, when using windows 7 it does not work. The event doesn't even get triggered. AllowDrop is set to true. When subscribing to DragEnter it does not get called in windows 7 (not sure about ...

Msysgit bash is horrendously slow in Windows 7

I love git and use it on OSX pretty much constantly at home. At work, we use svn on Windows, but want to migrate to git as soon as the tools have fully matured (not just TortoiseGit, but also something akin the really nice Visual Studio integration provided by VisualSVN). But I digress... I recently installed msysgit on my Windows 7 m...

Saving Data to Registry on Windows 7

I heard that Windows 7 restricts access to its registry, so that applications cannot write directly to it. Is this so? I am developing an application in C#, and I would like to be able to save things such as port settings, last file used, etc. between sessions. Is the registry still a good option, or is there another preferred means o...

Assign hotkeys to windows (and remember size & location). AHK

Hi, I have found the following script for dynamically assigning hotkeys to already open windows: Code (Expand): Loop 10 { i := A_Index - 1 HotKey #^%i%,DynHotkey HotKey #%i%, DynHotkey HotKey #!%i%,DynHotkey } Exit DynHotkey: StringRight i, A_ThisHotKey, 1 StringMid what,A_ThisHotKey, 2, 1 var := var%i% IfEqual...

Why wont my .NET 3.5 app run on fresh installation of windows7?

In C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework i see v3.0 and v3.5. I found that path in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\InstallRoot which also has that path. In C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework i see versions from 1 to 3.5 My app was built in msvs2010rc1 targeting 3.5. In fact in my project files i ...

the '.htaccess' file won't work on my apache server

Hi, I have an Apache server installed on my windows machine using XAMPP. Now I'm trying to use a premade .htaccess file for one of my projects, but it doesn't seem to be seeing it. The project just totally ignores it, even though I've enabled mod_rewrite. Any idea how I can troubleshoot this? I can't fix it if it just doesn't work and ...

How do you get Windows Mobile Device Center to detect a Windows Phone 7 Series emulator?

Hello, I'm running some tests and need to be able to get Windows Phone 7 Series emulator synced with an exchange account or local Outlook account via the Device Center. I'm using the unlocked version of the emulator so that i actually have a reasonable set of software on the phone to work with. When the emulator launches i expect the ...

WatiN LogonDialogHandlers not working correctly in Windows 7

I have recently updated to Windows 7, VS2010 and IE8. We have an automation suite running tests against IE using WatiN. These tests require the logon dialog handler to be used in order to log different AD Users into the IE Browser. This works perfectly when using Windows XP and IE8, but now using Windows 7 has resulted in the Windows S...

Howto create a C# Application that blocks pc hibernation?

I want to make a program to wake me up, but if I leave it and go to sleep the pc ends up sleeping. How can I force it to never sleep if this application is running? I'm on Windows 7 x64. ...

Toggle between "Extend these displays" and "Show desktop only on 1"

I'm looking for a way to programmatically alter the video properties in Windows 7. I'd like to toggle the Multiple display state (as seen in Control Panel > Appearances and Personalization > Display > Screen Resolution) between "Extend these displays" and "Show desktop only on 1". This is the sort of thing that I think is probably doab...

Don't see Entity Framework Template after Visual Studio 2010 install on Windows 7 64 bits

I just install Visual Studio 2010 on a 64 bit VM with Windows 7 64 bit. The VM is on an ESXi Hypervisor. When I tried to create my first project I don't see the Entity Framework template (ADO .NET Entity Framework). Am I missing a step here? Any and all help is appreciated. ...