
Coding an application so that it runs properly on windows 7...?

I have a flash drive which has an application whose code is written VC++ 2008 , the application works fine in xp , but the problem arises when i plug in the drive to a windows 7 machine , it doesn't run properly. is there any way that i can make it compatible to windows by writing a code. i dont want to set the compatibility tab in wind...

Pin WPF window on the desktop in Windows 7

I want to pin a WPF window on the desktop (it should be a desktop gadget). I know you can do this by setting the parent handle of the WPF window to the handle of the "progman" window. But this does not prevent the hiding of the WPF window when "Windows + D" is pressed. There must be another way do to this. The new desktop gadgets in W...

WPF Manipulation and Touch events not firing, but mouse events do?

I have a Samsung LD220Z multi touch monitor, and when I'm experimenting with some WPF and touch features the touch events arent firing. The mouse down event seems to be firing however. Does this mean that I have to take into account that not all touch screen behave the same, and how do I get the touch inputs on my screen? I've tried the...

How to get smartcard reader name in Windows 7 using C# or C/C++?

Hi! I'm trying to make a C# program which will use a C .dll (unfortunately, the .dll doesn't have good documentation) to access a smart card. One of the functions of the .dll uses name of the reader as argument. My problem is that I don't know how to get the name. After looking for answers I found something similar to what I need in an...

List of open files held by a process?

I am just starting off with C#. I managed to get a list of running processes and getting a particular process ID. Can someone tell me how to get a list of files that are opened by a given process ID? ...

GraphicsDevice is null in my XNA Windows Game project

Hello All, I have just started trying to make a simple game with XNA 3.1 to help myself learn C# and XNA. I have run into a bit of an interesting problem, however. In all of the tutorials, one is supposed to pass GraphicsDevice when instantiating a new spriteBatch object like this: spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); One ...

How do I best implement my Windows desktop and service C# applications automatic updates?

My project contains WinForms, WPF, and Windows Service programs running on users' office desktop PCs. I want these applications to periodically check for new versions available at specific URL, automatically download new versions and replace themselves with new versions without attracting any user attention (keeping in mind that users ma...

How to handle this scenario when deploying C# application?

Yesterday I was trying to get a list of files opened by a particular process but it seemed to be a gigantic task to do using C#. Someone pointed me to this nifty program called Handle by Mark Rusinovich. The program seems to suffice my needs but the licensing prevents me from redistributing it (which from what I understand means that I...

How to handle Win+Shift+LEft/Right on Win7 with custom WM_GETMINMAXINFO logic?

I have a custom windows implementation in a WPF app that hooks WM_GETMINMAXINFO as follows: private void MaximiseWithTaskbar(System.IntPtr hwnd, System.IntPtr lParam) { MINMAXINFO mmi = (MINMAXINFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(MINMAXINFO)); System.IntPtr monitor = MonitorFromWindow(hwnd, MONITOR_DEFAULT...

where can i find crash logs for ad-hoc iphone applications on windows 7

Hi, My ad-hoc beta testers reported a crash, that i cannot reproduce on my device. How can i retrieve crash logs from their device? They use itunes on windows 7. What is the path to crash logs of iphone applications on windows 7? TIA ...

Changes in Access DB are not saved since updating to Windows 7

Hi I'm working with a program that accesses an MS-Access DB. The problem is that if I open the db file with Access, the values I see aren't the values I see when I'm using the program. For example, There is a table PARAMS with various program variables, one of them is the date I last loaded a certain file. In access it reads April 12th ...

how to add my snap-in to MMC

i'm dveloping simple c# application under windows 7 as an span-in to mmc as in this link after adding the dll to GAC i used installutil.exe to install the snap-in but i couldn't find it in add/remove snap-ins please help ...

How to prepopulate an Outlook MailItem and avoiding a com Exception from the object model guard

Hi, I work for a company that develops a CRM tool and offers integration with MS Office(2003 & 2007) from windows XP to 7. (I'm working using Win7) My task is to call an Outlook instance (using C#) from this CRM tool when the user wants to send an email and prepopulate with data of the CRM tool (email, recipient, etc..) All of this al...

What version of the TWAIN specification does the twain.dll that comes with Window 7 64bit implement?

I'm trying to determine what version of the TWAIN specification I can write my software to utilize and want to find out which version of the specification the twain.dll that comes with Win7 x64 implements. The file info is as follows: File Version: Product Name: Twain Source Manager Product Version: 1,7,0,0 Size: 92.5KB Date Mo...

Where is a safe place to store log files that is compatable with XP, Vista, and Windows 7?

I have a winforms app that needs to write out logs. The app also needs to run without UAC warnings and using a non-admin account. Where can I write my logs without running afoul of the default security settings? In addition, this has to work on Windows XP, Vista, and 7. Extra points if all users can write to the same set of log files. ...

Fast screen capture and lost Vsync

Hi, I'd like to generate a movie in real time with a self-made application doing fast screen captures with part of the screen occupied by a running 3D application. I'm aware that several applications already exist for this (like FRAPS or Taksi), and even dedicated DirectShow filters (like UScreenCapture), but i really need to make this...

Emacs on Windows for C++ development configuration?

Has anyone set up cygwin and some emacs to work well under a 64-bit Windows 7? I tried downloading cygwin recently, and by default not even dired works reliably, there are odd shell prompt characters, I get a lot of warnings, in one case C-c was read as C-g and caused various errors. (Neither xemacs nor emacs worked for me, where by "w...

GWT application not displaying data on Windows 7 Starter Edition

I have a GWT application that works great on all platforms/browsers etc. Then we tried Windows 7 Starter Edition. For all browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox) none of the dynamically displayed data appears in the application. We know that the machine is ok because Google Wave works fine and its also a GWT application. I'm at a loss. What co...

Message queue 'number of messages' is always 0.

I am trying to send messages to MSMQ on Windows 7 using C#. The code is as below: using(var q = new MessageQueue(".\Private$\hellomsmq")) { q.Send(new Message()); } But when I refresh in Computer Management the 'number of messages' (Message Queuing/Private Queues/hellomsmq) stays at 0. I did not get any exceptions/errors while per...

How to force C# App to run as administrator on Windows 7

Hi Once my C# program is installed on a client machine, how to force my program to run as administrator on Windows 7. Thank's in advance ...