
Why can't my C# app create files in Windows 7?

I have a C# app that creates a settings file for itself to store the current state of certain visual elements. This app works just fine on any machine that isn't running Windows 7, but on those machines we get an error that the settings file can't be created because the user doesn't have permission. Now, I could fix this issue by going t...

php.ini not being read with windows 7 installation

I have installed php successfully on a Windows 7 machine but I can not for the life of me get it to read the php.ini file. I have uncommented out the line for php to use mysql and when I run phpinfo(), it never shows up. I have checked to make sure there is only one php.ini file on my entire c:\ drive and it's sitting in my c:\windows ...

Unicode filenames on windows in ruby

I have a piece of code that looks like this: do |entry| puts entry end The problem comes when I have a file named こんにちは世界.txt in the directory that I list. On a Windows 7 machine I get the output: ???????.txt From googling around, properly reading this filename on windows seems to be an impossible task. Any s...

Create a Dellicious Bookmarklet in Firefox using Delicious API

I want to create a Delicious bookmarklet in Firefox that bookmarks the current page with a predefined tag. For proof of concept, if I enter this url, it works: https://john:[email protected]/v1/posts/add?url= description= But this as a bookmarklet doesn't, I get ac...

Windows 7 Create Folder in "Program Files" failing in C# code even thought I have admin rights!

Hi, I am unable to create a file under "program files" folder on my Windows 7 64-bit machine in VS 2008 WPF C# code. The error I get on the following code myFile = File.Create(logFile); is the following. (this is the innerException stack trace). at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) ... loading a file encounters "Access to the path … is denied" in development on Windows 7

Hi there, I have an app that simply reads an xml file and this code used to work fine on Vista with VS2008, now I just moved to Windows 7 and I migrated the code to VS2010, I encoutered “Access to the path [path to my webapp folder] is denied". Nothing else is changed, I tried to change folder perms even though I didn't think ...

Update of application Icon in Windows-7 Taskbar

I have a normal MFC Application with an embedded icon. If I start the application, the icon is shown inside the windows-7 taskbar. But when I change the icon inside the resources, rebuild the application and start it, the taskbar doesn't show the current icon, but the icon from the first run. There is no special code inside the applic...

How can i create a directory in drive C:\ ?

Hello SO's i am trying to create a directory in drive C: (at a win7 target machine) with Directory.CreateDirectory but so far no luck. I believe the problem has to do something with permissions-security... So here i am.. How can i create a directory in drive C? ...

How to deploy a report on a report server installed on a Windows7 machine?

I need to deploy a report using Reporting services but i'm getting this error, using visual studio to deploy the report The permissions granted to user 'Domain\user' are insufficient for performing this operation Right now i'm the administrator of the machine, so why i'm getting i don't hace enough permissions? Note: The scenario is ...

Tortoise SVN does not give option to "Add to SVN"

I've created an SVN repository and added folders and added contents and Committed. No problem. But when go to add a new folder (the others were on the P:\ drive, now I want to add our website which is on the C:\ drive) but Tortoise doesn't give me the option of Adding a folder. I have no idea why. Help file shows the instructions I'd ...

Registering a dll returns 0x80020009 error

I am trying to register with regsvr32.exe the prnadmin.dll (on a Win7 target machine) but i get this error 0x80020009 Any suggestions please? ...

Windows 7 dsound.dll load from dll crash

I'm getting a crash when loading dsound.dll from another DLL in Windows 7. The following code crashes: #include <Windows.h> #include <mmreg.h> #include <dsound.h> #include <assert.h> HRESULT (WINAPI *pDirectSoundEnumerateA)(LPDSENUMCALLBACKA pDSEnumCallback, LPVOID pContext); HMODULE hDsound; BOOL CALLBACK DSEnum(LPGUID a, LPCSTR b, LP...

UI not redrawing after display powered off on Win 7

Some portions of my application's interface are not getting refreshed after Windows 7 powers down the display. More specifically, I'm swapping out images, User Controls, and a button's content while the display is powered off and after it has been restarted, and this isn't being reflected in the UI until I minimize and restore the window...

FileUpload ASP.NET control not working under Windows 7

I have a User Control that contains a System.Web.UI.WebControls.FileUpload control as well as a button to 'Submit'. When the button is clicked code similar to the following is executed: If FileUploadControl.HasFile Then 'Save the file and do some other stuff End If This code works just fine with Windows XP. However, if I run it f...

MSMQ private queue size limit

Hi, I am trying to put messages in a private queue defined on my local computer, but the queue size cannot exceed 8 MB. I am getting an exception every time after that size is reached. The size for the specific queue is set at 10 GB. I am running Windows 7 Professional. Is there a limitation because of that? ...

Unable to use IIS7 with Visual Studio 2010, MVC2.0 and NET4

Here is my environment Windows7, Visual Studio 2010, MVC2.0 and NET4 My default web site is configured to use ASP.NET v4.0 application pool. Here is an easy way to reproduce my problem Create a new MVC2 application Open the properties Window Go to the Web tab Check "Use IIS Local Web Server" Click on "Create Virtual Directory" button ...

What do I have to do and how much does it cost to get a device driver for Windows Vista / 7 (32 and 64 bit) signed?

I've got some drivers which are basically LibUSB-Win32 with a new .inf file do describe product/vendor ids and strings which describe my hardware. This works fine for 32 bit windows, but 64 bit versions have problems; namely that Microsoft in their wisdom require all drivers to be digitally signed. So my questions are thus: Is there a...

Multiple Progress Bar States in WPF

I'm currently developing a WPF application in C# and I want to have a progress bar control that can be in a "paused" state as well as an "error" state. Much like this: Unfortunately, that's a Windows Forms control and implementing it via a Windows Forms Host proved to be incompatible. My question...

Visual Studio requires elevated permissions in Windows 7

I'm running Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 7. When I try to attach to a process, VS tells me to restart under different credentials (with elevated permissions). So I have to restart VS and run it as Administrator. Is there a way to set it up so VS always starts with Admin privileges? ...

Windows service only gets called when Visual Studio is attached to process

I've created a simple windows service in C# using Visual Studio 2010. It uses a TcpListener and socket to listen for messages on a given port. This worked absolutely perfectly when my laptop had Windows Vista on it. However, since upgrading to Windows 7 and re-installing my service it only responds if I'm attached to the process and d...