
tool for monitoring the windows messages used by an external application

i am looking a tool for monitoring the windows messages fired by an external application in real-time. some time ago i used winsight32 (tool that ships with Delphi), but is very memory expensive and freeze my laptop. ...

Stealing the contents of another application's tree view

I have an application with a very large TreeView control in Java. I want to get the contents of the tree control in a list (just strings not a JList) of XPath-like elements of leaves only. Here's an example root |-Item1 |-Item1.1 |-Item1.1.1 (leaf) |-Item1.2 (leaf) |-Item2 |-Item2.1 (leaf) Would output: /Item1/Item1.1/I...

Different RegisterWindowMessage() names appear the same

Using the C/C++ Windows API RegisterWindowMessage() I am using the name of the application as the message name. Next I call CreatMutex() using the same name so that I can tell if it already exists. If it does, I know this application is already running and not to launch a second instance of it. THis is the operation of my function Runn...

Should I free a Delphi object auto-instantiated from a web services call?

Newbie question: I have a forms application. It has a separate thread which makes a web services call, and then posts the results of the call to the main form. In my thread, after X seconds have passed (using a TTimer), I call: procedure TPollingThread.OnTimer(Sender: TObject); var SystemProbeValues : TCWProbeValues; begin SystemPr...

How do I pass a struct (or class) message back and forth between a C# service and a separate VB 6 application?

I need to pass data between a c# service and a running vb 6 application, considering using Windows Messaging. How do I pass the data back and forth between a C# service and a running vb 6 application? Shortened sample of the data I am passing back and forth is below: namespace MainSection { public struct Info { private in...

How can I receive mouse events when a wrapped control has set capture?

My WndProc isn't seeing mouse-up notifications when I click with a modifier key (shift or control) pressed. I see them without the modifier key, and I see mouse-down notifications with the modifier keys. I'm trying to track user actions in a component I didn't write, so I'm using the Windows Forms NativeWindow wrapper (wrapping the com...

Is there a such thing as a double right-click in Win32?

I haven't found anything mentioning a double right-click windows message but am curious if anybody knows of events that fire for a double right-click. Any ideas? ...

How to handle lifecycle of dynamically allocated data in Windows messages?

Simple task: Send a windows message with dynamically allocated data, e.g. an arbitrary length string. How would you manage the responsibility to free this data? The receiver(s) of the windows message could be responsible to free this data. But: How can you guarantee that all messages will actually be received and thus the linked data wi...

how send data record using SendMessage(..) in separate process

i use to send a data on two separate process but it fails. it works only under same process... this is concept. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MainApps //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type PMyrec = ^TMyrec; TMyrec = Recor...

Preventing Windows shut down

To detect and prevent shutdown the computer I use very simple program. It has only one form and one private procedure like below: TForm3 = class(TForm) private procedure WMQueryEndSession(var Msg : TWMQueryEndSession) ; message WM_QueryEndSession; end; and the implementation procedure TForm3.WMQueryEndSession(var Msg: TWM...

Capture events and windows messages from one application to other.

I have a small windows application named X with a textbox and a button. This application could be a classic vb-6 application or a VC++ application. In my .net application I want to capture the button click event of the application X and get the value of textbox in X application. However I cannot change anything in application X. How do ...

C# - Capturing Windows Messages from a specific application

I'm writing a C# application which needs to intercept Window Messages that another applications is sending out. The company who wrote the application I'm monitoring sent me some example code, however it's in C++ which I don't really know. In the C++ example code I've got they use the following code: UINT uMsg = RegisterWindowMessage(S...

Stick Window to Other Window

Hello, I want to develop Windows program who can stick into other window. I searching fastest-way to do this. I can get by WinAPI all information about target window and move my window into good location and after it Sniffing Windows Messages of target window to searching resize or move window and after this doing move my window again....

Delphi - How do I Sending a windows message to TDataModule ?

Hi I need to send a windows message to a TDataModule in my Delphi 2010 app. I would like to use PostMessage(???.Handle, UM_LOG_ON_OFF, 0,0); Question: The TDataModule does not have a Handle. How I send a windows message to it? ...

Using WM_SHOWWINDOW to Show a Window instead of ShowWindow()

Hi, I’m trying to use the SendMessage function of a hotkey utility (or NirCMD, etc.) to get a hidden window to pop up. I can for example get windows to close by sending 0x0010 (WM_CLOSE), but when I try sending 0x0018 (WM_SHOWWINDOW) with a wParam of 1 and an lParam of 0, nothing happens. I’ve looked around, and the few places where so...

Restoring window started with "run as administrator"

Hi All, We have a customer requirement for our WPF application: - if child modal window is minimized -> than parent (main) window should be minimized as well. This is implemented by simple override in our base window class: protected override void OnStateChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnStateChanged(e); if (WindowSt...

How can a child window respond to a change in its parent

In a Win32 app is there a Windows message or some other notification that will get sent to a child window when it is placed into a different parent ...

Getting error id: 0 from Windows method: FindWindow.

Hi, im trying to send a Windows message to my Delphi application, but im having problems with the FindWindow method: im getting error id of 0 from the GetLastError method. Im running Vista and from what ive read this error is common in XP or earlier versions, but should work fine in Vista or Win 7 (maybe i misunderstood ?). This is ...

Problems with IPC SendMessage

Hi I'm having problems with my SendMessage. It seams like the message never reaches my form (I'm using Winspector Spy to see which messages that are registered in my form), which is strange because I'm shure I'm sending to the correct Handle for the current form. The SendMessage is within a dll but that should not have any thing to ...

What's a good way of connecting a Windows service with an interactive window (HWND) ?

I have two pieces of Windows technology which I'd like to plumb together: a TSP (a TAPI service provider) and an API wrapped around some hardware. The API accepts requests synchronously but returns success/fail/status result asynchronously by sending messages to a passed-down HWND. As I understand it, the problem is that because a TSP r...