
indexing server in windows 2008 is not indexing all files

im trying to index a folder that has some 2k pdf files. But it's not indexing 6 files. i copied those 6 and created a new catalog. it indexes. what could be wrong. i tried emptying the catalog and reindex it. still it's not indexing all files. Pls help. this is windows server 2008. -Vivek ...

Run Microsoft.Speech over IIS?

Hello, I have an app that uses Microsoft.Speech to recognize speech in a WAV file. It works perfectly when run locally as a console app but barfs when executed by IIS. Assuming I have the following installed on WinServer 2008 with .NET 3.5+: Microsoft Speech Platform - Software Development Kit (SDK) (Version 10.1) Microsoft Speech Pl...

How do you install a Ruby on Rails apps on Windows/IIS?

I'm trying to get Redmine working on Windows/IIS 7. I've found several walkthroughs online, but none of them work on my Windows Server 2008 R2 box. I got a simple app (create app, no customization) to get as far as RoR error, but Redmine itself shows a 500 error (ruby.exe exited unexpectedly). I installed sqlite since some guides ment...

IIS7 ASP classic Mysql and ODBC Driver problems

We have just moved our high volume ASP classic website from Windows server 2003, 32bit, iis6, Mysql to server 2008, 64bit, IIS7. We are experiance some truncated data and page slow downs on some pages that make a lot of calls on the DB. We are using ODBC Driver 3.51. We are pretty sure it is the ODBC driver but have no idea how to fix...

session0 isolation in Windows 2008/windows7

I have a C++ application which used Mutex, Events,Semaphores for synchronization. While hosted in windows 2008 server/Windows 7, this application is not starting from a remote client. I used telnet client to connect remotely to this application and saw that telnet server is running under session 0 and therefore it is trying to start my a...

Run com+ application when no user is logged into server

I have a com+ application that runs (initializes) through a web application. I have deployed it successfully on win XP (for testing) and on the Win Server 2008 but it only works when a user is logged-in. Since the server is hosted on an external location (GoDaddy in my case), I cannot just log in and leave the server with user locked-in...

PsExec & Windows Server 2008: Privileges & authentication issues

Hey guys, I'm writing an application that helps me auto-deploy my applications to my Windows Server 2008 machines. As apart of this process, I need remotely start and stop IIS websites on my 2008 servers from my test machine. From the scope of my 2008 machine, I'm using: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe stop site "MyWebsite" T...

Using .Net how can I check which users have resources (files/shares) open on a remote server?

Using .Net how can I check which users in our domain have resources (files, shares) open on a remote Windows server? If you have any C# examples I'd be grateful. ...

Application pool memory gets out of control after updating dlls

We are experiencing Memory issues every time we update the dll's using SVN. The IIS process(w3wp.exe) takes up more than 1GB of memory which is usually 300 - 400 Mb under normal conditions. So every time we update dll's we had to recycle the application pool. Is it because the old dlls are still cached even after updating them? Do we nee...

Hosting a php application on a Windows Server system. Any issues / advice?

We've built a php application that we need to host on a Windows Server 64 bit platform (due to another software being present that we need to access). However, our php application has been built on a linux environment. Is there anything we need to be watchful of when running apache and this php application on a Windows environment? ...

How do I create a new log in the Event Viewer with Command Prompt? (Windows Server 2008)

I'm looking for a way to create a new log in the Windows Event Viewer. With eventcreate, I can create an event for a certain log and source, but if I give a non existing log name, I get an error saying the '....' log does not exist. If I use the C# EventLog.CreateEventSource, the Log is automatically created. So, how do I create such a...

Connecting to remote MySQL problems...

Hi, Having a bit of a problem with mysql... Mysql 5.1 on windows 2008 server iis7 Site on windows 2003 server iis6 [sorry but can't move to linux kids! ;)] In the process of shifting a site to a new server so I have moved the database 1st and connected the site to the new database. I tested the connection before moving but now the si...

Is using processor usage for the automated scheduling of processes a good practice?

I've been having a debate of sorts with a co-worker who suggested that we allow some cpu intensive processes in our enterprise to poll CPU usage and execute their tasks when the CPU usage is low. My counter-point was that while cpu usage in an ideal system would denote the level of system activity on a given server, in actuality it has ...

Can't query AD (get a DirectoryServicesCOMException)

I'm attempting to query AD in an ASP.Net (4.0) application that is running on Windows Server 2008 R2 (IIS7 installed). (It also fails when running as a 2.0 application as well) This is nothing new for me, as I've done this many times before. I wrote a small ASP.Net program that runs fine on my own machine (Windows XP with IIS6), but fa...

flash doesn't load when hosted on windows 2008 server, I have to righ click -> play to run it

I have a website on IIS7, when hosted in windows 7 the flash was loading ok, but when I put him on win 2008 server they don't load fully, I just shows a gray square (without the loading), and to make it work I have to right click and click play anybody knows how to fix this ? ...

Weird behavior with ASP.NET in a web farm

We have 2 web servers in a web farm. We push files to web1 and have a schedule task running every 5 minutes that uses robocopy to copy the files over to web2. We have a website which uses some dlls and we changed one of dll recently to include new properties in a class. We also changed the website to consume those properties. We moved th...

Control IIS 7 server from Windows 2003 server programmatically

We run various jobs using a Windows 2003 server. Some of these jobs send app pool commands to web servers running IIS 6 (recycle, start, stop). Now we have a Windows 2008 web server running IIS 7, and we want to send the same commands. This is all done using C#. This is the code we use to send commands for IIS 6: var methodToInvoke = ...

Error when running powershell script to import users from csv using Import-Csv and New-QADUser into Active Directory

My script looks like this: $Users = Import-Csv "C:\users.csv" foreach ($User in $Users) { New-QADUser -Name $User.Name ` -ParentContainer $User.OU ` -FirstName $User.FirstName ` -LastName $User.LastName ` -UserPassword $User.userPassword ` -SamAccountName $User.sAMAccountName ` } When I run ...

Erlang application launch on a Windows server

I have an Erlang application that is deployed on a server with Windows Server 2008. The way I do this: Copy application folder in Erlang lib directory. Open command line (cmd). Execute erl. Execute application:start(app_name) in Erlang shell. Are there any better approaches to launch the application? How to make the application to l...

WebsitePanel can't find IIS_IUSRS Group

Hi! I've been trying to figure out why I can't add a website record to my domain on WebsitePanel. The server is running `Win Server '08 R2 with IIS7.5 EDIT 1: Having tried going over this since before the OP date, I've downloaded the source for WebsitePanel and I've determined that the group that it can't find is in fact IIS_IUSRS. An...